20 Evaluation Essay Topics on Affordable Care Act

Topics and ideas
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In the previous guide 10 facts on Affordable Care Act for an evaluation essay, we talked about interesting facts you could utilize to write an excellent evaluation essay. Now, let’s talk topics.

There are several names this law goes by such as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Obamacare. It is considered to be a significant law passed to reform America’s health care system since the Medicare and Medicaid law which was passed in 1965.

This law aims to help hospitals and general physicians produce significantly better results at reduced costs with better and easier methods of distribution. This is established through the transformation of existing methods with respect to finances, technology and clinical practice.

Here are 20 topics for an evaluation essay on the Affordable Care Act:

  1. Affordable Care Act’s Impact on the Number of Uninsured Citizens to Get Insurance.
  2. How Will Americans Get Treatment in Emergency Situations Under the ACA Initiative?
  3. How Will the ACA Help Patients With Diseases That Insurance Companies Consider Undesirable
  4. Is the ACA Making Insurance More Affordable?
  5. How Will the ACA Law Help Small Business Owners?
  6. Underlying ACA Mechanism to Reduce Premium and Out-of-Pocket Costs of Medical Care?
  7. Solutions the ACA Law Offers to People Who are Unable to Afford Coverage.
  8. Define How Competitive the Online Health Insurance Marketplace Established Under the ACA Law is at Coverage Plan Comparison
  9. Reviewing Claims of ACA Law on Reducing the Deficit by $100 Billion in Ten Years and $1 Trillion in the Second Decade.
  10. How Will Money Be Raised Under the ACA Law?
  11. Will the ACA Law Effectively Put an End to Overspending, Fraud and Abuse in the Insurance Industry?
  12. How is the Quality of Health Insurance Being Upheld Under ACA Law?
  13. How Are Arbitrary Lifetime Limits Being Handled Through the ACA Law?
  14. New Accountability Measures of Insurance Companies Under The ACA Law?
  15. Measures for Citizens with Long-Term Care Needs Under The ACA Law.
  16. What Are the Benefits for Senior Citizens Under the ACA Law?
  17. Awareness Initiatives for the Improvement Of Public Health Under the ACA Law
  18. Measures Taken for the Rural Areas Under the ACA Law
  19. Incentives For Students to Take on Healthcare Related Professions and Then Jobs Under The ACA Law
  20. Taxation of Insurance Companies Under the ACA Act

Here is a sample essay on one of the topics mentioned above:

Evaluation Essay: Affordable Care Act’s Impact on the Number of Uninsured Citizens to Get Insurance

The ACA is considered to be one of the most significant laws passed in US history. The law was passed in March 23, 2010 by president Obama, and since been  a major part of the population having an insurance coverage plan.

The ACA has achieved this through expanding the eligibility criteria of Medicaid so that citizens under 138% of the poverty line can be added. ACA has also introduced state-sponsored insurance plans where individuals and small business owners would be able to buy insurance plans with the added benefit of subsidies for those whose income lies between 100% and 400% below federal poverty levels.

According to the commonwealth fund reported on July 2014, around 10 million people randomly aged between 19-64 had chosen to go for a health insurance plan, which amounts to 5% of the working-age population. According to Gallup’s report on April 2015, the uninsured rate of individuals aged 18 and over through 2013 to 2015, has drastically dropped from 18% to 11.9%.

Similarly the Rand Corporation’s official report claims that there has been a drastic effect of ACA on employers offering medical insurance coverage plans, as they have increased by more than 8 million. Similarly individuals applying for Medicaid have increased in the amount by 6 million.

Around 4 million people are currently being covered through the federal and state marketplaces and a little less than a million people opted to become uninsured, owing to third-party insurance coverage plans. While experts are unsure about a million people opting out of the aforementioned insurance plan, it’s still a very small number as it merely represents only 1 percent of the working population. It can be concluded that a little less than 7.5 million individuals have opted to choose marketplace insurance policies and have effectively made payments on their premiums.

According to a survey on ACA law statistics, young adults have chosen to stay on their parent’s coverage plan until they are 26. The same survey has also brought forth welcoming news that after the acceptance of this law, the body mass index in young adults has reduced by an impressive rate. Once again, proof that the ACA law has helped improve quality of life and the health of citizens.

The ACA legislature has also reduced the amount of medical bankruptcies which is one of country’s highest-level of bankruptcy declarations. It’s become evident that opting for an ACA-issued medical coverage plan is helping to reduce the overall costs and availability of even more affordable plans, while the number of people getting insurance plans is increasing exponentially. Further you will get your hands on our guide for writing an evaluation paper on affordable care act.

Landmark: The inside story of America’s new healthcare law and what it means for us all. (2010). New York: Public Affairs.
Rawal, P. H. (n.d.). The Affordable Care Act: Examining the facts.
Brill, S. (n.d.). America’s bitter pill: Money, politics, backroom deals, and the fight to fix our broken healthcare system.
Bromley, K. (n.d.). The employer’s guide to ObamaCare: What profitable business owners know about the Affordable Care Act.
2015 Affordable Care Act: Law, Regulatory Explanation And Analysis. (n.d.).
Askin, E., & Moore, N. (n.d.). The health care handbook: A clear and concise guide to the United States healthcare system.
Emanuel, E. J. (n.d.). Reinventing American Health Care: How The Affordable Care Act Will Improve Our Terribly Complex, Blatantly Unjust, Outrageously Expensive, Grossly Inefficient, Error Prone System.

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