13 Expository Essay Topics on Drug Use and Its Consequences

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If you are writing an essay on drug use and its consequences, you might be in need of facts.

Below are some facts that can help you support your claims:

  1. Both psychology and sociology seek to explain drug abuse, and each has their distinct perspective on the subject. The phrase ‘drug abuse’ implies excessive use of a controlled substance, resulting in negative consequences. While sociology emphasizes the possible influence of environmental, cultural and social aspects on drug abuse, psychology seeks to establish factors that exist in a person’s sub-conscious mind as influencing drug abuse. In fact, psychological and sociological factors may account for the prevalence of drug abuse.
  2. Defining drug abuse must acknowledge social context. Negative behaviour is connoted by the term ‘drug abuse,’ according to an article from DrugLibrary.org. However, sociology views behaviour as being positive or negative based on the social context of such behaviour. The same behaviour could take on a negative or positive hue, depending on the social circumstances.
  3. There are various sociological factors – such as the socio-economic status of a person — that could influence drug abuse. For instance, having to cope with adverse environmental or social conditions could drive a person to abuse drugs. A drug abuser might be encouraged by mass media or his/ her peer group, either of which might in some manner validate his behaviour.
  4. The psychological perspective explaining the causes of drug abuse focuses on a drug abuser’s inner motivations rather than his/ her social circumstances. Psychology does not allow for the possibility that a drug abuser might deliberately opt to abuse drugs, even to the extent that his/ her behaviour could result in ruining their personal relationships or financial stability. The drug abuser’s behaviour could also lead to their imprisonment, hardly a desirable option. Instead the psychological perspective stresses that the drug abuser behaves as they do because of a biological predisposition to an addiction that is beyond their control.
  5. According to the website of the California State University at Northridge, drug abuse is attributable to several environmental and cultural factors that, however, fail to account for all instances of drug abuse. Psychology discounts sociology’s ability to provide an adequate explanation as to why even under similar environmental, social, and cultural circumstances, some people abuse drugs while others don’t.
  6. Social interaction among humans is also affected by drug abuse and can have a radical effect on your child’s relations with friends, family members and others. The entire family of a drug-abusing youth is affected psychologically, financially and emotionally. Teenage drug users tend to distant themselves from members of their family as well as from activities involving such family members. Additionally, they set a poor example for younger siblings. Drug use impairs their decision-making ability and judgment, thereby inducing hostility towards their family members and even causing them to steal money from their family members to buy drugs.
  7. There is an observed decline in the academic performance of teen drug abusers, who also reveal a greater propensity to absenting themselves from school and related activities. A higher drop-out rate has also been found among drug abusers, according to relevant research. Cognitive and behavioural problems may also interfere with the academic performance of youth who use alcohol and drugs. The academic performance of youth engaging in drug and alcohol abuse is also impacted by behavioural and cognitive problems concomitant with such substance abuse.
  8. Teenage drug abusers tend to alienate themselves from peers, and the related stigma is accompanied by the youth’s disengagement from community events and school. Teens who eschew drug use are best advised to keep a healthy distance from those who use drugs. As endorsed by experts, such youth are more likely to become drug users themselves if they associate with drug abusing peers and are exposed to the latter’s delinquent behaviour.
  9. There is a perceived correlation between substance abuse and delinquency. Quite often, drug-abusing youth face consequences such as arrest and adjudication, in which case the juvenile justice system intervenes. While a clear causal relationship between substance abuse and delinquency cannot be established — or for that matter, even a causal relationship between delinquency and alcohol and drug use — there is no denying the fact that the two behaviours are linked. Such linkage between substance abuse and delinquency often leads to youths associating with negative peer groups, in addition to problems in the youth’s domestic and academic environments.
  10. Drugs can have a negative and harmful effect on a person’s perception, concentration and motor functions, making drugged driving a major cause for concern. Driving under the influence of drugs can cause potential harm to the driver as well as others, owing to the increased possibility of accidents. For instance, a driver’s mental faculties, under the influence of Marijuana, can stay impaired for as long as three hours after ingesting the drug, which can stay in the driver’s system for as long as 24 hours. Roughly 15% of teen drug users (or one in six such individuals) have confessed to driving under the influence.
  11. Behaviour patterns of teens influenced by drug abuse also make them vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS. This may be due to injecting drugs and sharing used needles. Alternatively, it could result from lack of judgment or controlled impulse while under the influence of drugs with mood-altering properties. This in turn would increase the possibility of engaging in sexual behaviour involving greater exposure to risk.
  12. Psychosocial dysfunctions such as withdrawal, apathy, developmental lags, and depression are among the mental health problems most commonly associated with adolescent substance abuse. Youth who abuse substances are more likely than youth who desist from drug use to fall prey to mental problems. These include suicidal thoughts that can lead to suicide or attempted suicide, apart from other mental health problems such as personality disorders, conduct problems, and depression. For instance, interference with psychomotor skills, learning, and short-term memory are mental health problems commonly associated with Marijuana use.
  13. The possibility drug addiction is never considered by somebody who uses them for the first time. However, almost invariably addiction is a consequence of using drugs that have a habit-forming quality. Addiction leads in turn to loss of judgement and control; stopping use of the drug can cause severe physical and psychological symptoms. These could manifest as stress, unhappiness, irritability and anxiety, among other symptoms. Some drugs could also induce withdrawal symptoms such as bone pain, diarrhoea, flu, tremors and, in rare instances, seizures. The brain function of long-term users of drugs can change pervasively. For instance, long-term use of Ecstasy can result in sleep disorders, anxiety, depression, and memory deficits.

It is quite a serious issue to write on. That’s why it’s necessary to use only truthful information. Apply these facts along with the suggested topics on drug use and its consequences to outline a high quality text. But to complete the writing you should make use of our guide on expository essays. Good luck!

Anderson, M., Coleman, S., Ford, W., Gorsuch, R., Kaplan, H., Kleber, H., … Woody, G. (1989). From Theory to Practice: The Planned Treatment of Drug Users. Substance Use & Misuse, 24(2), 123-166. doi: 10.3109/10826088909047280
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Ghodse, H., Guse, S. B., & Helmchen, H. (1999). Substance misuse. London: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
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Primack, B., Kraemer, K., Fine, M., & Dalton, M. (2009). Media Exposure and Marijuana and Alcohol Use Among Adolescents. Substance Use & Misuse, 44(5), 722-739. doi: 10.1080/10826080802490097

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