How to find a part-time job for a student? This question is frequently asked by people who have started an adult life – became students....
How to Tame American Classrooms: The Full Guide for Chinese Students
Many students from different parts of the globe go to the United States of America for education. The conditions which are created for students in...
How does running make you smarter?
The sun sets in the west, London is the capital of Great Britain, Everest is the highest mountain, and running improves all spheres of one’s...
How to turn stress into motivation using paper: a guide for “negative thinkers”
Teach your mind to recognize good things, as our brain does exactly what we tell it. Being distressed is no big deal in the US...
The greatest love confessions in history
It is the beginning of February now, which means there is the most romantic holiday ahead: Saint Valentine’s Day. This day is a celebration of...
How to make a 3D heart for St. Valentine’s day by yourself
Have you already chosen a gift for your sweetheart for St. Valentine’s day? If not, don’t panic! We believe that the best present is the...
How to get rid of stress when pedantism gives you a hard time
A piece of paper is not much but just enough to keep your mind in balance. Our common sense says there is nothing wrong about...
How to stay productive and avoid distractions while studying
In the face of everyday lectures, workshops, extracurriculars, and tons of homework, procrastination remains our greatest problem. Students’ enthusiasm for doing nothing is actually impressive....
Library rules and regulations no one told you about
There are some unspoken rules each student should stick to while in a public or campus library. They might forget to talk to you about...
7 Events Every International Student from California University Must Visit This Semester
The life of students shouldn’t be filled with studying only. This is a nice period of life when people are young and full of dreams....