How Can Students Develop Communication Skills?

improve communication skills

Students often face a problem with verbal self-expression. The XXI century brought many gadgets and social networks. Students got used to reduced word-forms, abbreviations, slang, and collocations that are grammatically incorrect. Sometimes they find it hard to conduct a real-life conversation. They stumble and mumble when trying to initiate speech and fail to present various academic assignments. Experts recommend doing 7 things to improve communication skills.

communication types

To become a perfect interlocutor, you need to master two types of communication. The first one concerns communication channels. The second one deals with style and purpose. If a person is a perfect communicator, he or she might become a good leader, influencer, listener, adviser, employer, and employee. The best option is to be good at both types of communications. What does each of them mean?

Communication channels consist of verbal and non-verbal interaction. John Stoker has created the “93/7 rule”, where ninety-three percent go to nonverbal importance of communication (tone and behavior) and only seven percent go to the value of the word usage.

Verbal communication consists of oral and written intercourse. People can inform about something using dialogs, monologues, speeches, and even single words orally or in written form. Oral communication can be face to face like dialogs and distance like phone talks. Written communication includes letters, messages, informative articles, announcements,
posts, etc. Both intercourses have requirements, benefits, and disadvantages. One should regard the situation to select the best variant.

Non-verbal interaction does not include words. It concerns facial expressions, behavior, appearance, gestures, tone of voice, the pitch of voice, eye contact, and other things that can convey a message without words.

Style and purpose deal with formal and informal situations. Formal ones include communication that occurs at work, studies, non-fiction literature, political debates, presentations, etc. They demand appropriate grammar, vocabulary, style, formatting, structuring, and tone. Informal situations take place in everyday life. They do not require specific words, tone, and style. They are diverse due to human moods and events that provoke informal communication.

When a person master perfect communication skills, he or she will be able to

  • solve problems quicker
  • have better relations with others
  • become more productive
  • find unique decisions
  • become a professional
  • control oneself in public
  • help others and influence people

effective comunication

Students often ask a question, “How to develop communication skills?” To have a good rating and get the desired grades, a student must be able to use oral and written speech. The best way is to take advantage of the college curriculum. Tutors provide assignments that demand critical thinking. Students should become active participants and ask a lot of open questions to develop communication skills.

Coalcast gives you seven tips to improve your communication skills.

Turn to the World of Art

Read books and watch movies about the importance of communication. Some pieces of art inspire talks. They show how silence speaks loud while words provide zero value. Watch these ten movies to learn more about non-verbal communication.

  • Bean (1997)
  • The Great Debaters (2007)
  • The Hunger Games (2012-2015)
  • Modern Times (1936)
  • The Social Network (2010)
  • The King’s Speech (2010)
  • American Psycho (2000)
  • The Graduate (1967)
  • Drive (2011)
  • Se7en (1995)

One should pay attention to dialogues, emotions, final scene conversations, eye contact, gestures, and manner of speech. Besides, you can watch and analyze the speeches of world leaders who led millions like Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. What made them outstanding influencers? Why did people follow them?

Use Voice Recorders and Camera

Have you ever tried to record your voice or video where you introduce a project or something similar? Try to do it. Watch it and think if you sound convincing. Your gestures and mimics should be connected with the message. Analyze your words, behavior, posture, mimics, and other details that prevent you from success.

improve communication skills

Sound Clearly

You should remember not to yell or murmur. Both variants will irritate other participants of the conversation. One should be precise. Moreover, it is better to use the words correctly. You should avoid weird collocations and not mispronounce words. If you want somebody to understand you, you must speak neither too slowly nor too quickly.

Listen Before to Answer

People often think about the answer without listening to the opponent. Sometimes we try to cover 2 and more conversations simultaneously. For example, you speak over the phone and try to respond to someone in Gmail or answer questions of a person who is beside you. You can lose a message and become puzzled. Communication requires concentration and attentive listening. Due to that, you will understand the content and provide answers and questions that suit the conversation.

Enlarge Your Vocabulary and Broaden Your Outlook

Nobody likes to talk to a person who is ignorant of many topics and cannot express thoughts because of a poor vocabulary. It does not mean that you should use extraordinary words
everywhere. Your main task is to consider the situation. Your friends will regard you as a selfish braggart if you start using complicated and sophisticated expressions that are hard to understand. Terminology and philosophy fit events that demand them like disputes, interviews, etc.

Listen to Podcasts

Podcasts are very effective in the development of communication skills. Experts teach their followers how to become powerful communicators using personal storytelling and samples of popular influencers. The most popular podcasts are Mindful Communication, Communication Junkie, The Smart Communications, Speak up with Laura Camacho, and others.

Practicing is the Best Teacher

Why are people afraid to talk to others? They lack practice. You should not fear making mistakes but try not to repeat them. It is like riding a bike. Everybody fears it for the first time. Each next ride becomes better. Regular cycling turns you into a professional who can ride fast even in the mountains. Students should work in groups to do the assignment. Teamwork is an effective tool to develop communication skills. Students distribute tasks, set the deadline, take turns, research, share information, and support or oppose someone’s opinion. Group projects involve oral, written, formal, informal communication skills.

Students should take care of communication skills to become more socialized and goal-oriented.

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Published by
Lauren Bradshaw
Lauren started writing in 2003. Since then, she tried her hand in SEO and website copywriting, composing for blogs, and working as an academic writer. Her main interests lie in content marketing, developing communication skills, and blogging.