How to overcome troubles with your writing homework

Student's troubles

Have you ever wondered why your essays and research projects are so hard to complete? Surely, everyone has their reasons, but many people think it’s just laziness. Our team did some research on this statement using a CAWI survey conducted in 2018. After asking 1500 American, British, and Canadian students about their difficulties with homework, we saw that their problems happen for a reason.

It’s not always possible to make time for an essay without sacrificing sleep, career, or family time. Moreover, writing is a skill that takes years to develop, and that’s a fact that nobody should overlook. So what can students do? Is staying positive and not blaming yourself for failures the only way? No, it’s not, and you can find other solutions below!

Research shows factors that stop students from doing homework

We have long suspected that something wasn’t right with the writing tasks that scared many students more than anything else. Their honest opinions revealed that 57% of students are employed and simply have no time because of urgent demands from work. Some say that it’s not right to find a job while studying, but let them look at the tuition fees and think again. Other troubles include:

  • Challenges that concern creating original content and avoiding plagiarism (41%)
  • Problems with English grammar (37%)
  • Kids, a job, or both—they’re time-consuming! (34%)
  • Tight deadlines and pressure (30%)
  • Difficult tasks (28%)
  • Professor’s requirements that are hard to meet (20%)

As you can see, many of these problems occur simultaneously. Perhaps you are reading this article because you received a creative assignment to complete within 24 hours but can’t possibly cram any more challenges into your schedule. People with these problems often need help, but the big question is: how many of them actually use it? Not surprisingly, 54% of students ask someone to assist them while dealing with monstrous tasks. That someone can be a more experienced classmate, a parent, or any amount of information from a Google search, but most people never write on their own.

Family chores take plenty of time

Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

Why do so many troubles occur in the first place?

For some, it’s just three words: conflict of interest. Inspiration doesn’t go well with academic demands, especially when you want to express yourself. When every step is already planned by someone else, how can it truly be an individual work? Constraints offer no excitement, which is why many talented students just give up on essays entirely.

Another well-known reason is procrastination caused by stress or intimidating complexity. It’s not the same as laziness because it’s a state in which you have no spiritual strength to tackle a research assignment at a specific time, and later, you might have none. Creative papers are even worse: people delay writing them because they are afraid to fail or unwilling to share their thoughts under pressure.

Still, imagine that you have overcome all these challenges and finally gained the necessary concentration. But suddenly, you receive a call from work, asking you to deal with an emergency. Chances are, you will never get back to that paper because all your preparation efforts have been ruined.

The students from the survey also stated that time is the price they pay for originality. Some of them could write just what the professor wanted with all the necessary elements and zero plagiarism, but it would take a week, not a couple of days. No one can blame them; creating content has always been one of the hardest tasks ever. Finally, some of the students just asked, “Why should I acquire chronic conditions from all the pressure if I’m not a good writer?” They are right in their own way: constant failures drain motivation.

Help with your writing: Why it’s important and where to find it

Good help has never been easy to find, and people prefer different forms of assistance. Someone might be eager to sacrifice their leisure time in order to spend hours tolerating a nerdy classmate who will explain every little detail to them, but even the people who are willing to do that often don’t have a single minute to spare. They might also need to keep other urgent matters in mind, snapping at whoever volunteered to shed light on formatting or structure for them.

Asking parents for aid often means disappointing them, and online teachers are even less accessible than they once were offline. Sometimes, professors explain their topics and demands in such complex words that they are impossible to understand. So, what do the students who have no time do when they need urgent assistance?

Using websites offering reliable help with any type of writing assignment is an increasingly popular option. Such companies usually have plenty of professional writers and 24/7 support. The personalized help comes in a package with flexible prices, easy order tracking, and direct communication with the writer. For professional writers, keeping confidentiality is a top priority, and you can ask them to help you anytime. No wonder the popularity of such helpers continues to grow.

Ask for help when you need it

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

How you can change your experiences with writing homework

In tackling more and more essays, you’ve probably noticed that this type of homework creates new challenges, and that its complexity only grows over time. However, even constant skill development and self-discipline are not enough to tame these tasks. Students need resilience, motivation, and, most importantly, time to deal with rising formatting, style, and grammar challenges. You’ll find some interesting tips on improving your experiences with writing homework below, but note that you are likely to acquire dangerous conditions if you work too hard, forgetting about self-care.

  • Firstly, make friends with your procrastination. It may sound weird at first, but you will feel better if you find time for doing nothing. See when you usually avoid your tasks and insert small breaks on your schedule during those periods. No more blaming yourself for procrastinating: now there’s a right time for it!
  • Break the assignments down into smaller steps. Something that appears too large usually scares us, so identifying all the challenges and overcoming them one by one is a good strategy. It will also help you not to miss anything from the instructions.
  • Reward yourself after completing a task. Let it be a small but memorable pleasure that compensates for the hardships you faced. Anticipating the prize will give you additional strength in the process, and the outcome will renew your energy.
  • If you choose to ask for help, do it as early as possible! Remember that even professional writers do better when they have more time to understand the assignment and gather the necessary information.
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Published by
Steven Bloom
Steven is an IT student who constantly seeks new opportunities for self-development. He is also fond of popular culture and entertainment. Lately, Steven has started writing about the challenges he faces as a student. He finds it helpful to brainstorm when difficult tasks arise.