Nursing School Memes Funny Selection: Our Top 50 Hilarious Picks

nursing school study memes

Studying at nursing school takes work. Frankly speaking, it’s beyond complicated, so registered nurses say. Students study a lot of complex subjects and pass extremely demanding exams, all to work seven days a week, 24 hours a day — a joke through tears. Nevertheless, young people who plan to devote their lives to serving people consciously take this step and do not whine. Moreover, they laugh and are busy coming up with new memes to catch the eye of the day. If you are a nursing student or just want to get a powerful positive vibes boost, read our selection of the coolest 50 nursing school memes right now.

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Funny Nurse Memes

Ready, set, go. We’re off to the races. The memes in our selection will boost your serotonin levels, which is precisely what the doctor prescribed!

Night shift nurses reporting to day shift

Night shift nurses reporting to day

Heroes don’t wear capes. They wear stethoscopes and take care of patients at night. Who are they? Of course, they are nurses who work the night shift!

Nurse on break

A funny meme of a child running in excitement with the caption Student nurse making a fast break!

There are many jokes about the fact that nurses do not take breaks. What can we comment on this? Someone once said: “To keep from crying, we laughed.” However, sometimes, it’s okay to cry in nursing school. No one will judge you.

Nurses making gifts

Nurses making gifts

It’s always pleasant to make presents, but when you’re a nurse, you don’t always have time to buy them, not to mention wrap them nicely.

When nurses troll patients

When nurses troll patients

You can brighten up a demanding and stressful job with a suitable joke, and nurses are pros at this. Always be polite to nurses!

Nurses troll doctors

Two nurses laughing and giving thumbs up, with humorous text about a surgeon's skills.

We know the feeling when you’ve done a great job, but someone else is praised for it, not you. No pun intended, but the meme is funny, isn’t it?

Nurses Playing Cards Memes

Do nurses play cards? Perhaps it’s all a rumor, or maybe nurses have their own card championship? Before you look for this information, check out the funny memes we’ve collected below.

Nurses playing cards

nurses playing cards

Nurses: We do whatever it takes to make the patient feel better! We: Does this include playing cards? Nurses: No! No kidding, thank you, nurses, for your hard work!

Nurses and cards memes

A skeleton sitting on a bench with the text Waiting for my nurse... We're still playing cards, Susan!

“This game is really intense, Susan!” — the nurse shouts in desperation, hoping Susan will make it all by herself… (Kidding)

Cards playing with nurses

Cards playing with nurses

Sometimes, the card game requires sacrifice. And, sometimes, you have to sacrifice something to play cards. Tough call. 😉

Nurses playing cards meme

Nurses playing cards meme

Do nurses play cards all the time at work? Ask Senator Walsh for the answer. Kidding 🙃

Funny nurses playing cards

Funny nurses playing cards

Some say that the most difficult things to learn in nursing school are Pathophysiology and Pharmacology. But what about learning to play cards?

Nursing School and Nursing Student Memes

Literally, every profession has its own collection of memes about it. However, no one can compare with nurses. Their humor is on a different level.

A collection of the funniest nurse memes

A nurse meme featuring a clown under an umbrella with the caption about burnout from using the same joke with every patient.

Burnout at school and work is a serious problem. Future nurses can be happy in nursing school; they just need to not be too hard on themselves. Do the best you can and hope for the best. That’s our motto you should use, nursing students!

Nurse memes that are ridiculously funny

Nurse memes that are ridiculously funny

You should not believe everything that is written on the Internet (well, except for what we write). You should also not blindly believe movies and TV shows, especially those on medical topics.

Nursing student memes

Nurse memes that are ridiculously funny

Nursing is a hard job that not everyone can do. We thank you, nurses, from the bottom of our hearts!

When nursing school beats you hard meme

When nursing school beats you hard

Enduring heavy mental workloads is nothing new for nursing students. They cope with it every day, even if they sometimes cry quietly into their pillows after classes at home.

Newbie nurses

Newbie nurses

Have you heard the saying that only when you come to work do you gain all the knowledge you really need? Newbie nurses know this for a fact.

Funny Nursing School Memes

Those who can laugh at themselves have great power. Isn’t that right, dear nurses? We continue our selection of hilarious nursing school memes. Check these out!

Recommended reads

A collection of the funniest nurse memes

a collection of the funniest nurse memes

Who likes to write reports? You probably won’t find anyone, especially among nurses who have finished their shifts.

The funniest nurse memes

funniest nurse memes

When everyone is asleep, they do their work quietly and don’t ask for anything in return. Well, except for sincere gratitude and understanding of how difficult and responsible the work of nurses is.

A funny nursing school meme

funny nursing school

When you think, “I’m going to finish reading this paragraph and go to bed.” Then, you realize that you still have a microbiology essay to write.

Nursing school memes

Nursing school memes

Everyone who went to school knows that incredible feeling when everything you learned at the last minute comes up on an exam. Was it often enough for you, though?

When nursing school is funny

Humorous depiction of Mona Lisa looking exhausted with the caption Nursing school going okay? Yeah I'm good.

Studying is always a lot of work, but when you go to nursing school, multiply “a lot of work” by two at least.

Male Nurse Memes

Men are not afraid of hard work. They boldly challenge even such a demanding profession as nursing. Get a boost of serotonin from the male nurse memes we have carefully selected.

Only male in nursing

Only male in nursing

Male nurses will always be there for you. All jokes aside.

