10 Facts for a Dissertation in Project Management to Hook the Audience

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Facts for Dissertation in Project Management

Dissertations are one of the final projects that most business schools require their students to finish before graduation. Because of this, the dissertation in project management is one of the most important projects that business students have.

One of the best things a student can do in their project management dissertation is to have a great topic that can hook the reader. Professors have to read dozens of these papers a year, so as a student, you are going to want to make your paper interesting to read. Dissertation topics in project management can be difficult to find, but knowing more about the field of project management may be able to push your paper in the right direction.

There are several facts about project management that can add interesting bits of trivia into your piece of writing. Ten interesting facts about project management are below. Read them and try to find inspiration for your project management dissertation.

    1. Project managers make around on average $105,000 a year in the United States.A full-time Project manager is likely to make, on average, $105,000 a year. This yearly earning isn’t anything to scoff at. A great way that this topic can be used in a dissertation is to compare this salary to salaries in other countries.
    2. Project management careers are expected to grow by about 15% in the next five years.Project Management careers have been steadily growing for the last few years. This career is growing, in part, because of the rise of careers in IT in general. Comparing the rate of growth in this career to similar careers could be an interesting topic for a dissertation.
    3. Project managers most often work in IT, but careers in medical and environmental fields are also growing.While working in IT is one of the most traditional fields that a Project Manager works in, new jobs are beginning to open up in hospitals and in environmental companies. Researching why these industries are beginning to hire Project Managers could be something interesting to focus on in a dissertation.
    4. Just over half of all project managers have certifications.A recent survey has shown that only a half of the employees working in Project Management have certificates in the field of study. Does this make a difference in how well they can do their jobs? By interviewing project managers with and without certificates, you may be able to add primary sources to your paper.
    5. About half of all project management offices fail within three years of opening.Many project management offices fail within three years. This could be a topic that could be the main focus of a dissertation. What are the factors that go into as well as why an office fails? What makes the successful offices so successful? Does this have anything to do with some project managers being certified while others are not? Look into some of these questions to spur your paper.
    6. Project managers must rely heavily on their communications skills.One of the main skills a project manager must have is great communication skills. Most project manager jobs involve communicating with others, whether it be in person, on the phone, or over email. Are some of these methods more efficient than others? Answering this question, and asking more about this topic, may be the inspiration you need to write your dissertation paper about.
    7. Project managers can work online/remotely.While many project managers work in business offices and similar workplace environments, they can also work remotely at times. With online jobs and freelancing becoming more popular as technology becomes better understood, are more Project Managers choosing to work remotely? Does the quality of a project Manager’s work change when they work online, rather than in person? Answer these questions and more in your dissertation, and you are to have an interesting paper.
    8. Project managers must be able to work in teams well.Many people think of project managers as bosses or people who work best alone. However, much of their job usually involves delegating tasks and working with others. Project managers need to be leaders. Think of what other traits a project manager needs in order to be successful. Do you have these traits? This can make your dissertation topic more personalized.
    9. Multitasking is one of the most important skills a project manager can have.Another important skill for project managers to have is the ability to multitask. They often have several projects going on at once, or they are working on various elements of a single project. Does this cause their stress levels to rise? Does business school prepare future project managers for this? Answer these questions and others like them in your dissertation.
    10. Project managers do not need to know how to do coding/programming, but they should have a basic understanding of what it is/how it works.When working as a project manager, you do not necessarily need to focus on programming, but you may need to delegate this task to others. Project managers need to have some knowledge of programming to make sure it is being done right. Just how much should a project manager know about computers and programming? What programs are most often used? Focusing the topic for your dissertation on questions like these can help give your paper a technical spin.

    Finding a hook for your dissertation that is both interesting and informative can be difficult. Hopefully, with the help of our thought-provoking facts and suggestions above, finding the project management dissertation topic that is right for you can be just a little bit easier.

  1. References:
    1. Burger, Rachel. (2016). 20 Surprising Project Management Statistics.
    2. Keith, Karina. (2018). Project Management Facts that May Surprise You.
    3. Kristianto, Willi. (2017). 7 Facts About IT Project Manager.
    4. Learn.org. (2018). Project Manager: Career and Salary Facts.
    5. Learn.org. (2018) What Does a Project Manager Do?
    6. Todor, M. (2016). Interesting Facts About Project Management.
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