How to prepare before writing a masterpiece of an essay

Write a masterpiece of an essay!

There are millions of articles on how to write anything from an email to a novel, yet few people think about all the preparation that goes into writing. Most people can’t just sit at their computers and type away. Some of them need to make themselves comfortable, while others focus on research. Everyone has their own way of preparing. In this article, we’re going to discuss some of the most useful steps you can take before sitting down to write an extraordinary essay.

Read the prompt and rubric carefully

Would you like to know the secret on how to write a good essay? It’s all about understanding the assignment. Before you start researching, outlining, and brainstorming ideas, you need to figure what exactly the professor expects from you. And in order to do it, you must carefully read the prompt and rubric.

A prompt is basically your essay instructions. It tells you what topic you should write about or gives you a list of topics to choose from. Meanwhile, a rubric is a list of evaluation criteria used to grade your assignment. To put it more simply, a prompt helps you understand how you should write your paper and a rubric tells you what the final result should look like.

Before you start working on your essay, we also recommend checking papers completed by professional essay writers. This way, you will have a visual example and inspiration for creating your own masterpiece. 

Create a writing schedule

Some people have both the inspiration and patience to sit at their desks and write a beautiful essay in one go. Unfortunately, this is not the case for most of us, and it’s okay if you can’t relate. It is possible, however, to plan your writing process. We highly recommend getting a scheduling app to create tasks and set reminders.

First, set a target date. Let’s say today is January 10, and you need to submit your essay by January 21. Basically, you have 11 days, which gives you plenty of time for research. Now, let’s figure out how long the paper is supposed to be and determine how many days you need to write it. If you have another day left, dedicate it to editing and proofreading. It’s much better to review your paper with a fresh mind than to do it right after you’ve finished your first draft. Follow the schedule you’ve created, and in the end, you’re bound to have a beautiful essay ready.

Organize your writing space

Photo by Georgie Cobbs on Unsplash

Organize your writing space

Although many people neglect the importance of this step, it can actually help improve your concentration and productivity. Here are a few things you can do to organize your desk and study space.

  1. Put things into their places so that you don’t trip on them or knock them over.
  2. Place all your essentials (textbooks, markers, notebooks, etc.) somewhere within an arm’s reach.
  3. Put away anything that may distract you from your writing process.
  4. Make yourself comfortable. You can invest in a nice chair or a back cushion.

When you’re done, you should be able to look at your writing space and think, “Yes, this is where I’m going to create my masterpiece.”

Research as much as you can

A lot of students wonder, “How do I make my essay interesting?” The answer is very simple. First of all, you need to gather a lot of background information on the topic. Think about it. It’s impossible to write an interesting paper about something you know little about, right? Therefore, make sure to complete your required readings. There’s a reason why they’re called “required.” The people in charge of your course program picked them out because they thought you’d need them in your studies.

You can also find relevant books and articles yourself. Reading is a great way to get inspired as it fills your brain with new ideas. We also recommend going out and creating new experiences to write about. If your assignment is to write an essay about a painting, go to a museum and see it with your own eyes. It’s also a good idea to travel, meet new people, and go to events.

Write down your ideas

Getting inspired is one thing, but keeping track of your brilliant thoughts is completely different. As we’ve already explained, reading, doing research, and simply experiencing life can help you generate new ideas. However, you need to put them somewhere so as not to forget them, especially if you’ve been lucky to reach some extraordinary revelations. 

The easiest way to do this is to get a notebook and place it somewhere near you while you read or do research. You can also use a note-taking app on your smartphone, however, keep in mind that it comes with the added risk of being distracted. We also recommend creating a separate list of notes for references. Whenever you stumble upon a quote or a bit of information that you can use in your essay, put it there and return to it when you start writing.

Put down your ideas when they emerge

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Create an outline

This step can be either the last one in your preparation or the first one in your writing process. Either way, you can never underestimate the importance of creating an outline. First and foremost, having a clear structure boosts your confidence and prevents you from wondering what to write. Secondly, it helps you stay on topic without going into unnecessary detail on something irrelevant. 

It’s actually very easy to create an outline. Look at the prompt and the rubric to determine how many words and paragraphs your essay requires. Usually, it should include an introduction, three body paragraphs (the number depends on the page count), and a conclusion. Each paragraph is supposed to represent a single argument.

Our service can help you outline your essays if you find it particularly challenging. Just tell us the topic of your paper, how many pages it needs to include, and submit other requirements if you have any. Our writers will help you create a structure, and you can follow it to write your essay.

Final thoughts

Not everyone can simply sit down at their desk and produce a masterpiece of an essay. Most of us need to make some preparations before getting into writing mode. For example, creating a schedule and organizing your workspace can help you concentrate and increase your productivity. Meanwhile, doing research and making notes is a great way to get inspired and keep track of your ideas. Rereading the prompt and creating an outline for your essay will help you get started with ease since you’ll know what exactly you’re going to write about. You can also come up with your own steps. The only criterion is that they should improve your writing process.

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Published by
Lauren Bradshaw
Lauren started writing in 2003. Since then, she tried her hand in SEO and website copywriting, composing for blogs, and working as an academic writer. Her main interests lie in content marketing, developing communication skills, and blogging.
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