Whether you are approaching graduation or only starting your college studies, you probably need a job. And if you search for a good place to...
Absurd recommendations: how to get expelled from your high school, college, or university
[DISCLAIMER] Before you start reading this, mind these are not recommendations you should follow. These are just stupid pieces of advice we’ve compiled to make...
When you’re not around: how to choose a babysitter you can trust
If you have a job and children, it is impossible to handle everything without professional aid. As there is nobody who can do your work...
7 morning mistakes that will ruin your day
You will drink your coffee if you are used to it, even though studies say you shouldn’t until 9 a.m. You will skip your morning...
10 tips on landing your first job after graduation
Congrats! You have just graduated from college. Despite being a bit tired of exams, you probably feel the sky’s the limit for you. Yet, how...
How to stop being late and get things done on time
Have you missed the beginning of a film at the cinema or come too late to your friend’s party? We can think of different reasons...
What is emotional intelligence and how to develop it
Emotions are pieces of information as important as a gale warning or fire alarm. They allow us to stay connected to the outer world and...
The power of positive thinking: a buzzword or a life-changer?
There is a lot of talk about positive thinking in the media and for good reason. Believe it or not, the way we feel about...
Not to miss: overlooked films that could get an Academy Award
At the end of January, the Academy announced the shortlists of films nominated for 2018 Oscar awards. You have seen or at least heard about...
How to stop complaining and become more efficient
No one likes whiners. They poison their own lives and the lives of others. They have problems at school, as they never complete tasks correctly...