What Your Astrological Sign Says About Your Essay Writing

Astrological Sign

Would you like to figure out your writing talent in astrology terms? Do you like both essay writing and studying spirituality? Without further ado, here are two great topics of interest in one place. Find your sign, check whether the characteristic is accurate, and then test all your classmates.


Aries are people who always have an opinion on every subject they come across in life; they are passionate, positive, and well-organized. In essay writing, Aries thoroughly present thoughts on the topic; their papers always have multi-sectioned structure and coherence. Aries are those people who have the prepared outline two minutes after being assigned a task. They are fine organizers, so their essays for different courses are alphabetically sorted and folded. 

Strengths: Writing opinion essays, developing an outline, structuring arguments

Points for improvement: Following their impulsive, passionate nature, which can lead to unfinished tasks and an inability to stay focused

Famous Aries writer: Robert Frost (poet)

Aries sign-min

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The bull Earth sign needs stability, freedom, and time to adjust to new circumstances. Taurus does not like to follow someone’s instructions and be commanded, but natives of this sign are reliable, polite, and trustworthy. Therefore, their essays are always methodical and supported by independent extensive research. The Taurus sign courageously takes hard labor, so they are good at reading a 100-page file for an essay. It will take some time for them to complete the task, and the text will likely show their unique and profound perspective on the question. 

Strengths: Taurus can conduct profound research, is good at writing argumentative essays, and has a lot of patience for the work

Points for improvement: being highly resistant to additions and suggestions of other people that do not match their perspective

Famous Taurus writer: Charlotte Brontë (novelist, poet)


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You can notice Gemini signs from a million miles away: they are extroverted, fun, chatty, and cool conversation partners. Their prominent leadership and communication skills are good qualities for essay writing. They have a thousand stories to tell for narrative essays; their persuasiveness will make you agree with every point they make. Gemini struggles to maintain a consistent tone and focus due to their tendency to jump between ideas.

Strengths: diversity of ideas for essays, an ability to stay objective and present all sides, easy-going style of writing

Points for improvement: inconsistent tone of voice, a significant extension of essay length due to the inability to be brief and concise 

Famous Gemini writer: Arthur Conan Doyle (detective writer, essayist)


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Cancer sign natives are very similar to their animal representative, the crab. They appear cold, restrained, and closed in their tiny shell but are soft, sensitive, and emotional inside. The most distinctive trait of this sign is excellent intuition. Hence, Cancer’s essays are often empathic; their arguments are insightful and deep. Cancers may struggle to explain how they came to these ideas and fail to provide enough evidence. 

Strengths: writing critical essays that present an in-depth analysis of the source, emotionally resonant introductions and conclusions, and polite writing style

Points for improvement: a strong desire for security and safety, so they might feel too much stress from short deadlines or the teacher’s opinion on their work

Famous Cancer writer: George Orwell (fiction and essay writer)


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If one sign could be exactly described by the word “fierce,” it would be Leo. The lion zodiac sign is a natural leader, proud, courageous, and blindly confident in their abilities. They radiate power and charisma even when writing an essay, so their texts are charming and have strong thesis statements. Leo always develops convincing argument lines, so their essay looks like an attorney’s speech in the courtroom. The text leaves no single opportunity to doubt Leo’s statements. 

Strengths: Natural storytellers and talented in building persuasive arguments, Leos are perfect at writing argumentative essays

Points for improvement: Their desire to be seen, to lead, and to declare their opinion can result in a one-sided perspective on the issue

Famous Leo writer: James Baldwin (novelist, essayist)

Animated night sky with constellations and a couple sitting under the stars.

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The main adjectives for Virgo are humble and practical. This sign’s natives have an ability for self-control, discipline, and methodological work. As Virgo seeks improvement in everything they set their mind to, this sign is good at editing and proofreading essays. Virgo’s analytical skills work great with writing comparative essays. However, they sometimes lack imagination for the descriptive and narrative essay types. 

Strengths: writing comparative essays, fact-checking, accurate and well-composed examples, and nice paper structure

Points for improvement: overthinking, delayed submissions, and struggles to come up with creative work

Famous Virgo writer: Stephen King (the writer of horror stories)


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No need for extra explanations here, as it is obvious that Libra is all about balance. Therefore, this air sign is good for writing expository essays (the ones that require a neutral perspective on the question). Because of these characteristics, the sign is talented for smooth paragraph transitions. Their point of improvement is an extreme aversion to picking one side. Sometimes, you have to make a choice and clearly state your position.

