Easy Classes to Take in College: Top Disciplines Students Attend Cheerfully?

For most students, college life is a real nightmare with tens of writing assignments, sleepless nights, boring classes, and wasted time. But what if we tell you that there are classes that students like to attend?

Woman in Discussing A Lesson Plan by Andrea Piacquadio

In this article, we will figure out what these disciplines are and why they differ from the ones students would rather avoid.

Identifying Easy and Enjoyable College Courses

Of course, when considering easy classes to take in college, the first thing you might think about is that these disciplines do not require writing, research, or other effort. We hurry to assure you that there is hardly a class that does not require effort except for attending. But what makes them special?

  • Real-world connection. In most cases, students choose those classes that refer to real life and are up-to-date. Studying the history of the English language is certainly informative but you will agree that testing and analyzing AI tools that have made so much noise these days is a stronger hook.
  • Personal interests. When you are a high-school graduate just entering college, it is okay if you are still unsure if the chosen profession is what you really want to do in the future. So many things draw your interest, but your choice may have favored a different field. Such courses can help you combine business with pleasure and see a particular field in practice.
  • Practice and in-class activities. The practical side is usually the most interesting. Choosing a class that requires some practical research and in-class activities is often the favorite part of the process because every student can contribute their own impact and show their real-life skills.
  • Passionate instructors. Well, this may be quite an uncommon feature, but those professors are usually more involved in the process because students choose their classes, which means they are motivated to work. On the contrary, those obligatory courses are most likely to be uninteresting for students.
  • Freedom of choice. We all appreciate when our point of view matters to others. When professors ask students what they want, on a subconscious level, they feel significant.

Balancing Your College Schedule with Lighter Classes

Honestly, such a choice has different positive functions that influence students’ lives. We have already discussed some of them, but others also deserve attention. Educators might not divide courses into obligatory and optional, but it is crucial to leave at least a slight sign of choice for young learners and provide them an opportunity to keep the balance between ‘must’ disciplines and the ones they like.

This helps students switch their attention from difficult questions to the ones that interest them. As a result, a student is less likely to burn out due to a light academic workload, and the higher education institution shows they care about students’ mental health.

Exploring Creative and Engaging College Electives

So, what are easy classes to take in college?


Most students have hobbies related to music. Some play different instruments, others cannot imagine their lives without music in their headphones, and some adore singing. Well, all these students with music appreciation can visit these classes to share their interests with others.

Art and creativity

Today, students are very creative. With the rise of all the technology that makes it simple for students to express themselves, there is hardly a person who does not want to try their hand at painting, drawing, sculpture, or digital art.

Drama and theater

Shakespeare once said, ‘All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players…’. This very appropriate phase underlines that we all have our own roles, but we still want to try others. Well, the theater class is a great opportunity to find different sides of your personality.

Cooking and culinary arts

Students may be interested in classes where they will learn how to cook and get an opportunity to do their own experiments with different flavors, tastes, and products. Moreover, who will reject an opportunity to cook something and eat it? We bet this is not about a student whose ‘meal of the day’ is always snacks.


Today, students care about their mental health much more than those who graduated ten years ago. That people do not associate psychologists with mental illnesses is a real victory. More and more young learners turn to specialists for help, and a class such as Introduction to Psychology will definitely be useful for young learners to understand themselves better as well as the processes they undergo.


Studying celestial bodies can be very interesting, but when it comes to activities like building telescopes, the interest rises exponentially. Thus, such practical skills courses are popular among students who like creating something.

Film studies

It seems that cinemas, films, and other media are an integral part of student life. Moreover, discussing recently watched films can be interesting and informative. In such classes, students not only discuss the picture they have watched but also dive into the core idea of the film, the symbols, and the issues presented. They try to figure out what the director wants to show or say with the help of their work. That is quite an intriguing discussion that broadens your horizons.

Graphic design

This is one of the creative college classes. In the consuming world, graphic design takes one of the main places. Businesses need professionals to make their brands notable and make them stand out of the crowd. This is an occupation for creative people, and it is a high-paying job today.


Analyzing popular trends is an interesting and intriguing activity. For those young learners who enjoy understanding the dynamics of modern culture, Sociology Basics will definitely be to their liking.


