How Long Is a PhD Thesis?

When a student is assigned a PhD thesis, one of the first questions he/she asks is, “How long is a PhD thesis?”. In this article, we will discuss all the essentials concerning PhD dissertation writing and answer the trickiest questions you may have, such as “How long are PhD dissertations?”, 

What Is the Typical Length of a PhD Thesis?

The number of pages for a PhD thesis may vary according to the field of study, university guidelines, and nature of the doctoral research. Generally, it ranges from 80,000 to 100,000 words, and this number includes references, tables, and appendices. This is about 200 to 300 pages, depending on the formatting and the complexity of the research itself. Theses in humanities and social sciences tend to be longer due to their extensive literature reviews and theoretical discussions.

Average Word Count for a PhD Thesis in STEM

But how long is a dissertation for PhD in STEM? STEM fields usually focus on experimental data, and STEM theses may be shorter, perhaps 40,000-60,000 words. Before getting down to academic writing, it is highly recommended that you check the specific institutional PhD requirements set by your professor because some may have strict word limits.

6 Factors That Influence PhD Thesis Length

How long should a dissertation be? The answer usually depends on some factors. Here are some key factors that may influence the volume of your paper.

  1. Field of study. Doctoral theses in the humanities and social sciences often require extensive literature reviews and theoretical discussions, which make them a bit longer. STEM fields may focus more on concise experimental data.
  2. Study scope and depth. The complexity of the study questions, methodologies, and findings influence the dissertation length. Comprehensive studies with large datasets are more extended.
  3. Writing style and structure. Concise academic writing with well-organized sections can result in a shorter dissertation. At the same time, profound explanations and detailed analysis can increase the number of pages.
  4. Appendices and supplementary material. Extensive appendices with raw data, questionnaires, or detailed methodology can contribute significantly to the overall number of pages.
  5. Supervisor requirements. Supervisors may have specific preferences for the depth of analysis, number of pages, and details. This can influence the overall word count of your dissertation.
  6. Type of research. Qualitative doctoral research often requires more detailed descriptions and discussions. At the same time, quantitative research is often more concise, with focused data presentation.

How Thesis Length Varies Across Universities

Universities often set word limits for theses, which can vary by department. The number of pages required for a dissertation can vary across universities due to differences in academic standards, field expectations, and institutional guidelines.

  • University-specific guidelines. Each university sets its own rules regarding dissertation length. The word limits usually vary between different departments. Some may set the limit at 80,000 words, but others may allow up to 100,000 words.
  • Field of study requirements. Even within the same university, dissertation word count may vary by discipline. Humanities and social sciences usually expect up to 100,000 words, but sciences may need around 40,000–60,000 words.
  • Doctoral program type. Some universities offer structured PhD programs with embedded coursework, which might result in shorter theses due to the prior publication of related research papers. Others, especially traditional programs, may require more extensive research.
  • International variations. British and Australian universities typically adhere to stricter word count limits. At the same time, institutions in the US focus more on the quality and depth of the research without paying much attention to the word count.
  • Language and formatting norms and requirements. Universities with different language requirements or specific formatting rules may impact overall dissertation length.

As you can see, there are a lot of factors that may influence the number of pages needed for your dissertation, and you should always review your specific university and departmental guidelines when planning the scope and structure of your dissertation.

Differences in PhD Thesis Length by Discipline

The word count for a PhD thesis also varies by discipline based on the nature of the study, the academic writing style, and the type of data presented. 

Humanities and Social Sciences

Doctoral theses in fields like history, literature, sociology, and psychology are often the longest. Their volumes range from 80,000 to 100,000 words. Due to their extensive literature reviews, theoretical discussions, and in-depth qualitative analysis, these papers require more extensive texts.

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)

Theses in STEM fields are often shorter. They typically range from 40,000 to 60,000 words. They focus on the concise presentation of experimental data, methods, and results with various figures and tables.

Arts and Design

These disciplines usually have creative components, and theses in these areas can range from 30,000 to 50,000 words. The number of pages may vary depending on the balance between practical work and written analysis.

Business and Economics

These theses usually range from 50,000 to 80,000 words. Business and Economics papers often include case studies, quantitative analysis, and comprehensive reviews of different business models or economic theories.


Legal PhD theses range from 70,000 to 100,000 words. These papers are often longer due to detailed case law analysis, legal theory discussions, and policy implications.

Medicine and Health Sciences

If you are assigned a Medicine or Health Science dissertation, this type of paper will be about 50,000-70,000 words. As they are focused on clinical data, patient studies, or laboratory findings, the volume may be quite large.


These variations involve the specific needs of each discipline. Some require more narrative detail and theoretical context, while others emphasize brevity and data-centric presentations, and these points offer their own PhD requirements.

How to Determine the Right Length for Your PhD Thesis

Determining the correct number of pages for your PhD thesis involves balancing academic guidelines, the scope of your research, and the expectations within your discipline. Thus, in order to come up with the dissertation your professor expects, you have to consider all the essential PhD requirements and instructions.

