Sophisticated Words to Use in Your Next Essay

big words

Are you an international student striving to craft impressive A-level college essays in English? It can be difficult for non-native English speakers to write an essay that shows professionalism and expertise, but, with the right tools and strategies, you can elevate your essay writing words to an exceptional level. 

In this article, we will provide you with practical examples and valuable tips to enhance your essays and make them stand out. 

Here, we will discuss different ways of using big words to improve your essays. We will talk about using impressive words and making your essay longer. By the end, you will know how to write essay that shows your expertise and experience. 

When you’re stuck for words on how to write the perfect essay, an essay writing service is a lifesaver. These services help you develop your ideas, tone and final piece. Professional writers can teach you how to use big words and punchy phrases so your essays meet and beat the academic mark. Whether you need to improve coherence or need help with tricky topics, they’ve got you covered.

Words to Start an Essay: Engaging Introductions

The beginning of a formal essay sets the tone for the entire piece. It is crucial to captivate your reader’s attention from the start. To achieve this, employing effective large words and phrases can make a significant difference. 

Try starting an essay with attention-grabbing words such as “in other words,” “to illustrate,” or “to exemplify.” These essay phrases signal to the reader that you will provide a clear and concise explanation or example.

Additionally, consider using sophisticated words that convey professionalism and expertise. For instance, instead of using “help,” opt for words like “assist,” “facilitate,” or “support.” These alternatives add depth to your writing and showcase your repertoire of advanced English words.

Use a writing synonym tool or consult a thesaurus to search for such words. Online resources like Merriam-Webster and provide helpful synonyms and related terms. You can discover new options for the best words to use to enrich your writing style by exploring these resources.

Remember, the introduction of your essay is your opportunity to make a strong first impression. You can set the stage for an exceptional academic piece by integrating engaging phrases and using professional words.

Dissertations can be overwhelming without the right direction. That’s where a trusted dissertation service comes in. With expert help you can navigate the research, data analysis and writing requirements. Whether you need help with structuring your dissertation or refining your arguments, these services will make your work academically solid and readable. Working with experienced professionals will give you the courage to take on even the toughest bits of academic writing.

Words to Sound Smart: Elevating Your Essay

In academic writing, the choice of strong words can greatly impact the impression you make on your readers. Using professional and sophisticated words for conversation in your essay shows that you have a good grasp of English and makes your essay better. Here are some examples of professional words that you can incorporate into your writing:

  1. Utilize” instead of “use”: This word conveys more intentionality and purpose.
  2. Facilitate” instead of “help”: “Facilitate” implies more active and skilful involvement in assisting someone or making a process easier.
  3. Enhance” instead of “improve”: “Enhance” suggests adding value or refining something to improve it.
  4. Convey” instead of “say”: “Convey” indicates a more deliberate and effective means of expressing or communicating an idea.
  5. Instead of saying “make the most of,” you can use “optimize.” This word emphasizes making something as efficient and effective as possible.
  6. Instead of saying “reduce,” you can use “mitigate.” The latter suggests a more thoughtful and thorough approach to minimizing or solving a problem or issue.

To use professional words well, knowing what they mean and how to use them correctly is important. You can use online resources like dictionaries, thesauruses, and academic writing guides to find synonyms and other words to use. Also, reading a lot can help you avoid simple vocabulary and learn a wide range of vocabulary and see how professional writers use language in their essays. 

Including professional words in your essay makes your writing more sophisticated and clear, making it more interesting and effective for your readers. Try to do your best to get rid of words of little or no value in your papers. Remember to balance using impressive vocabulary with keeping your writing style natural and easy to understand.

Leticia Adamson, Head of ESL program at

How to Make Your Essay Longer: Effective Techniques

Sometimes, you may need to meet a required word count or expand upon your ideas in your essays writing. Writing clearly and making sense of your essay is important, but there are ways to make it longer too.