Philosophy for Beginners is a class where students usually study foundational concepts, major philosophical figures, and key branches of philosophy. These classes are usually imbued with deep conversations concerning the life senses, people’s purposes, etc.

The Benefits of Taking Easier College Classes

These ‘easy’ classes have their own benefits that usually have a positive influence on students’ academic performance.

Incorporating fun and learning in easy courses

Academic life is predominantly a stressful period where students struggle with diverse challenges and handle them almost without external assistance. Or, they have to be ready to pay for such assistance – hiring a tutor, ordering writing help, and, of course, seeking accommodation and paying for it. Of course, we haven’t even mentioned eating and personal wishes.

Time management and easy college classes

Disciplines that interest students often take less time to get ready with homework assignments because they are done with pleasure. Thus, young learners dedicate time easily to these disciplines and work on them attentively.

The impact of easy classes on GPA and stress levels

The next benefit is the fact that these ’easy’ disciplines usually also influence students’ GPAs. As we have already mentioned, students work on these assignments with ease, and their activity during classes is quite high, allowing them to get high scores that will help increase their final scores as well.

Some students choose certain easy classes to take in college to boost GPA on purpose. Such a decision has the right to exist because every student has to choose an optional discipline from the list that will be counted in their GPA. If a young learner is not interested in any of the presented disciplines, they can choose the one that seems easy and stay assured these classes won’t distract them from the main ones.

Moreover, these stress-free college courses make the entire academic life brighter and bring some joy to a life full of duties and deadlines. This particular feature helps students reduce stress and, at times, even realize that college life is not so awful and boring.

Exploring diverse interests through easy electives

The last benefit on our list is an opportunity for students to find new interests and realize what they want to do in the future. Unfortunately, some students understand that they do not enjoy the field they are studying, just having entered a college or university, and such extra classes can show them the route to the field they really want to dive into.

The Strategies for Choosing the Right Easy Classes in College

In most cases, it is up to students what enjoyable electives they will attend. Thus, we think it would be quite informative to provide some strategies that could help you choose the best option for your liking and needs. Among the strategies, you should consider reading course descriptions well, browsing the educational staff, seeking introductory courses, reviewing former students’ reviews, asking for recommendations, and, of course, considering your personal interests.

  • Read the course description. The description should tell you all the necessary information concerning the course to help you understand if you are interested in it.
  • Browse professors. You may know some instructors from the positive side as well as the negative. If you see a professional instructor with whom you are in strained relations, you are most likely to skip the option.
  • Look for a foundation course. Most courses offer introductory courses to provide students with some practical knowledge about the course.
  • Review students’ and online reviews. Look at the reviews from former students and see if everything suits your expectations.
  • Consider alternative formats. If you are one of those students who are always pressed for time, ask the professor if there are any alternative formats for the course. For example, ask whether you can attend classes online.
  • Prioritize your interests. Choose the courses that interest you. These optional classes are here to make your academic life easier and interesting. Thus, when choosing another boring discipline you are not interested in, you risk adding another issue to your life.


What are some easy classes to take in college for a balanced schedule?

Every institution offers its own list of optional classes to choose from. Some alternatives that you could select from are psychology, psychobiology, zoology, sociology, film studies, theater, art, culinary, etc. It is totally up to you which course to choose, and we recommend making your choice based on your personal interests.

How can taking easier classes benefit a student’s college experience?

These easy classes are here to make your college life brighter and more interesting. Moreover, these disciplines influence your GPA, and if you are interested in the discipline and are active during classes, this will definitely increase your chances of getting a higher final score.

What are some creative and engaging electives offered in college?

Most electives are creative classes where students can show their inventive skills. Among the creative classes you can choose in college are film science, art, theater, music, culinary, dance, graphical design, creative writing, etc.

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Published by
Lauren Bradshaw
Lauren started writing in 2003. Since then, she tried her hand in SEO and website copywriting, composing for blogs, and working as an academic writer. Her main interests lie in content marketing, developing communication skills, and blogging.
Marc Gray is the founder of the Odyssey College Prep program. As the director of education, he helps parents and students simplify college planning. His enterprise aims to give parents who are overwhelmed by the endless decisions of college planning a stress-free and comprehensive solution. Marc also helps students discover and enhance their talents through advanced aptitude testing, ensuring that they can develop them into practical skills to use while building their dream careers.
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