Which Essay Type Suits You Best: Quiz to Find Out What Type of Person You Are

what type of person are you quiz

Have you ever wondered, “What type of person am I?” based on your essay writing preferences? We are absolutely sure that you have not. But do you want to try it now? At least once in your life, you definitely passed a “What kind of person am I based on my favorite cartoon characters?” quiz. So, why not do the same with essays? Not a word more – dive straight into our what type of person are you quiz.

Which Essay Type Suits You Best: Quiz to Find Out What Type of Person You Are


How Can a “What Type of Person Are You” Quiz Help Me?

It sounds like nonsense, doesn’t it? You may think that a funny person test is almost the most thoughtless thing to find online. Well, that is true and false simultaneously. What type of person are you is a good question. Do you know the correct unambiguous answer? We bet that you don’t. There are no limits on how to learn about human nature, and any methods are good for that. 

Below are some more tips on how your personality correlates with different essay types. Find the characteristics of each essay type and then an explanation of how these characteristics relate to your personal traits. 

Narrative Essay Personality

Narrative essays are the closest to fiction literature out of all essay genres. The task of a narrative essay is to tell the story and draw conclusions. This type leads the reader to a lesson through a real-life or imaginary case and usually includes many vivid details of the occasion. The main characteristics of this essay type are vivid plot elements, relatable main characters, and the first-person perspective

If you wonder how the “What type of person am I quiz” led you to this option, here is how this essay type relates to your personality:

  • Developing a vivid plot requires a lot of creativity and attention to the emotions and stories of people around you
  • Telling stories means that you are empathetic and can relate to whatever experience those around you face
  • A good narration requires solid skills in building a logical structure
type of personality

Source – Giphy

Descriptive Essay Personality

A descriptive essay reflects on the most genuine characteristics of an object, person, or occasion. The mission of this essay type is not only to describe the external appearance but to convert it to an internal meaning. The descriptive essay usually includes remarkable details and relates to all sensory functions. Descriptive writing provokes the reader’s hearing, sight, smell, touch, and taste, and creates an illusion of presence inside the story. 

How does that relate to a “What type of person am I quiz”? Here is how:

  • The ability to describe things in a realistic manner is a talent that goes along with great observation skills
  • If you notice little details, your world is much more likely to be beautiful, colorful, and alive to you
  • The traits above mean that your personality is about aesthetics, expanding to all spheres of your life

The culture of personality tests started in the 1940s with Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers, who developed the tests for women to find the most suitable jobs.

Compare and Contrast Essay Personality

The compare and contrast essay is one of the most popular essay types as it allows the writer to consider a wide variety of perspectives. Professors usually assign students to review the material with this essay type or to explore the student’s critical skills. The major characteristics of this type are a detached writer’s perspective, a neutral tone of voice, and deep research of the similarities and differences between objects

What kind of person are you, if this is your essay type? Here is the answer:

  • You have strong analytical thinking
  • You have an ability to notice causal relations between processes and hence discover hidden solutions to problems 
  • You have a unique talent for deconstructing complex subjects into comprehensible blocks
What kind of person are you

Source – Giphy

Argumentative Essay Personality

An argumentative essay requires a writer to first conduct solid research and then state a finalized opinion. It is opposite to the “compare and contrast” type, so no two-fold perspectives here. All the arguments, evidence, and examples should lead to the explicit solution of the problem, with no alternatives included. The argumentative essay always refers to the opponent’s counter-claims but explains how they are not credible and thus reasonable

What person can act with cold-blooded confidence and sufficient reasoning? Only someone who possesses the following traits can do the task:

  • You are not afraid of leadership and being in the public eye
  • You have natural charisma, and people tend to listen and accept your beliefs

In 2012, which was more than a decade ago, BBC claimed more than 2,500 personality tests existed in the US alone. Nowadays, about 80 million people take personality tests annually.

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Critical Essay Personality

The critical essay is the most unbiased and well-supported type of essay. To write a critical essay, one must conduct deep research, collect as many facts as possible, evaluate and compare them, and then present the results. The critique can be positive or negative, but in any case, it requires a good supporting argument. The key characteristics of the critical essay type are clear structure, a developed system of statements, arguments, examples, reasonings, and a solid research background

What kind of person are you if that is your preferred essay type?

  • People who can successfully write critical essays have exclusive analytical skills
  • Students who prefer critical essays usually have a broad knowledge of diverse topics from multiple unrelated subjects
  • You are rational, observant, careful, and smart

No-essay Type of Person

No worries here if the test showed that no essay type suits you the best. It does not mean that something is wrong; it means that you are either equally good at all of them or just care more about other things in life. If the test led you to a no-essay type result, here is how that correlates to your personality:

  • You’ve probably chosen the options unrelated to test writing, so you don’t like that activity
  • Instead, you are more likely to love socializing, having fun, and looking for professional assistance
  • You have an open-minded and positive perspective on life and people love to be around you

Regardless of whether these characteristics were relatable for you, we hope you at least had a little bit of fun. Of course, it’s not the dead-serious kind of evaluation, but there is still some truth in the relationship between your essay type and personal characteristics. 

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Published by
Steven Bloom
Steven is an IT student who constantly seeks new opportunities for self-development. He is also fond of popular culture and entertainment. Lately, Steven has started writing about the challenges he faces as a student. He finds it helpful to brainstorm when difficult tasks arise.