10 Division Essay Topics on Remote Sensing and Earth Science

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Welcome to our first and foremost guide, 10 facts for a division essay on remote sensing and earth science. In this guide, you’ll learn fundamental facts about remote sensing and earth science, which you would then later utilize in your composition.

This guide is followed by our second guide i.e. 20 topics for division essay on remote sensing and earth science, which includes 20 relevant topics and a sample essay on one particular topic. This guide will allow you to start writing immediately, without having a writer’s block. You’ll be able to correlate the facts along with the topics very easily.

On the other hand, we also have a third guide, more like a writer’s manual. In this guide i.e. how to write a division essay on remote sensing and earth science, you’ll learn what essay really is and how it’s written. You’ll be able to beautify your composition with the techniques and methodologies discussed in it. We recommend you to go through every guide, no matter how much hurry you’re in, before you start writing. Getting a grip on all three of these guides will ensure that your division essay meets the expectations of your professor or instructor and your work is admired.

With that being said, here are the 10 facts on remote sensing and earth science:

  1. The observation of objects and areas from Earth’s surface, without being in contact with that particular object or area, is known as remote sensing or earth observation. Remote sensing, in practical, is something we do in our day-to-day basis activities. For example, reading newspaper is one of the remote sensing activities as your eyes are not in contact with the words printed on the newspaper.
  2. Through this technology, you allow yourself to take images of the earth surface in various EMS (electromagnetic spectrum). In simple words, an image taken from remote sensing technology, allows it to represent the solar radiation (the reflected version of it), the near-infrared regions of EMS and the energy that’s emitted by our planet i.e. Earth, which counts as a thermal infrared region.
  3. There are two major types of remote sensing systems. Active remote sensing uses its own energy that bounces back from the targeted object or area, which is measured in microwave region. Passive remote sensing, on the other hand, requires an outbound energy source, for example, a solar energy from sun. Vehicles used to capture space imagery, use both of these systems to provide accurate remote sensing data to users.
  4. When an object emits or reflects energy, which is then detected and measured by remote sensing systems, it is known as the detection and discrimination technique of these systems. Since objects are diversified and are unique in their own properties, they emit different kinds and amounts of energy that spreads through the EMS. Most of it depends on the structural, physical or chemical facts. But surface roughness, intensity, wavelength of energy or angle of incidence can also play a large role in the reflection of energy that is dispersed into different bands.
  5. A multi-disciplinary science is basically what we call remote sensing technology. It has a combination of disciplines that include but are not limited to: photography, electronics, computer, optics, spectroscopy, satellite launching, telecommunication etc. But all of these technologies are divided from a whole system in its own. This system is known as remote sensing system and there are a variety of remote sensing processes. Every one of these processes play a vital role in operating successfully.
  6. Today, remote sensing technology has allowed us to create a distinction between two similar objects. For example, a real vegetation and a camouflage. A camouflage can be discovered through remote sensing system. This is due to the fact that every object we find in nature has its own electromagnetic radiation. The distribution, emission, absorption and reflection of radiation vary from one another. However, the distinction can also be revealed through the size and shape of the object, or by determining the physical and chemical factors and properties.
  7. During the World War I and World War II, U.S., Europe and Grain Britain utilized remote sensing technology to take aerial photos that helped the military survey large area. The technology also allowed them to get fine details and plan accordingly. The aerial technology is used even today, and more widely. Civilians use it for a number of purposes including construction projects, route surveys, cadastral mapping and town mapping.
  8. Today, satellite images are used to provide a small to medium scale (low to medium resolution) mapping for surveys and monitoring of geology, forestry etc. But due to the development of satellite imaging technology, we can hope that future technology would provide much better (high-res) images.
  9. When data streaming is provided by scanning of samples or objects, it is electronically sampled into what we call “pixels”. This is achieved by a process of continuous scanning, in cross-track direction. There are a number of different types of scanners that are utilized today, for research and development, construction, manufacturing of vehicles etc.
  10. LIDAR scan is basically an imagery collection system. It uses digital camera systems, both live action (video) and photo cameras that are used to record the terrain. However, to obtain optimal quality image, it’s required to have the data processed through planimetric features. This technology is not used in modern era as much as other technological advancements are used today.

There you have it. These 10 facts would absolutely have helped you get a grasp of what remote sensing really is and how it correlates with earth science. You can use these facts to think of a topic and expand on it so that you can easily write a nice division paper.

Now, let’s head on to our second guide, i.e. 20 topics for a division essay on remote sensing and earth science. After that, we’re going to talk about the methodologies and techniques of composing a sublime division essay in our third guide i.e. how to write a division essay on remote sensing and earth science.


  1. Weng, Q. (2002). Land use change analysis in the Zhujiang Delta of China using satellite remote sensing, GIS and stochastic modelling. Journal of environmental management, 64(3), 273-284.
  2. Tucker, C.J., Vanpraet, C. L., Sharman, M. J., & Van Ittersum, G. (1985). Satellite remote sensing of total herbaceous biomass production in the Senegalese Sahel: 1980–1984. Remote sensing of environment, 17(3), 233-249.
  3. Smith, L. C. (1997). Satellite remote sensing of river inundation area, stage, and discharge: A review. Hydrological processes, 11(10), 1427-1439.
  4. Schott, J. R. (2007). Remote sensing. Oxford University Press.
  5. Sweat v. Hull, 200 F. Supp. 2d 1162 (D. Ariz. 2001).
  6. Jensen, J. R. (2009). Remote sensing of the environment: An earth resource perspective 2/e. Pearson Education India.
  7. Blaschke, T. (2010). Object based image analysis for remote sensing. ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing, 65(1), 2-16.
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