10 Persuasive Essay Topics on Sports as a Social Institution

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When you want to sway an audience to agree with your point of view by presenting arguments, reasons, thoughts and a lot of research, you are actually trying to write a persuasive essay which persuades readers to agreeing with your view.

If you don’t have any idea on how to write a persuasive essay on sports as a social institution, we’re here to help.

In this first guide, 10 facts for a persuasive essay on sports as a social institution, you’ll learn 10 interesting and informative facts on the topic. This guide helps you attain knowledge on your chosen topic without spending extensive time on research because at the end, you’ll find 7 references from where these facts were gathered.

We also have a second guide, 20 topics on sports as a social institution, so you don’t have to brainstorm for specific subtopics. This guide also includes a sample essay as an example on how to write a persuasive essay on sports as a social institution. Naturally, we’ve included 7 references to those topic ideas, for your convenience.

Finally, in our last guide, we have included everything you need to know about persuasive writing and how a well-written persuasive essay should be planned. You can look at it as an academic guideline to writing the perfect persuasive essay so that your professor admires your hard work and efforts.

Without further ado, here are 10 Facts on Sports as a Social Institution:

  1. Around the globe, sports have shaped up social individuals as well as political identities. It has been a subject of popular literature in terms of legends, club histories, heroes, games and championships. Sports have also been credited in popular films, television drama and various other narratives that have influenced millions, even billions of people worldwide. In fact, over recent years, sports have been taken as an important subject of intellectual inquiry, attracting overwhelming interest in the process.
  2. Most television programs around the world depend on sporting events to increase their viewers and subscribers. For example, the World Cup Tournament of 2006 held in Germany, attracted 30 billion viewers from around the world. The final match alone was watched by 2 billion people all over the globe.
  3. When the internet was used for the first time to enhance viewership of the Beijing Olympics, billions of people watched the seasonal feats of Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt. By reaching audiences through the internet, it boosted the global viewership that was well beyond its traditional boundaries.
  4. Many major sports teams serve as a source of pride and social status for individuals who own them. In addition, there are major protagonists in sports who are admired and recognized all over the world. Some of them include David Beckham, Michael Jordan, Ronaldinho, Thierry Henry, Kobe Bryant, Tiger Woods and Lionel Messi.
  5. Sports have risen to fame today due to the fact that it became a necessity for people all around the world and social societies demanded it as a means of leisure and entertainment. It is one of the oldest and most essential social institutions that still serves its purpose to gather people from all over the world to one place, idea, or thought.
    Bodybuilding is a good example. It was becoming a basic need for people to stay fit and look good, and so this sport came into existence.
  6. Sports have taken a highly necessary role all over the world, even politically. Tony Blair, the former British prime minister, was sorely disappointed upon receiving news that David Beckham would be unable to take part in a crucial match because he broke his right foot. Mr. Blair went as far as to stop a crucial meeting from being held upon receiving such devastating news. This represents a strong influence of sports on the world, even on a political scale.
  7. Sports seem to be a central part of every living and breathing person in this world. In fact, the popularity of sports has been rising so dramatically that it has connected itself with other social institutions. Sports has also been seen to influence culture and in some cases, religion. If you see the sports from a functional perspective, it has played a major role in maintaining the status quo and social order.
  8. In ancient civilization, sports and protagonists of sports were influenced by those who had money and power. Even though most sports had been made official, it could still be “democratized” in terms of fairness and sportsmanship. On the one hand, there was a strong concern to maintain and protect fair play, however, on the other, it has been suggested that there was a strong urge to cheat as well, in order to secure a certain social and financial status.
  9. The “Hegemonic Sports Culture” has been comprised of sports that are defined by watching, living, speaking, following, debating and even worrying about the sport in a way, rather than just playing it. Regardless of the nature of a game, many societies have been seen to have a hegemonic sports culture.
  10. Professional sports are a global force that’s quickly spread all over the world. It has miraculously become a common language even though we still see distinctiveness in local sports, where regional teams are followed by loyal local fans forever. Masculine sports such as basketball, baseball, football, soccer and hockey have given rise to sports protagonists among millions of predominantly male fans all over the world.

We’re sure you enjoyed reading through these facts. Now you have something to start with.

Let’s proceed to our second guide where you are bestowed with 20 relevant topics that’ll help you write a persuasive essay on Sports as a Social Institution. We also have a third guide, Writer’s Guide for a Persuasive Essay on Sports as a Social Institution, to sum up everything.


  1. Yilmaz Kaplan, Demet Tekinay, Dr. Alkan Ugurlu; 2013 “Social Status of Sport: Sport as a Social Event, Phenomenon and Institution” International Journal of Science, Culture and Sports. http://www.iscsjournal.com/Makaleler/588422276_8ugurlu.pdf
  2. Kaplan Y (2011). “Hukuk Kurumu”, Ed. Güçlü, Sevinç. Kurumlara Sosyolojik Bakış, Kitabevi Yayınları, Sosyoloji Dizisi 8, 2. Baskı, İstanbul.
  3. Kaplan Y (2007). “Toplumsal Kurum Olarak Spor ve İşlevleri”, Uluslararası Akdeniz Spor Bilimleri Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 09 – 11 November 2007, Antalya – TÜRKİYE.
  4. Lars Rensmann, Andrei S. Markovits; 2010 “Gaming the World: How Sports Are Reshaping Global Politics and Culture” Amazon Prime https://www.amazon.com/Gaming-World-Reshaping-Politics-Culture/dp/069113751X
  5. Eric M. Leifer, 1998 “Making the Majors – The Transformation of Team Sports in America” Harvard University Press http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674543317
  6. FREY, JH; EITZEN, DS; 1991 “Sport and Society – Annual Review of Sociology” Volume 17, Pages 503-522 Annual Reviews Inc.
  7. Coakley, J. J. (1997). Sport in society: issues & controversies.Sport in society: issues & controversies. McGraw-Hill Inc.
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