  • Firstly, ensure that you have thoroughly explored your topic. For example, when сonducting extra research on renewable energy sources and their impact on carbon emissions reduction, you can gather information from reputable sources such as the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the World Bank. 
  • Another approach is to provide explanations. For instance, examine the efficiency of wind turbines in generating electricity and reducing dependence on fossil fuels. Discuss a study published in a leading energy journal like Advanced Energy Materials that evaluates the environmental benefits of wind energy and highlights its potential in mitigating climate change.
  • Lastly, expand on your examples and provide detailed descriptions to enhance the reader’s understanding. For example, describe a case study of a small island nation that transitioned from diesel generators to a combination of solar and wind power. Elaborate on the economic and environmental benefits they achieved, such as reduced fuel imports, lower carbon emissions, and improved air quality, resulting in a more sustainable and resilient energy system.

Each big word makes your essay longer, so avoid unnecessary repetition and filler words. Focus on providing meaningful content and expanding upon your ideas thoughtfully. Using these techniques, you can ensure that your essay is long enough without sacrificing its quality and flow.

Leticia Adamson, Head of ESL program at

Big Words to Use in Conversation: Enhancing Coherence

Coherence is vital in essay writing, ensuring that your ideas flow smoothly and logically. To achieve this, incorporating appropriate phrases throughout your essay is crucial. Here are some commonly used phrases that can enhance the coherence of your writing:

  • Furthermore,” “In addition,” or “Moreover

Use these phrases to introduce additional points or supporting evidence.

  • On the other hand,” “However,” or “Nevertheless

These phrases are useful for presenting contrasting viewpoints or arguments.

  • For example,” “To illustrate,” or “To demonstrate

Use these phrases to provide specific examples that support your claims.

In addition, using transitional words and phrases like “therefore,” “consequently,” or “as a result” helps establish logical connections between different parts of your essay.

To search for more phrases for your essays, refer to reputable writing guides, online resources or get someone to write your essay

Academic writing handbooks and style guides often give lists of phrases that work well for different types of essays. By using these phrases strategically, you can make your essay flow better and have a more organized structure. This will make your writing more polished and coherent.

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Conclusion Words for Essays: Crafting a Strong Ending

The conclusion of an essay is your final opportunity to leave a lasting impression on your reader. It should summarize your main points and provide a sense of closure to your arguments. To achieve an impactful conclusion, consider using the following words for essay:

  • In conclusion,” “To conclude,” or “In summary

These phrases signal another way to conclude an essay and indicate that you are summarizing your main points.

  • Overall,” “All in all,” or “To summarize

Use these phrases to provide a concise overview of the key ideas discussed throughout your essay.

  • Therefore,” “Hence,” or “As a result

These writing words demonstrate the logical consequences or implications of your arguments.

  • In light of,” “Considering,” or “Taking into account

These phrases invite the reader to reflect upon your essay’s broader implications or significance.

Remember to avoid introducing new information or arguments in your conclusion. Instead, restate your main ideas in a concise and impactful manner. Using appropriate conclusion words can leave a strong and memorable impression on your reader, reinforcing the effectiveness of your essay as a whole.

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Concluding Remarks

To sum up, writing a great A-level college essay requires that you pay close attention to the details. It involves using fancy words, phrases that make your writing flow better, and techniques “how to make my essay longer”. Doing all these things can improve your writing and create an impressive essay that will stand out. 

Use online resources, such as Merriam-Webster or Collins Thesaurus, to discover new words and phrases to enhance your essay. By following these tips, you can confidently showcase your expertise and experience as an international student, creating the best essays that reflect your growth and proficiency in the English language.

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Published by
Lauren Bradshaw
Lauren started writing in 2003. Since then, she tried her hand in SEO and website copywriting, composing for blogs, and working as an academic writer. Her main interests lie in content marketing, developing communication skills, and blogging.
Marc Gray is the founder of the Odyssey College Prep program. As the director of education, he helps parents and students simplify college planning. His enterprise aims to give parents who are overwhelmed by the endless decisions of college planning a stress-free and comprehensive solution. Marc also helps students discover and enhance their talents through advanced aptitude testing, ensuring that they can develop them into practical skills to use while building their dream careers.