5 Reasons to Visit the Unique Holiday Thieves’ Market in Iowa City

The holidays are coming and days are becoming less and less productive. You think about Christmas, presents and what you’re going to do during your time free of studies, and this feeling of excitement is just too much – it doesn’t let you concentrate on end-of-the-semester assignments so important for your overall academic progress.

But it’s not a problem when you know how to go about it – continue learning and completing tasks as you have been doing for the last 4 months, but allot several separate days purely for planning your holidays and attending special Christmassy events. This way you’ll abstract yourself from studies and do all the holiday things you’ve wanted to do so badly for a long time, for example, go to 2017 Thieves’ Market. It will take place on December 2 and 3 (perfectly on weekends) at Iowa Memorial Union. There are actually several solid reasons that will definitely persuade you to attend this event.

1.  The Entrance Is Free

Even if you don’t want or simply have no money to make purchases, you can just come and get inspired by the Christmas atmosphere. Have a look at the products people exhibit and come up with ideas of presents that you can do yourself. This will be a great way to spend time and think about your holidays.

2.  Original Gifts for Everyone

Thieves’ Market is organized every year by the University of Iowa Fine Arts Council. It’s main aim is to give young and local artist a chance to showcase their works. Among the goods sold at the fair you will be able to see paintings, original photos, jewelry, articles made from wood, metal, glass, fiber, etc. Can you imagine the diversity of offers that will be available there?

If you really decide to dip into your pocket, you will find presents for everyone: your friends, sweethearts, family members or even professors!

3.  Free Wine & Craft Beer Tasting

We think that this is the strongest reason to go to this year’s Thieves’ Market! We’re kidding, of course. But if you look at this opportunity from a different angle, this free tasting may really help you plot out some great scenario for your holidays, especially if you attend the market with your friends. You know what they say – two heads are better than one (more so in combination with alcohol).

4.  More Free Events to Warm Your Student Soul

2017 Holiday Thieves’ Market is organized to make people happy, and with this year’s program, you can be sure that they really pursue that purpose. Among planned free events there will be:

  • Cocoa & Carols holiday concert: it will be performed by UI Old Gold – an A Capella band formed by the students of the University of Iowa. They will surely create the atmosphere of Christmas. The name of the concert guarantees that!
  • Gift wrapping: Iowa Hawk Shop will decorate your presents bought at the market to make the experience of giving even better than it really is!
  • Art activities for children: if you have younger siblings, they will also enjoy the time spent at the Thieves’ Market.

With no admissions to pay, you can just come and have fun with your friends and family without paying a dime. Isn’t it something every student dreams about?

5.  A Perfect Place to Make Cool Instagram Pics

The area will be 100% decorated with Christmassy goods, and given the range of goods that will be sold on the fair, you can make a lot of great photos for your social networks for a month in advance! Just don’t post them all at once, save some for the period when nobody will have any more pics to show. And you’ll go BAAAM!

This holiday market is really unique because visiting it and buying goods, you have the opportunity to support your fellow student colleagues as well as local crafters. With the Christmas spirit flying in the air, you will complete all your holiday tasks in a day or two: you will but gifts, get some decoration ideas and work out how to spend the break from college. This is a perfect plan! Don’t miss the chance to realize it.

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Published by
Lauren Bradshaw
Lauren started writing in 2003. Since then, she tried her hand in SEO and website copywriting, composing for blogs, and working as an academic writer. Her main interests lie in content marketing, developing communication skills, and blogging.