Strengths: expository essays, diverse perspectives on the topic, smooth transitions in the text

Points for improvement: struggles with a clear thesis statement, the need to overexplain each idea to justify both sides of an argument 

Famous Libra writer: Thomas Elliot (poet, essayist)

Animated scene of a couple stargazing at the Libra constellation under a peaceful night sky.

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Scorpio is not a dangerous sign – it’s an intense sign. These people are profound thinkers, as their minds evaluate all variables dispassionately. Scorpios are all-or-nothing types, so their essays are either excellent or leave them utterly unhappy with the result. This sign always chooses the most complicated tasks and topics available. Behind the mask of a cold mind is a deep need for connections so they can write both analytical and emotional-based essays. 

Strengths: analytical essay writing, great intelligence, an intense and devoted attitude toward the task

Points for improvement: overly complex and obscure language, sometimes cryptic meanings in writing

Famous Scorpio writer: Sylvia Plath (poet, novelist)

Animated scene of a couple stargazing at the Scorpio constellation under a calm night sky.

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People born under the Sagittarius sign are independent and adventurous. These qualities extend to their essay writing style. Sagittarius is the person in class volunteering to read their work out loud and discuss it afterward. The fire element in their nature makes Sagittarius’ writing dynamic and easy-flowing. They can easily create the feeling of a real-time conversation with a reader, using the alluring creatures of their emotional and colorful inner world. 

Strengths: descriptive essays, an ability to delve into complicated or abstract topics and complete independence in assignments, having a positive and enthusiastic tone of voice

Points for improvement: resistance to following strict norms, struggles with staying focused

Famous Sagittarius writer: Joan Didion (essayist, journalist)


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If Capricorns see the task, there is nothing in the whole universe to stop them. Natives of this sign are sturdy, resilient, and hard-working. The best fit for them is writing process assays (the ones that explain how to do things), as they are rather practical, not theoretical. For the same reason, they are good at outlining and developing strong arguments and accurate examples. However, Capricorns regularly struggle with overthinking the task, making it look much more difficult than it actually is. 

Strengths: process essay type, patience and strong will to finish all essays, a natural talent for studying, and an inclination for practical solutions to problems

Points for improvement: overthinking and an overly serious manner of writing with a lack of creativity

Famous Capricorn writer: Haruki Murakami (essayist)


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Aquarius is one of the hardest signs to define, as those born under it are shapeless and formless, like water. They can acquire a large variety of different qualities, habituating themselves to the environment. However, in essay writing, you will notice how Aquarius natives are especially wise and propose unique visions on the topic. They are creative and idealistic, so Aquarius’ essays possess a lot of metaphors, figurative forms of speech, and colorful idioms. 

Strengths: creative writing, exploring futuristic innovative ideas and proposing new ways for humanity to deal with old problems in their texts

Points for improvement: Because of their eccentric nature, Aquarius may overcomplicate their reflections or lead many thought paths simultaneously

Famous Aquarius writer: Virginia Woolf (fiction and essay writer)


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Pisces is one of the most sensitive and emotionally intelligent signs. Pisces’ essays have a strong authorial figure, to the point where you can hear the author’s voice within the lines. Because of their profound understanding of human feelings, natives of this sign are great at storytelling and doing questionnaires for essays. 

Strengths: ambitious topics, excellent at reflective essays, their works always reflect deep emotions

Points for improvement: failing to follow one topic, struggles with providing arguments for their statements

Famous Pisces writer: Victor Hugo (novelist, poet)


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So, what is your greatest writing talent in astrology classification? We bet you have noticed some of these traits before, but now you have a direct sign and blessing from the universe. Go, shine, and develop your best skills! As for your struggles in writing, we are always here to help you beat all of them.

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Published by
Lauren Bradshaw
Lauren started writing in 2003. Since then, she tried her hand in SEO and website copywriting, composing for blogs, and working as an academic writer. Her main interests lie in content marketing, developing communication skills, and blogging.

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