10 Narrative Essay Topics on Women Empowerment

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Women play a vital role in making our world a better place. However, only a few organizations truly empower women with their due rights. In recent years though, experts have started to acknowledge the development and economic benefits of women empowerment.

Writing a narrative essay is easy, fun and very enlightening as you are writing about your own personal experience and gaining knowledge from those experiences, getting to know yourself better than ever in the process.

However, to write the perfect narrative essay that can be appreciated by your professor, you need solid facts, some topics to start with and an informational guide on how to write a flawless narrative essay. This is where our expansive guides come in. We have written three different guides for you that describe facts, topics and writing a great narrative on women’s empowerment.

In this first guide, you are provided with 10 facts for a narrative essay on women empowerment. This is the perfect place to gather information for your essay without going through the trouble of having to find credible sources to start researching.

In our second guide, you are provided with 20 topics for a narrative essay on women empowerment so that it becomes easier for you to choose a topic and start writing. Many students get stuck while choosing a good topic for their essay, which is why we’ve chosen 20 relevant topics to aid you. We’ve also included a sample narrative essay at the end which will help you further in writing a stellar narrative essay on your topic of choice.

Finally, in our third guide, we explain how to write a narrative essay on women empowerment to enable you to write a better, more liberal and error-free narrative essay on your particular topic. It is highly recommended not to skip any of our guides, in order to attain perfection in your writing and the essay itself.

Let’s get to it then. Here are 10 Facts on Women Empowerment:

  1. Almost 50 million people around the world are surrounded by civil wars, violent conflicts, disasters and displacement; 80% of those 50 million people are women and children. Without women empowerment campaigns, there is no hope for these women.
  2. Throughout the world, there are only a few places where women have a strong hold on parliamentary seats such as Rwanda, Cuba and the United States. In 2004, Rwanda’s parliament housed 48.8% of women’s seats, 36% of these seats were held by women in Cuba and only 14.3% of parliamentary seats were held by women in the US respectively. In contrast, Saudi Arabia and Solomon Island do not have a single woman in their parliament.
  3. In a study that took place in Kenya, researchers found that 38% of farms were run by women. These women were so perfect in harvesting goods that they managed to harvest the same amount as men did without any help such as advice, loans, fertilizers, insecticides and hybrid seeds. When these women accomplished every goal related to farming men had, they were more efficient in harvesting and actually produced bigger harvests than men.
  4. During a survey, it was found that when women get involved in work, economics grow rapidly. Since there are plethora of women who don’t work due to several reasons, a big gap between men’s and women’s labor force is created, which decreases overall economic growth. When this gap is reduced, the economy starts to grow at a rapid pace.
  5. When a large amount of evidence was collected through various countries around the world, it was found that when women have influence over household income, either through their own earning or funds transfer, it changes the way their families, which later down the line, benefits the future of their children as well.
  6. If we talk on a global scale, women are paid 20 – 25% less than men. This is because women don’t want to get involved in formal professional sectors as they are not trained to such tasks effectively. But due to women empowerment campaigns, we are seeing a rise in women’s wages and their demand over formal sectors of industries.
  7. Around the world, women’s labor force is directly affected due to the reason that they spend more time caring for their children, elders and the sick in their family. This negatively impacts women’s labor force; 25% of women in the European Union are unable to perform labor due to the reason that they have personal responsibilities such as taking care of their children and families at home. In contrast, only 3% of men end up undertaking the same responsibilities.
  8. Despite improvements in the last 50 years in terms of development and economics, women who are working professionally are unable to enjoy “leisure time” because of the sheer amount of work they have on their hands at home; i.e. taking care of the family. Men, on the other hand, do have the time to wind down and relax after a hard day’s labor.
    Through women empowerment, gender inequalities can be done away with so that women can also have the same amount of time to themselves in order to pursue their personal interests
  9. An estimated 15 million girls under 18 years of age are married every year, without even seeking their personal opinion or approval. This occurs because there is no women empowerment and our societies simply lack gender equality.
    Most of the time, these newly wedded brides face troublesome issues in their lives as they are very young and cannot handle all the responsibilities that a married life entails. These brides are also unable to pursue education which makes it impossible to secure high paying jobs – resulting in lower self-esteem, poverty and lower IQ levels throughout the generations.
  10. American women, who are serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, are more likely to be raped by their own co-workers rather than getting killed in action. This kind of behavior by military men happens due to a lack of equal opportunities, adequate protection and benefits for the women who are serving their country side by side with these men.

While these facts may have been interesting to read, they are depressing and distressful as well. However, the above facts are sure to help you in writing an exemplary narrative essay on women empowerment.

Let’s move on to our second guide where you will see examples of 20 topics for a narrative essay on women empowerment. This guide also helps you to start writing without any hesitation as there is a sample essay at the end, which will help you better understand how a narrative essay is written.

Remember to check out our third guide, how to write a narrative essay on women empowerment. In our last guide, you will learn dos and don’ts of writing a narrative essay and some general tips on how to write a flawless and professional narrative essay on your own.


  1. Klasen, S. and Lamanna, F. (2009), “The impact of gender inequality in education and employment on economic growth: New evidence for a panel of countries,” Feminist Economics, 15: 3, pp. 91-132 (as retrieved from UN Women, Progress of the World’s Women 2015-2016: Transforming economies, realizing rights Chapter 4, p. 199)
  2. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Median usual weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers by selected characteristics, annual averages http://www.bls.gov/news.release/wkyeng.t07.htm; Differences by Race and Ethnicity, No Growth in Real Wages for Women,” by Ariane Hegewisch, Claudia Williams, Heidi Hartmann, Ph.D., Stephanie Keller Hudiburg (March 2014). Fact Sheet, p. 2. http://www.iwpr.org/publications/pubs/the-gender-wage-gap-2013-differences-by-race-and-ethnicity-no-growth-in-real-wages-for-women
  3. International Labour Organization (2014). Global Employment Trends 2014: Risk of a jobless recovery p. 19. http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/—dgreports/—dcomm/—publ/documents/publication/wcms_233953.pdf
  4. E. Gakidou, et al., 2010, “Increased Educational Attainment and its Effect on Child Mortality in 175 Countries between 1970 and 2009: A Systematic Analysis,” The Lancet, 376(9745), p. 969.
  5. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Gender Equality in Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship: Final Report to the MCM 2012. p. 17 http://www.oecd.org/employment/50423364.pdf.
  6. Duflo, Esther, (2012) Women Empowerment and Economic Development – Journal of Economic Literature, Volume 50, Number 4 | American Economic Association
  7. Fontana & Paciello, 2010. Other forms of non-agricultural employment for example in trade activities or small enterprises constitute only a small fraction of total employment in rural areas (as retrieved from UN Women, forthcoming, Progress of the World’s Women 2015-2016. Chapter 2, p. )
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