Male nurse

A humorous meme titled Male Nurse showing various perspectives of what people think male nurses do versus what they actually do.

When your thoughts about the job don’t match your expectations, you’re most likely dealing with nursing.

Funniest nurse males

A male nurse holding a syringe with the text, When patients ask if I can make them feel better I always say... I'll give it a shot!

Male nurses can hurt you for your own good. They call it giving injections.

War declared by male nurses

War declared by male nurses

Some people go to the gym to pump up their muscles, while male nurses prefer field practice. They are incredibly skillful at combining their work with physical health care.

Males in nursing school

Males in nursing school

Stop mocking male nurses and mind your own business. Keep it up, male nurses. Your work is important!

Dating a Nurse Memes

Should you start dating a nurse? Find answers in our selection of nursing memes!

Nurse Ratched

Nurse Ratched

Is anyone else afraid of Nurse Ratched? We are. She is the last person on Earth we would want to be next to in a hospital, God forbid.

Sexy nurse for Halloween

Sexy nurse for Halloween

We’re not here to judge, but we know you stopped scrolling on this meme.

Marrying nurses

Marrying nurses

We fully agree with the author of this meme. You can hardly find such unselfish people!

Nurse memes about dating

A humorous comparison of expectations versus reality when dating a nurse, showing a glamorous nurse on the left and a tired woman sleeping on the right.

Again, movies are movies, and real life is real life. Refrain from mistaking them.

Nursing School Exam Memes

Exams are always a busy time, but for nursing students, it is a quest for survival. We continue our selection of nursing school memes with the best picks.

Memes about nursing school exam

A humorous meme of a child intensely writing with the caption Nursing exam. The instructor announces that you have 15 minutes left. You are on question 25 of 50.

“Run, Forrest, run!” oh, wait, no, write, nurse student, write!

Funny nursing school memes about exams

A nursing school meme featuring a notebook with colorful notes and a humorous tip about laminating notes to prevent tears from smudging.

“Don’t cry me a river,” no, it won’t help you pass the exam.

Nursing school exam memes

Nursing school exam memes

Spelling and grammar mistakes are unacceptable in any exam, but they can cost you a passing score on the nursing school exam.

Exam nursing school memes

Exam nursing school memes

When studying to be a nurse, you must learn to distinguish between highly similar patient conditions.

Nursing school funny memes about exams

Nursing school funny memes about exams

Waiting for the exam results is always stressful, but it’s even more so when the results of the nursing school exam are coming in.

Holiday Nursing School Memes

Do nurses have holidays? There are legends that they do. We continue our journey through funny memes about nurses.

Nurses week holiday

Nurses week

Is a week enough to celebrate nurses? No, and no again! Show your appreciation at every opportunity!

Holiday nursing school memes funny

Holiday nursing school memes funny

When you’re a nurse, you can only dream of a rest…

Holiday nursing school clinical memes

Holiday nursing school clinical memes

Being a nurse means always going forward no matter what, even on your own holiday.

Holiday nursing school memes

Holiday nursing school memes

Hey girl, your nurse friends are also working all this week, so don’t be upset!

Nursing school friends memes on holiday

Holiday nursing school memes

Yes, millions of times, yes, you are. You’re doing amazing, sweetie!

Memes About Nursing School

Ready for a couple of more hilarious nursing school memes? Buckle up!

Memes everyone in nursing school is sick of

Memes everyone in nursing school is sick of

Nurses like some memes less than others…

Funny nursing school memes

Funny nursing school memes

When the exam is important, we all feel this in one way or another.

Memes about nursing school

Memes about nursing school

Oh boy, are there other schools besides nursing schools with such huge textbooks? Maybe… law schools, who knows?

Funny nursing school meme

A humorous meme featuring Joey from Friends, reacting to realizing he was supposed to read five chapters before class.

“Didn’t you know you were supposed to be five steps ahead? A fatal mistake!” — is a typical phrase of a professor at a nursing school.

When nursing school is all fun

When nursing school is all fun

What can we say to this? Hang in there, nursing students. We believe in you!

Nursing School Study Memes

Is it hard to study at nursing school? Find answers in our nursing school memes!

Nursing school studying memes

Nursing school studying memes

Hold on, nursing students, we are rooting for you!

Nursing school study memes

cool nursing school study memes

Studying at nursing school means knowing not only the topic thoroughly but also the number of pages in a textbook on the subject.

Nursing school memes about studying

A crying nursing student meme expressing frustration about studying medications.

We feel your pain, bro…

Studying nursing school memes

A humorous nursing meme featuring a man in a suit with the caption It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Don’t beat yourself up, a nursing student. It was the right choice!

Studies in nursing school

Black and white meme featuring a man's confused face with the text Study Pharmacology?? Are you serious? It's like memorizing a dictionary!

But then you will have absolutely no problems playing Scrabble one day! Isn’t it an advantage to cherish?

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Disclaimer: All rights to the images belong to the original sources.

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Published by
Lauren Bradshaw
Lauren started writing in 2003. Since then, she tried her hand in SEO and website copywriting, composing for blogs, and working as an academic writer. Her main interests lie in content marketing, developing communication skills, and blogging.
Marc Gray is the founder of the Odyssey College Prep program. As the director of education, he helps parents and students simplify college planning. His enterprise aims to give parents who are overwhelmed by the endless decisions of college planning a stress-free and comprehensive solution. Marc also helps students discover and enhance their talents through advanced aptitude testing, ensuring that they can develop them into practical skills to use while building their dream careers.