Economics Research Paper Topics That You Will Like

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Our economics research paper topics will be helpful if you need to write a paper on such subjects as economic analysis, global economy, microeconomics, macroeconomics, and other areas of economics. Choose the topic you like, conduct research, and write a paper using collected data. All topics are in separate categories for your convenience.

Tips for Selecting the Right Economics Research Topic

When a student is asked to write a research paper on economics, the task often already includes the topic. However, sometimes, an economic research paper can be on a free topic. Then, students choose research paper economics topics independently. This is a very important stage, as correctly selecting the topic of an economic research paper is the key to its success.

How to choose an appropriate economics research paper topic? Use our tips:

  1. Don’t take too broad a topic. It is difficult and sometimes impossible to cover a wide and complex topic. For example, a topic such as “Types and methods of income” is too broad. It is better to narrow this topic and title the essay in this way: “Savings as the richest income.”
  2. The topic of the paper should be of interest to you. It’s better not to take a topic that doesn’t resonate. Writing a good paper will not be easy if the subject is uninteresting.
  3. Don’t take on a topic that is too complex or controversial. The main task of an economics research paper is to put forward your hypothesis and prove it. When choosing one from the list of topics for economics research paper, weigh your strengths and capabilities. After all, if you do not fully cover the topic, you will most likely receive a low grade for your work.

Trending Topics in Economics for Research Paper

What are the current trending topics in economics research? If you are asking yourself this question, then our research paper topics economics can help you. We will present microeconomics topics, macroeconomics issues, economic policy research ideas, and other topics. Whatever topic you select, make sure you do a thorough analysis of it before writing your paper.

Microeconomics and Macroeconomics Research Ideas

  1. The subject of economic theory. Methods for studying economic phenomena.
  2. Elasticity of supply and demand (price elasticity, cross elasticity, income elasticity). The practical significance of the theory of elasticity.
  3. Demand and demand curve. Supply and supply curve. Equilibrium price. Deficits and surpluses. Stability of balance.
  4. Oligopoly (characteristic features, price war). Cournot’s model. Duopoly (characteristic features).
  5. The main stages of the evolution of economic theories (school of mercantilists, physiocrats, classical and Marxist school).
  6. Capital. Percent. Investments. Discounted value and interest rates.
  7. Needs, resources, choice (economic needs, benefits, resources, opportunity costs, and production possibilities). Economic circuit (agents, circuit).
  8. Price of risky assets. The relationship between profit and risk. External effects (negative, positive).
  9. Economic systems: main paths of development (pre-industrial society). Economic systems: main paths of development (industrial society). Economic systems: main paths of development (post-industrial society).
  10. The role of the state in a market economy. Prerequisites for the analysis.
  11. Modern economic systems (market system). Modern economic systems (command system). Modern economic systems (mixed system).
  12. Utility of a good and the utility function. Consumer equilibrium conditions and consumer choice.
  13. Financial markets analysis, types, and features. Transaction costs.
  14. Equilibrium of the company in the short term. Equilibrium of the company in the long run.
  15. Indifference curve. Law of substitution. Income effect and substitution effect.
  16. Wages in conditions of perfect competition. Human capital and regulation of natural monopolies. Features of the labor market.
  17. Perfect competition (disadvantages, classification of market structures). Pure monopoly (characteristic features, indicators of monopoly power).
  18. Production efficiency and the industrial relations curve. Efficiency of exchange.
  19. Economic and accounting profit. Cost analysis in the short and long term. Fixed and variable costs. Total and marginal costs.
  20. Double monopoly (characteristic features). Price discrimination. Monopsony. Two-sided monopoly.
  21. Economics – the science of rational use of limited resources.
  22. Study of the stages of development of economic science.
  23. Reproduction of economic benefits and expansion of needs.
  24. Features of the formation of modern market systems.
  25. Modern ownership structure and its reform.
  26. Study of the shadow economy.
  27. The problem of supply and demand.
  28. Analysis of types of market structures.
  29. Perfect and imperfect market competition and its problems.
  30. Enterprise in the system of market relations.

Topics about the Role of Data Analysis in Economics Research

  1. Analysis of quantitative data on mass phenomena and processes in the economic sphere.
  2. Methods of data analysis in economics research.
  3. Data analysis and its influence in the state and prospects for the development of economics research.
  4. The correct application of data analysis in modern research methods.
  5. Importance of data analysis in economics research.
  6. Data analysis methods for gaining a deeper understanding of economic phenomena.
  7. Identification of trends and patterns in economics research.
  8. The role of data analysis in policy-making in economics.
  9. Testing an economic theory using data-driven economic research.
  10. Transparency in economics research with the help of data analysis.

Topics about Economic Policy and Its Implications in Research

  1. The role of government intervention in the economy.
  2. The impact of taxation based on economic growth studies.
  3. The trade-off between inflation and unemployment.
  4. The role of interest rates in monetary policy.
  5. The effects of globalization on economic policy.
  6. The role of institutions in economic policy.
  7. The economic impact assessments of income inequality on economic growth.
  8. The role of technology in shaping economic policies.
  9. The effects of different demographic factors on economic growth, inflation, and fiscal policy (e.g., aging populations and social security programs).
  10. The challenges of addressing demographic issues in a global economy.

