20 Essay Topics About a Teacher: Why Is It Difficult to Be a Teacher Today?

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Topics for Essay on Teacher

The first thing a student should take care of when dealing with academic writing is choosing a proper topic.  An essay on a teacher seems to be an easy task for a student but it’s not as easy as it may appear. The main thing is not just to present the information but to understand what it means to be a teacher in the contemporary world. That will help a student choose a captivating topic to reflect it in the paper.

20 Topics to Focus on

We offer 20 interesting topics that will help each student write both objective and subjective papers.

  1. Pros and Cons of the Authoritative Way of Teaching
  2. What Is More Effective: to Teach in the Class or to Teach via Skype?
  3. Can a Robot with the Artificial Intelligence Replace a Teacher?
  4. A “Good” Teacher: the Evolution of the Requirements to a Teacher During Last 50 Years
  5. Teachers Educate People. Why do IT-specialists Earn More than an Average Teacher Then?
  6. Can Self-Learning Modules Substitute a Real Teacher?
  7. What Teaching Method Is More Effective Today: Authoritative, Liberal or Democratic?
  8. Who Is Considered to Be a Better Teacher: a Man or a Woman?
  9. May a Teacher Make Mistakes?
  10. What Can the Government Do to Improve the Working Conditions for a Teacher?
  11. The Difference between Teachers Who Work in the Third-World Countries and in the Developing Countries
  12. Is There Any Difference between a Teacher Who Works at a Traditional Public School and a Teacher Who Works in a Private School?
  13. Village Schooling vs. City Schooling: What Teachers Supply Their Students with Better Knowledge
  14. Can Teacher’s Style and Look Affect the Teaching Process and Students’ Learning Achievements in a Negative Way?
  15. May Teachers and Students Become Friends or Should There Be a Certain Distance between Them?
  16. Is Exchange Teaching Effective? How Does a Teacher Benefit When Teaching Abroad?
  17. The Role of Missionary Teachers in the Development of Education in the Cities of Central Africa
  18. A Teacher Is Going to Be Replaced by His or Her Virtual Hologram. In What Way Can a Tutor Control the Discipline in the Class and Students’ Learning Achievements?
  19. What Temperament Suits a Perfect Teacher? (phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic, sanguine person)
  20. What Traits of Character Should a Good Teacher Possess Today?

A student should think of the urgent problem, create a captivating title, and present the solution in the essay that will be supported by strong facts.

Teaching is not just about knowledge transfer; teachers shape perspectives, creativity and critical thinking. In a world flooded with too much information, being able to identify credible sources and present analysis is a skill every student should learn. Teachers often guide students on this journey but it can be tough given the different learning styles and academic standards. For example, writing an article review is part of many academic curricula but it requires guidance and practice. When students need extra help, an article review writing service can be a big help to make their work clear and in-depth.

These services provide sample reviews that students can use as a guide on how to analyze, critique and summarize scholarly articles. They complement the teacher’s role by providing additional help for academic success.

Essay Sample on a Teacher: Why Is It Difficult to Be a Teacher Today?

Everybody can agree that teaching is a vocation but not a job. You can hardly find a person who wants to be a teacher and hates children. That’s nonsense! Teaching requires too much time because a person works at the school and then gets ready for the lessons (writing plans, searching for information, checking papers, etc.) at home. So, one can state that teachers never rest. That’s why if people don’t consider tutoring to be their cup of tea, it’s better to avoid this profession any way possible.

Why is it so hard to be a good teacher today? There are several reasons. First of all, a teacher needs a good education. Still, there are exchange programs which let a non-qualified person work at a school for some period in the USA, Ukraine, and a number of other countries. Such a person doesn’t earn much, though. Those who are qualified teachers have more options. They have opportunities to get a job at a private tutoring, private, and language schools.

