19 Research Essay Topics on the Profession of a Medical Assistant

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This is a three-part guide to assist you in writing a detailed research essay on medical assistant as a profession. The first part of this guide is all about interesting and informative facts. We have accumulated 19 in-depth facts to help you research on this topic.

Professors love to put their students to test and this topic isn’t a very conventional one. However, we promise you that you won’t find a better and more collective analysis on the subject of medical assistant as a profession. Other parts of this guide will be explained to you once you go through all the topics.

Here are 19 facts on the profession of a medical assistant for a research essay:

  1. Most medical assistants are required to perform and assist in routine tasks and day to day tasks pertaining to patient care. They are also required to schedule appointments, maintain medical records, keep a check on bill, code certain information for life and insurances purposes, prepare patients for examinations and medical tests, and administer dosages to patients.
  2. It’s one of the fastest growing careers in the world, with high demand and very good salary packages. The employment rate in this field specifically has grown by 31% between 2010 and today. That’s remarkably higher than all other fields in medicine.
  3. Medical assistants have to be experts in recording patient history and medical report writing as one of the basic functions of their job description is to maintain patients’ medical history records.
  4. Medical assistants have to be trained in laboratory sciences to manage lab specimens and deal with them accordingly.
  5. Medical assistants themselves have to be physically fit, have good hand-to-eye coordination as well as good motor skills in order to perform their jobs efficiently.
  6. Medical assistants are almost entirely responsible for running the doctor’s offices. They can find jobs in every field of medicine including podiatry, obstetrics, podiatry, and medical weight loss.
  7. The job can offer flexible hours, and most assistants are able to earn good money while managing their work schedule between various offices and clinics. This also helps them work in a variety of circumstances and learn more, which ultimately results in a higher experience level coupled with an increased pay.
  8. The working conditions for medical assistants are favorable as well. They work in well-furnished offices with proper lighting, though the job requires them to interact and deal with people from all walks of life. The job may also be stressful depending upon the circumstances a doctor and his team may have to deal with.
  9. The varieties for medical assistants to specialize in any of the medicine fields are endless, and so are the career paths. Approximately 60% of medical assistants work in clinics and doctors’ offices in the US.
  10. The field is rapidly changing and equips employees with real-world experiences to grow and handle the human conditions in the world.
  11. Most medical assistants pursue this career choice because like all professions concerned with medicine, this isn’t only a way to earn a good living, but also a way to serve people and look after their wellbeing. Medical assistants mostly report feeling more fulfilled than other career oriented people due to the fact that their work is considered as directly serving humanity.
  12. Most medical assistants are highly qualified, however one does not need a certificate to start a career as a medical assistant in most states.
  13. According to a recent survey conducted in May 2015 in the US, the median income of a medical assistant was recorded at $30,590.
  14. Formal training is not often required, apart from the obvious educational choices. This fact also makes students flood into this field as they may be given opportunities to train on the job and learn firsthand from practicing doctors.
  15. Another fact that makes this field so lucrative is that medical assistants are able to formulate their own work schedules according to what suits them best. This allows them to juggle between various specializations, learn more, and ultimately earn more.
  16. Various titles for medical assistants include dental assistants, dental hygienists, licensed practical and vocational nurses, surgical staff team members, medical machinery operators, historical patient record maintainers, health information and technology technicians, nursing assistants and ward supervisors, therapy, aids & trauma assistants, pharmacy technicians, just to name a few.
  17. The agencies that accredit and certify medical assistance are The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) and the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES)
  18. Even the training on the job may vary and depends on the field the medical assistant chooses to pursue. The duration of the training varies accordingly. It is generally thought that ton-job-training for medical assistants takes a shorter time span compared to formal doctors and surgeons.
  19. Medical assistants have a lot of room to diversify their future career path as technology advances and the field of medicine expands further. They may one day find themselves in the shoes of corporate employees in the hospitals/clinics or choose to train under doctors’ supervision to become certified doctors themselves. They might also branch out towards medicinal research and development, choose a teaching job in addition to their regular job or become professional paper writers on medicine etc. The opportunities are endless and the pay scale is expected to constantly increase in the field of medicine.

We’re quite sure you found these 19 facts interesting as well as beneficial towards your own research. As we mentioned earlier, this is a three-part guide provided by our nursing paper writing service. The next part of this guide called: 20 topics on the profession of a medical assistant for a research essay will take you a step further. And the third part, how to properly research an essay on medical assistant, will give tips on research.


  1. Booth, K. A., Whicker, L., & Wyman, T. D. (2014). Medical assisting: Administrative and clinical procedures including anatomy and physiology. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  2. Medical Assistant Careers: Duties, Training & Job Outlook. (n.d.). Retrieved July 19, 2016, from http://www.medicalassistantcertification.org/career-center/
  3. Medical Assistant Job Description. (n.d.). Retrieved July 19, 2016, from http://www.snagajob.com/job-descriptions/medical-assistant/
  4. Medical Assistants. (n.d.). Retrieved July 19, 2016, from https://collegegrad.com/careers/medical-assistants
  5. What Does a Medical Assistant Do? (n.d.). Retrieved July 19, 2016, from http://www.rasmussen.edu/degrees/health-sciences/blog/what-does-a-medical-assistant-do/
  6. What is a Medical Assistant? (n.d.). Retrieved July 19, 2016, from http://www.aama-ntl.org/medical-assisting/what-is-a-medical-assistant#.V46FUkZ97GI
  7. Linton, C. B. (2002). Medical abbreviations and acronyms. Boca Raton: BarCahrts.
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