Topics about Emerging Trends in Economic Theory and Research

  1. Green growth in economics.
  2. Behavioral economics.
  3. Cryptocurrency.
  4. Income inequality.
  5. Artificial intelligence and automation in economics.
  6. Globalization in economics.
  7. Social entrepreneurship.
  8. Health economics.
  9. Gender economics.
  10. Sustainable development in economics.

Innovative Approaches to Economics Research

  1. Machine-learning algorithms. Artificial intelligence occupies an increasingly important place in our lives due to its wide range of applications. As an integral part of artificial intelligence technologies, machine learning methods make it possible not only to use existing economic analysis, forecasting, and decision-making algorithms but also to learn over time to solve assigned economic problems under changing parameters. The idea of machine learning is based on finding patterns and making effective economic decisions with minimal human impact.
  2. Experimental methods. In the variety of areas of modern economics, the relatively young field of controlled laboratory experiments, or so-called experimental economics, is marked by the most dynamic development and the conquest of a growing number of supporters among followers of various schools. According to its adherents, the results of applying laboratory methods opened up new opportunities for testing and revising traditional theoretical models.
  3. Social media. Problems of the economic use of social networks are becoming increasingly relevant. The potential of social networks as a communication tool is recognized all over the world, and their role is only increasing every year.

Economics Research Topics in Global Perspective

  1. The impact of globalization on economies. Attention should be paid to the duality of globalization processes. On the one hand, with their help, conditions are created that facilitate entry into world economic relations and accelerate economic development. On the other hand, globalizing countries are often subject to discrimination and do not receive comprehensive development but only the development of individual industries.
  2. Income inequality in a globalized world. It is generally accepted that the division of people into rich and poor arose with the advent of class society. However, wealth and income inequality are especially pronounced in the era of modern globalization. With the rapid growth of wealth, the world’s wealth has never been distributed so unevenly as today. Inequality exists everywhere, across economic and social strata, from geopolitical regions and countries to hinterland and urban areas. However, it varies in magnitude depending on context.
  3. The economics of climate change. The economics of climate change is an innovative area that arose at the intersection of ecology and economics and is driven by global environmental requirements. Climate change economics aims to help governments, businesses, and society make effective decisions to achieve economic prosperity and growth simultaneously. The economics of climate change helps to assess the financial and economic consequences of climate change, study the economic aspects of stabilizing the concentration of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere at a safe level that would avoid costly crisis consequences, and characterize socio-ecological-economic relations regarding the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Bridging Theory and Practice in Economics Research

Why is bridging theory and practice in economics research important? Modern economics cannot function normally and develop successfully without relying on the recommendations of science, its provisions, and conclusions. And the further technological progress develops, the more it needs economics research.

Every leap in the development of technology is a reflection of progress in science. Science is invading people’s daily lives much faster than before. The time it takes to master scientific and technical achievements and discoveries reduces sharply.

The development of all sectors of the economy urgently requires deep scientific research, searches and experiments, design, and technical and economic developments.

Knowledge of economic phenomena and processes is carried out through direct contemplation and abstract thinking. Both of these stages are presented in practice and theory, transforming into each other and complementing each other. The process of cognition includes accumulating facts that are systematized and generalized using appropriate concepts, judgments, and inferences.

Economic research includes the following components:

  • selection and justification of the research topic;
  • formulation of the purpose and specific objectives of the study;
  • determination of the object and subject of the research;
  • drawing up a research plan and program;
  • selection of research methods (techniques);
  • collection, processing, and analysis of data about the phenomenon being studied;
  • formulation of conclusions and evaluation of the results obtained.

In their organic unity, these components form a complete cycle of economic research. The stages of economic research consist of interconnected work processes aimed at solving assigned problems. The result of a specific economic study depends on the organization of work at each individual stage.


How can economic theories be applied in research papers?

If you need to write a research paper applying economic theories, first of all, you need to formulate a hypothesis. The research hypothesis is an integral part of the introduction to any research paper. This element’s development is significant since it supports the entire study and is its driving force. A research paper aims to confirm or refute the formulated hypothesis during the research process.

After formulating a hypothesis, you need to gather empirical evidence. Evidence is needed to support or reject your hypothesis. Also, you need to use economic models. They are simplified representations of real-world situations and can help explain difficult economic phenomena.

What is the importance of data analysis in economics research?

Data analysis has an integral place in our communities, with the potential to inform and drive healthy economic development. Researchers now have access to tools that ensure growth is applied in the right areas, supporting healthy and sustainable evolution. This is due to the widespread use of devices in personal and business spaces that collect and analyze large amounts of useful data.

How do global economic trends influence research topics?

One of the major factors is the influence of economic conditions on funding research projects. Funds for research may be lacking, which can lead to finding more practical areas of study. Moreover, global economic trends may influence the interests of organizations and governments, which may affect the direction of research. Also, global trends make it easier for researchers to collaborate. This helps to explore topics that have not been studied before. We considered these factors while developing our lists of research paper topics for economics.

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Published by
Lauren Bradshaw
Lauren started writing in 2003. Since then, she tried her hand in SEO and website copywriting, composing for blogs, and working as an academic writer. Her main interests lie in content marketing, developing communication skills, and blogging.