7 Magic Ingredients for an Outstanding Annotated Bibliography: Turabian Style Unspelled

Annotated Bibliography: Turabian Style

Know what is interesting? There is no information (at least on the Internet) on account of when the first annotated bibliography was written, who the founder was or which research originally contained this list of described sources. Maybe the assignment looked completely different when professors tasked students with an annotated bibliography, say, in the 1960s, but we’ll never know unless there is some citation enthusiast who plans to dig into the history of this referencing type (a good idea for your next research, isn’t it?).

Returning to the present times, it is necessary to point out that there is more or less set structure of annotated bibliography, especially in the Turabian style, which consists of 7 elements:

  1. Citation
  2. Introduction
  3. Summary
  4. Main focus
  5. Purpose
  6. Practical value for your research or topic
  7. Audience

This outline allows students to write an annotation step by step without sitting and wondering what to include next. We can only guess which transformations the bibliography has gone through during its development, but they all have led to this exact plan, and we are going to show you how it works in practice.

  1. Immelman, Ray. Great Boss Dead Boss. Stewart Philip International, 2003.
  2. Some people say that you can only be born with leadership qualities to become a great boss, but is that really the case? The practice shows that management skills can be acquired, developed and improved, and only the real determination to become a good boss matters.
  3. Great Boss Dead Boss tells about a fictional factory TeraLogix, and how the newly appointed CEO is trying to improve the production efficiency as well as the relationships between different departments within the company.
  4. The book itself concentrates on unconscious tribal behaviors of people working in groups and on their deeply-rooted values.
  5. With bright examples, Ray Immelman wants to show how these behaviors and values can be used for the benefit of the whole company.
  6. As the main focus of our research is management techniques, this book greatly contributes to the variety of methods that can be used to organize the work of one or several teams.
  7. Moreover, it should be a must-read for all management students and people whose work includes the responsibility of supervising someone else’s tasks.

Writing such kind of an annotation with a precise outline in front of you takes about 10 minutes.

So, you can write 6 descriptions like this in an hour given the fact that you first prepare the list and find the necessary information for annotations. See? It’s not that difficult if you work out how to do it. Everything is simple when analyzed in detail.

Are you ready to write a stunning annotated bibliography? Turabian style structure is here to ease your assignment. Impress your professor with a meticulous approach to the task and get the best grade that you really deserve by addressing our annotated bibliography writing service online!

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Published by
Lauren Bradshaw
Lauren started writing in 2003. Since then, she tried her hand in SEO and website copywriting, composing for blogs, and working as an academic writer. Her main interests lie in content marketing, developing communication skills, and blogging.