Narrative Essay: “Women Empowerment Essay” – 20 Topic Ideas to Analyze

Topics and ideas
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Many students struggle with choosing the right topic when writing an essay, which can cause delays in starting their work. This guide provides 20 narrative essay topics on women empowerment to help students overcome this challenge and get started on their writing journey.

Previously, we discussed 10 facts for a narrative essay on women empowerment to help students support their ideas with credible sources. Additionally, our final guide on how to write a narrative essay for women empowerment will offer tips and tricks to improve writing quality and engagement.

Pro tip
If you’re short on time or need guidance shaping your story, consider using Professional essay writing help to ensure your narrative captures the essence of women empowerment effectively.

20 Narrative Essay Topics on Women Empowerment:

  1. How Increasing Women’s Education Contributes to Economic Growth
  2. The Impact of Bridging the Gender Gap in the Workforce
  3. The Disproportionate Burden of Housework on Women
  4. Reasons Why Women Prefer Informal Employment
  5. Addressing the Gender Pay Gap: Why Are Women Paid Less?
  6. Women as Effective Contributors to Agricultural and Industrial Growth
  7. Understanding Why More Women Die in Natural Disasters
  8. Strategies for Combating Physical and Sexual Violence Against Women
  9. The Link Between HIV and Women’s Lack of Empowerment
  10. Risks of Sexual Harassment Faced by Women in Different Societies
  11. The Harmful Tradition of Forced Early Marriages
  12. How Early Marriages Affect Women’s Rights and Opportunities
  13. Sexual Harassment Statistics: The Case of Women in New Delhi
  14. The Reality of Domestic and Sexual Violence Faced by Women Worldwide
  15. Gender Inequality: A Longstanding Cultural Issue
  16. Women’s Rights in Saudi Arabia: Progress and Limitations
  17. How Education Helps Women Challenge Societal Norms
  18. The Psychological Impact of Gender Inequality on Women
  19. How Education Saves Lives: The Role of Women’s Literacy in Healthcare
  20. Women’s Labor Force Participation and Its Economic Benefits

If you are unsure which topic to choose, consider selecting one you feel most familiar with. Having personal insight can make writing easier and more engaging.

Sample Narrative Essay: Psychological Effects of Gender Parity and Inequality on Women

I remember when I was about nine years old, gender inequality was a concept far removed from my thoughts. However, as I entered high school, I began to experience the reality of being a woman in a society that placed limitations on my aspirations.

I have an older brother, and despite our close age, I noticed that my voice and choices did not carry the same weight as his. When I pursued a degree in Business Administration, I was excited about working in a financial firm. However, I quickly realized that most of these firms only hired men. Facing rejection solely because of my gender left me struggling to define my future goals, leading to stress and uncertainty.

These rejections contributed to my mental health struggles, manifesting as anxiety, depression, and insomnia. My self-worth was tied to opportunities that seemed out of reach, and I found myself working as a cashier instead of in my desired field. Determined to continue my education, I funded my studies independently and completed my Master’s degree despite the challenges.

Just before I could finish my studies, my parents arranged my marriage. At 21, I was married to a man eight years older than me. Initially, my marriage was a struggle, as I felt trapped in a life I did not choose. However, over time, my husband recognized my struggles and became my support system. He encouraged me to complete my education and pursue my goals, demonstrating that empowerment can come from the right support network.

Looking back, I realize that many women worldwide face even greater challenges. My hope is that societies begin to recognize the importance of gender equality, giving women the opportunities they rightfully deserve.

Women Empowerment FAQ

Why is women empowerment important?

Women empowerment is essential for achieving gender equality, improving economic growth, and fostering social progress.

How does education empower women?

Education provides women with knowledge, skills, and confidence to make informed decisions, contribute to the economy, and challenge societal norms.

What are common barriers to women empowerment?

Cultural norms, gender discrimination, lack of education, and limited access to economic opportunities are major barriers to women empowerment.

How can society support women empowerment?

Society can support women empowerment through legal reforms, equal pay policies, access to education, and protection against discrimination and violence.

What role do men play in women empowerment?

Men play a crucial role by advocating for gender equality, supporting women in their personal and professional growth, and challenging discriminatory practices.


Women empowerment is a critical issue that affects all aspects of society. By addressing gender inequality, we can create a more inclusive world where women have the opportunity to thrive. Through education, advocacy, and support systems, we can break down the barriers that limit women’s potential and create a future where empowerment is not a privilege but a fundamental right.


  • DANIELLE ZIELINSKI, (2013). Infographic: The Dollars and Sense of Family Planning. PAI.
  • Susheela Singh and Jacqueline E. Darroch, (2012). Adding It Up: Costs and Benefits of Contraceptive Services. Guttmacher Institute.
  • EFA Global Monitoring Report, UNESCO, (2011). Education Counts Towards the Millennium Development Goals.
  • MAKERS Team, (2015). 21 Facts You Never Knew About International Gender Inequality.
  • UNICEF, (2014). Facts on Girls’ Education.
  • The Millennium Development Goals Report, United Nations (2013).
  • OECD, (2012). Gender Equality in Education, Employment, and Entrepreneurship: Final Report.
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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

Patric Johnson Head of Writing Center

Patric is a 4th year and Assistant Engineer who can juggle his studies and work. He’s also a dedicated parent and husband. Despite his busy schedule he never misses a Texas Longhorns baseball game.

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