Strategies to Manage PhD Thesis Length

Here are some strategies you should follow when you ask yourself, “How long is a PhD dissertation?” in order to make sure that your dissertation meets all the requirements adequately.

  • Review your university guidelines. Check your university’s specific requirements regarding doctoral thesis length. You can find them outlined in departmental handbooks or academic regulations. Such instructions often specify the minimum and maximum word count.
  • Consult with your supervisor. Supervisors can help you determine if your work is sufficiently comprehensive and aligned with disciplinary norms.
  • Analyze field standards. Review recently submitted theses from your department or field and get hints on the expected word count and structure.
  • Focus on content quality. Focus on the quality and coherence of your argument. Each chapter should contribute meaningfully to your overall study objectives, ensuring completeness without watery information.
  • Consider the scope of your study: The complexity of your study questions, the amount of data needed, and the type of analysis required can influence the length of your doctoral thesis. More complex studies may need more space to fully explore the findings.
  • Balance detail with conciseness. Ensure that you provide enough detail to substantiate your arguments and findings. At the same time, avoid overly lengthy explanations and redundant content.

By adhering to these strategies, you can ensure that your dissertation is appropriately lengthy, well-structured, and aligned with both academic expectations and the nature of your study.

Tips for Writing a Comprehensive PhD Thesis

Writing a comprehensive PhD thesis is a challenging but rewarding task that requires planning, research, and clear academic writing. Here are some tips that can help you craft a masterpiece:

  1. Start with a clear outline. Draft an outline where you break down each chapter and section of your dissertation. This will help you organize your ideas, ensure a logical flow, and cover all the essential aspects of your study.
  2. Set realistic writing goals. Set specific goals for each day or week of the academic writing process. Regular progress is more effective than bursts of effort.
  3. Focus on one chapter at a time. Complete one chapter at a time to maintain focus and ensure coherence.
  4. Be thorough in your literature review. Ensure that you cover all the relevant theories, past studies, and key debates in your field to provide your work with valuable information.
  5. Present your methods clearly. Provide a detailed explanation of your study methods, including how data was collected, analyzed, and validated.
  6. Analyze your findings in depth. Interpret your results, discuss their implications, and relate them back to your study questions and the broader literature.
  7. Seek feedback regularly. Share your drafts with your supervisor or peers to gain some constructive feedback.
  8. Edit and revise rigorously. Pay attention to clarity, grammar, consistency, and formatting, and ensure that all sections contribute effectively to your overall argument.
  9. Use visual aids wisely. Use charts, graphs, and tables to present data clearly and support your text.
  10. Stay organized. Keep your notes, references, and data well-organized.
  11. Use proper citations. Different citation management tools like EndNote, Zotero, and Mendeley can help you handle references efficiently and avoid last-minute scrambling.

Following these tips can help you produce a well-structured, comprehensive PhD thesis that effectively communicates your study’s contributions throughout the pages.

Common Mistakes in Estimating PhD Thesis Length

Estimating the word count of a PhD thesis can be challenging. Browse these common mistakes in order to avoid coming up with an overly long dissertation.

  • Overestimating the need for detail. Do not include excessive background information, lengthy literature reviews, or overly detailed descriptions. These can bloat the dissertation without providing value.
  • Underestimating the complexity of analysis. Remember that complex findings often require more room to explain and interpret.
  • Ignoring institutional instructions. Disregarding specific word count limits or formatting demands can result in a dissertation that is either too long or too short.
  • Failing to plan for revisions. Do not underestimate the need for revisions. Editing often requires expanding sections for clarity or condensing overly verbose parts.
  • Neglecting to use appendices wisely. Properly using appendices can make the main text more reasonable.
  • Lack of chapter length balance. Having the wrong chapter length can disrupt the flow of the dissertation. Ensure that your chapters are well-balanced.
  • Not anticipating the word count of figures and tables. Various figures, tables, and illustrations can be helpful, but do not overuse them.
  • Misjudging the writing style’s impact. Overly concise writing can leave critical explanations underdeveloped.
  • Overloading the conclusion. A concise, focused summary is often more impactful. It is highly recommended that chapter length be controlled as well.
  • Skipping feedback on the scope. Seek feedback during the writing process so as not to require as many adjustments later on.

Being mindful of these common mistakes can help you estimate and manage the number of pages your PhD thesis consists of more accurately and develop an effective final product.


How many pages is a PhD thesis?

A PhD thesis typically ranges from 200 to 300 pages, but the exact number depends on the formatting, discipline, and amount of data presented.

What factors influence the length of a PhD thesis?

Some key factors that impact the number of pages needed include the field of study, institutional demands, the writing style, and the type of study.

How does thesis length vary between disciplines?

Doctoral thesis length varies widely: Humanities and social sciences usually demand more pages (80,000–100,000 words), whereas theses in STEM fields are usually shorter (40,000–60,000 words).

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Cristel Roberts
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Cristel works in retail but is eager to switch to something that’s more human-related. As the mother of an amazing boy, she believes in the importance of permissive parenting. Recently, Cristel moved from Delaware to Philadelphia because of the love of her life, and though her personal life didn’t work out, she still finds great pleasure in exploring the history of this city.