Sometimes, education means nothing without practice. Students have to pass exams at the end of the study, then undergo two years of practice and then pass an exam again in Germany. Future teachers suffer because in comparison to other countries their salaries are rather high (€3500 when an average salary is €2500) in Germany. Due to that, they can travel and live comfortably.

Teachers in other countries cannot boast of having such an income. For example, a Ukrainian or a Russian teacher with minimum experience can hardly pay bills, to say nothing about proper clothing and medical insurance. A person should work at least 15-20 years to get an adequate salary. That’s why too many teachers move abroad in order to supply their families or to find better living conditions.

The next thing that prevents people from becoming a teacher is the school itself. Today, not all schools are supplied with proper equipment to use in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Physical Education, etc. For instance, it’s really hard to practice listening comprehension without a laptop or any other device (Smartboard, tablets, etc.). A teacher of Physics or Chemistry will have problems when explaining different chemical or physical processes without the required equipment (flasks, chemicals, amperemeter, and others).

Finally, it’s really hard to motivate pupils and surprise them. Today everyone can watch different videos, listen to various audio-materials, and read a number of articles (or even download them) to learn sciences and languages absolutely free.  That’s why a teacher should prove that his or her assistance is necessary. In addition, a teacher has to show something new and interesting to children in order to make them study and long for knowledge.

So, one may conclude that teaching does really need a person who can devote most of the time and efforts to shape someone’s life. In-born teachers should feel satisfaction from the job they do. It’s such a good feeling to see how children who couldn’t say a word in French sing a French song and stage a play at the end of the term. Teachers, who follow their vocation, like to conduct lessons and to spend much time with their students.

Teachers should understand that they don’t just supply kids with knowledge on some subject. They educate and inspire an individual. They bring them up and often are treated as an icon of perfectness. Students often want to look, sound, move, and speak like their teachers. So, if you don’t like children and are not ready to deal with self-improvement daily, you’d better not enter a pedagogical university.

Another part of education is developing the ability to build and defend arguments. Argumentative essays are a great tool for developing these skills as they require students to analyze evidence, consider multiple perspectives and present their case. Teachers play a big role in guiding students through this process but sometimes students need extra help in crafting an essay. If you’re thinking, “Who can write my argumentative essay?” there are professional services available to help you.

They help students build arguments, improve analysis and meet academic requirements. By using these resources together with classroom learning, students can express themselves well and tackle tough topics.


  1. CAZ (2018). How to Teach around the World. https://www.ytravelblog.com/how-to-teach-around-the-world/
  2. Education Degree. 2017 Outlook for Teaching Salaries around the World. https://www.educationdegree.com/articles/teaching-salaries-around-the-world
  3. Teacher’s Blog: the Guardians. How Teachers Are Rated in 21 Countries around the World. https://www.theguardian.com/teacher-network/teacher-blog/2013/oct/03/teachers-rated-worldwide-global-survey
  4. The International Massmedia Agency (2017). Portrait of the Ukrainian teacher: woman over 40 with a salary of 7000 UAH.  https://intmassmedia.com/2017/10/01/portrait-of-the-ukrainian-teacher-woman-over-40-with-a-salary-of-7000-uah/
  5. L. Garfield and S. Gal. The Best and Worst Countries to Be a Teacher, Based on Salary. https://www.businessinsider.com/teacher-salaries-by-country-2017-5
  6. Teaching Certification. German Teacher Certification. http://www.teaching-certification.com/german-teacher-certification.html
  7. Global Citizen. 10 Barriers to Education Around the World. https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/10-barriers-to-education-around-the-world-2/

By the way, if you need someone to help you with academic writing, go to our online essay writing service who will not let you down with your assignments.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at CustomWritings.com

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

Patric Johnson Head of CustomWritings.com Writing Center

Patric is a 4th year and Assistant Engineer who can juggle his studies and work. He’s also a dedicated parent and husband. Despite his busy schedule he never misses a Texas Longhorns baseball game.

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