20 Argumentative Essay Topics: What to Include in an Essay on AIDS Prevention Organization

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Below are 20 argumentative topics on AIDS organizations:

  1. Why Non-governmental Organizations Fighting AIDS Should be Allowed More Leeway to Operate in Different Countries
  2. Why AIDS Qualifies as One of the Top Three Most Devastating Diseases
  3. Proper Education as Groundwork for Care and Prevention of AIDS in Developing Countries
  4. Why Gender Inequality Can Negatively Impact the Ability of a Country to Offer Diagnostics and Drugs for Sustainable Responses to AIDS
  5. Why Condoms Are the Best Treatment and Prevention Programs against AIDS
  6. Why It Is Unethical and Immoral for Religious Organizations to Interfere in STD-Preventing Measures
  7. Survival of the Fittest Dictates That Countries without Reliable AIDS Organizations Should not Receive Professional Assistance
  8. Is World Health Organization the Best Agency for Shaping the Agenda of Health Research?
  9. Is Evidence-Based Policy Options from One Country the Most Reliable Source of Data to Substantiate Health-Related Policies for Countries of Entirely Different Demographics.
  10. Why It Is Economically Unviable for the WHO to Provide Technical Support to Countries Attempting to Monitor and Assess AIDS
  11. Why Investing in AIDS Can Save Lives
  12. Why the Subject-Based Testing for AIDS Treatment and Medication Is Not Unethical
  13. Why a Global Response to the Epidemic of AIDS is Necessary for Sufficient Global Health
  14. Benefit That Conferences Can Have for Educating Wider Audiences on Progress and AIDS
  15. Why Programmatic Responses are Imperative to AIDS Treatment
  16. Why Privately Operating Foundations Can Offer Better Solutions for AIDS Treatments Compared to Government Funded Programs Halted Regularly by Red Tape
  17. How Statistics and Facts from Government Funded Organizations for AIDS Can be Skewed to Help Benefit Local Policies and Politicians
  18. Why the UNAIDS Program Is Inefficient in Tackling the Problem of HIV/AIDS
  19. Why Local Resources Are the Best Resource to Rely Upon When Targeting AIDS
  20. Why Tackling Human Rights, Human Dignity, and Gender Equality Are Paramount to the Mobilization of AIDS Efforts

These topics are based on the facts about AIDS prevention organizations, so you can use both in the process of writing. In addition, to polish your paper, check with our tips on argumentative essay writing. Now, below is a sample paper that will be a good example for your assignment.

Sample Argumentative Essay on the Importance of Human Rights, Human Dignity and Gender Inequality for the Mobilization of AIDS Efforts

In order to mobilize efforts to prevent and treat AIDS, each country where AIDS is a prolific problem must tackle three key issues. The first issue is that of human rights. The second issue that of human dignity. The third issue is that of gender equality. Without these things, all of the most highly affected individuals will be unable to partake equally in the prevention, treatment, and care for AIDS.

In cases where there are serious human rights violations, there are often cases that are similar to those of gender inequality. Certain groups — be it classes, religious groups, or genders — are unable to acquire the assistance they need. In certain countries a gap between classes or religious oppression can prevent a particular class of individuals within that country from attending school or educational courses whereby they might be able to acquire the knowledge necessary to not only understand AIDS, but to stop its spread and to treat it when it exists. In areas like India where a strong class system exists, there are levels of separation which dictate the schooling and jobs that individuals can hold. Those without the means to get a decently paying job are left unable to afford the treatment they require or the medication they need.

Human dignity is something which dictates that everyone should be treated in a dignified manner. In places where human dignity is not respected, certain individuals may not be allowed to access the information or medication they need to properly treat AIDS. Communities which are led by strong religious leadership may prohibit their constituents from using the contraceptives that prevent the spread of AIDS because of the device by which the Romans tortured and killed Jews thousands of years ago, or Christian-based faiths. In some countries, the organizations attempting to provide said services are not allowed to access the constituents they need because of legal or social reasons. They may not have their freely given medication safe from theft or they may not have the transportation to get to the locations where such services are possible. In cases where sex remains a stigma, people who may need such services could be shunned from society or looked down up, thus having their dignity taken, for seeking assistance with this disease or any other.

Gender inequality poses one of the key threats to the successful eradication and treatment of AIDS. In countries where gender inequality prevails, women are denied their right to or have limited funding which prevents them from accessing proper sexual education, or any education at all. If women are not allowed to receive education, they cannot better understand the problem of AIDS or what treatments are available for them. In countries where women cannot leave the house without a male escort, getting to an area where help is being administered is often times prohibited and impossible no matter how dire the need. In the same area, being unable to hold a job limits the available income and means of travel and transportation that women have to the same medical information, treatment, and care afforded to males within the same community.

Finally, in countries where there does not exist gender equality, females may be unable to report cases of sexual assault or abuse that may have resulted in the transfer or AIDS or may be unable to use the contraceptives that work to prevent it when a man denies them.

In conclusion, in order to mobilize efforts to prevent and treat AIDS, each country where AIDS is a prolific problem must tackle three key issues. The first issue is that of human rights, that of human dignity, and gender equality. Without these things, all of the most highly affected individuals will be unable to partake equally in the prevention, treatment, and care for AIDS.

AIDS 2012. “AIDS 2012 Home.” AIDS 2012 Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2015.
The next wave of HIV/AIDS, US National Intelligence Council, ICA 2002-04D, September 2002.
Cherkerzian, Diane. “Ray Carney Hacks Up Hollywood.” The Revolution Is Within. N.p., 06 Oct. 2009. Web. 08 Nov. 2015.
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. “HIV and AIDS – The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.” Global Fund Blog. He Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2015.
UNAIDS. 1999. Guidelines for HIV Prevention in Emergency Settings. Geneva: UNAIDS.
Office of National AIDS Policy. “Office of National AIDS Policy.” The White House. The White House, n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2015.
Nikoli´c-Ristanovi´c, Vesna. 1996. “War and violence against women,” in Jennifer Turpin and Lois Ann Lorentzen (eds.), The Gendered New World Order: Militarism, Development and the Environment. New York: Routledge, pp.

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