Top 7+ Activities for Students at Iowa City Holiday Market on Dec, 9

You may be surprised, but the culture of organizing holiday markets right before Christmas is not that American. It actually came from Germany, like bratwurst and hot mulled wine that you love so much. Holiday markets are usually accompanied by different events and concerts that add up to your Christmas spirit and the urge to buy presents for your family and friends. The truth is that you just can’t leave out such an experience because, otherwise, your holiday will not be complete. But don’t worry, Iowa City has taken care of that and will make sure you won’t miss a thing.

On December 9 this year you will have a shot at visiting the Iowa City Holiday Market. For you to make the most of it, we’ve made a list of activities that every student should try. Prepare some pocket money and warm gloves – away to the Christmas adventure!

1.  Buy Unique Presents

It’s difficult nowadays to find original gifts for your dear ones because the shops sell frippery produced for mass market, and you really want to stand out with your present. Well, the good news is that Iowa City Holiday Market will play host to local handcraft artists who will bring genuine products made with care and love. There, you will definitely find the gifts you want to give.

2.  Spend Time with Family

Whether you are a citizen of Iowa City or not, you can invite your family to the holiday market to spend some quality time together. Let’s face it: it’s difficult to be there for your loved ones when you’re in studies over your head and ears, and Christmas is supposed to be a family holiday. So, why not compensate for the lost hours and enjoy yourself with your home-folks while wandering among beautifully decorated wooden booths and real Christmas atmosphere?

3.  Buy Home Grown Food for Holidays

Of course, Wendy’s and KFC are not that bad for your food provision purposes. But if you want to celebrate the holiday the right way, you will need to do some cooking. And the best products that you can buy for your Christmas meal masterpieces can be found at Iowa City Holiday Market. Every year local farmers bring their homegrown foods that are famous for their high quality and taste. Don’t miss the chance to treat yourself to them!

4.  Support the Local Manufacturers

Buying from Iowa artists and farmers, you support their small and middle businesses. The products won’t be really expensive  – your student budget will surely afford the purchases. But as a result, you will contribute to the business development of Iowa citizens. So, prepare to be proud of yourself!

5.  Enjoy the Christmas Flavored Goodies

Sausages and steaks grilled on fresh, crisp air, ginger cookies, candies and pastries … these are foods waiting for you at Iowa City Holiday Market. Of course, you can eat them on any other day of the year, but the Christmas atmosphere and people’s mood make it much tastier and mouth-watering. And the drinks are a completely different story. Hot wine, cider, grog … OMG, admit it: you already can’t wait for the holiday market to come!

6.  Acquire Stunning Decorations

Would like to glam up your Christmas tree? Well, holiday market on December 9 will provide you with the most beautiful angels, stars, toppers and other decorations. You will find handcrafted tree ornaments made of various materials, candy canes, stockings and other Christmassy things so necessary for creating the right climate in your home, especially if you live in a dorm.

7.  Livestream the Holiday through Facebook

Do you want to become a star of Facebook when everybody goes somewhere and posts great pics? Then, this activity at Iowa City Holiday Market will bring you likes, new friends and attention you want. Livestream the Christmas lights, music and all the cool things sold there. People will be grateful that you give them a new idea where to go and do all the stuff that we’ve already mentioned!

Mark December 9 in your calendar and start gathering a company of family and friends. Dive into the Christmas ambiance to prepare for the holiday.

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Published by
Lauren Bradshaw
Lauren started writing in 2003. Since then, she tried her hand in SEO and website copywriting, composing for blogs, and working as an academic writer. Her main interests lie in content marketing, developing communication skills, and blogging.