How to Tame American Classrooms: The Full Guide for Chinese Students

American Classroom for Chinese StudentsMany students from different parts of the globe go to the United States of America for education. The conditions which are created for students in this country are more than just attractive. That’s why so many foreign students wish to study there. Chinese are no exception. Many of them go the U.S.A. annually. However, not all succeed; they often experience some difficulties with adaptation.

Of course, adaptation is a challenge, which is common for every world nation. In the meanwhile, there are some specific differences because every nation has its own peculiarities, mentality, and traditions. Thus, the Chinese people have some differences, which may interfere with the processes of adaptation and learning. One of the main keys to overcoming problems is to identify the potential stumble stones.

What are they? Let’s take a look at them. Please, make allowances for the following obstacles:

  • Writing.
  • Thinking.
  • Speaking.
  • Cultural adaptation.
  • Relationships.

When we try to analyze the adaptive skills of Chinese students in the U.S.A., we should begin with the writing. English cannot be called the easiest language in this aspect. The words pronounced differ from the way they are written. Moreover, the writing system in China strongly differs from English. This creates a huge problem for Chinese students.

Thinking is another crucial aspect, which creates differences and possible impediments. The ideology and common way of thinking in West and East are quite different. This affects the methods which students choose to complete assignments. Logic and critical thinking may strongly interfere with the successful accomplishment of quite simple tasks. Chinese students lack a specific comprehension of logical argumentation. Their system gives more heed and praise for memorization. This is a big mistake. We can memorize a lot, but when we’re asked for explanations, we can hardly give them. It’s really necessary to understand what we learn.

Speaking is a less troublesome stumbling stone. Nevertheless, it’s important as well. For instance, people require some time to translate and understand what has been just said. This creates delays when professors ask something, which requires an instant answer. Many professors lose their temper and rarely ask the foreigners.

The previous aspect leads to the next one. Cultural differences and tolerance are essential in this situation. It’s always a great shock for people who come to a strange country with absolutely different values and moral norms. This interferes with the normal learning as well as life in general.

The Chinese folk finds it difficult to accept a strange American lifestyle. As the result, this creates lots of misunderstandings when it comes to building some relationships. One cannot always act as he/she used to if the environment is changed. There are certain rules, which should be followed.

How to Overcome the Potential Complications?

Now, it’s needed to discuss the possible solutions to the mentioned above problems. Once you realize them, analyze all issues. Afterward, it’s possible to find the way out.

As we discuss the matter of educating, we should focus on the “teacher-student” interaction. The relationships between a student and an instructor are different in both countries too. The Chinese students get really shocked when they visit their first classes. In China, teaching is praised above other professions. It’s the most respectful career.

The students have no right to object their teacher’s opinion. He or she is dominant, and what is said by a teacher is the law. Besides, it’s needed to bow and/or nod each time you see your teacher and similar things. The American approach is democratic. You are welcome to express your own opinion. You may even be permitted to call your teacher after his/her first name. This is nonsense for the Asians.

Accordingly, your own attitude toward such relations ought to be changed as soon as you may. You’re not obligated to totally forget the old approaches you know. You should simply accept the new order and never make a great tragedy out of it. You’re free to openly express what you really mean to.

The next tip is the collaboration with your classmates. Don’t be silent. The American system encourages students to raise their hands, stand up, and ask questions. In China, students are commonly mute the entire semester. They sit, listen, and memorize. Don’t be shy to put your questions. Show your teachers your eagerness to learn. Collaborate with your classmates to enhance your social ties and prosper.

One more thing you should be aware of is the approach to exams. Here again, the systems are different. Exams in China equal the memory tests. Students are simply asked how good they remember the textbook, some key events, terms, and words. This method sufficiently limits the creativity of a student. This is actually wrong and ineffective.

The American method helps to reveal and improve your creativity. The questions at the exams are open. This allows expressing your own opinion without any fear. Even if you disagree with the long-approved value, term or clarification, you still can reap great benefits. You should only explain and approve the novel concept in an original manner. Be ready to defend your own opinion with meaningful examples.

Finally, one should find balance. The Chinese folk has got used to working hard and long. They seem to be constantly at work. However, this has at least two negative sides. Firstly, students get exhausted. Secondly, they are deprived of many peasant undertakings. The hard studying seems to steal away their youth – the best years of life. There is always a possibility to dedicate time to all the necessities. Plan your schedule effectively to learn what’s needed and hang out with your peers.

One may draw certain conclusions. The students from China should accept the new methods openly without any fears. It’s important to work hard the first year to overcome the cultural shock and language barrier. Afterward, everything will run smoothly.

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Published by
Lauren Bradshaw
Lauren started writing in 2003. Since then, she tried her hand in SEO and website copywriting, composing for blogs, and working as an academic writer. Her main interests lie in content marketing, developing communication skills, and blogging.