20 Analytical Essay Topics: Environmental Economics Terms to Build Your Essay on

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If you are tasked with writing an analytical essay on environmental economics, you might be wondering where you should begin. Of course, selecting your topic is the first place to go, but it can be a difficult challenge to find the ideal topic suitable to the page length required of you. It is for this reason that you will find 20 topics on environmental economics below which might be of use to you when you sit down to write your next analytical piece. Remember that not all of these are perfectly suited to your particular writing assignment, and for this reason you should review the instructions your teacher has provided before you start writing on one of them. If you have questions, never hesitate to ask your teacher if a topic is appropriate before you begin:

  1. What Factors Influence Perfect Competition for Environmental Economic Market Structures
  2. Which Buyers and Sellers Influence Environmental Economic Markets
  3. How Environmental Economic Monopolies are Created
  4. The Impact of Environmental Economic Market Oligopolies on the Economics of Your Country
  5. Perfect Competition among Environmental Economic Markets
  6. Price Discrimination in Environmental Economic Markets
  7. Peak and Off-Peak Pricing’s Impact on Environmental Economic Markets
  8. Single Price Monopolies and Environmental Economic Markets
  9. Price Discrimination Monopolies and Environmental Economic Markets
  10. CD Piracy Manufacturing and the Impact on Environmental Economic Markets
  11. Distinguishing Factors between Monopoly Environmental Economic Market Structures and Perfect Competition
  12. Externalities in Your Current Home Country Environmental Economic Market
  13. How Governments Address the Existence of Negative Externalities in Environmental Economic Markets
  14. How Deadweight Loss Results from Externalities in Environmental Economic Markets
  15. Options for Handling Negative Externalities in an Environmental Economic Market
  16. Monetary Gains Associated with Environmental Policy Compliance
  17. Profitability Associated with Emissions Caps
  18. Job Market Gains Associated with Environmental Policy Compliance
  19. Job Market Gains Associated with Environmental Research
  20. Profitability Associated with Environmental Policy Research

Below is a sample essay written about one of the topics above, so that you have a better understanding of what you have to do for your next assignment writing on environmental economics.

Sample Analytical Essay on CD Piracy Manufacturing and Its Impact on Environmental Economic Markets

Today the environment has led to technological innovations, which have impacted the economy. The creation of new technologies which are in high demand has led to the exploitation of natural resources around the world, resources which have been taken from countries in need without a long term plan for the environmental damage that follows such moves. Legislation is slow to keep pace with the  manufacturing of CD’s for all music and software purposes has taken advantage of this gap in the race. By not having legislation or red tape to which they must adhere, companies have been allowed the freedom to explore and excavate all natural resources necessary for their technological development. That said, the impact this is having on the environment has been influenced heavily by the ebb and flow of the marketplace.

Positive externalities are benefits which are infeasible to charge to provide while negative externalities are costs which are infeasible to charge to not provide. High CD’s production rates for music and software have led to a mass excavation of minerals and natural resources. With CD’s continuing to be in use, mass produced and sold for all manner of music and software, the environmental damages are ever increasing. Gasoline consumption, emissions from vehicles moving products around, electricity used to make the products, and natural resources taken from forests are all problems associated with the production of CD’s, not to mention disposal. Disposal is problematic given that CD’s are a mixture of many materials, some of which include metals and petroleum, as well as dyes, lacquers, and plastics. If these items are just thrown away they can pollute the groundwater and bring about negative health issues. The CD cases contain higher than normal rates of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which cause cancer. When they are incinerated they release harmful chemicals and sadly, incineration is the most popular disposal method of these items because they cannot be recycled and most countries lack proper disposal facilities.

While the government does not control the industry, lawsuits from the recording industry have been allowed against citizens for illegally selling pirated content and technology. During these cases, the government has stood behind the music industries in allowing them to install tracking codes, allowing them to release warrants for people overseas.

Of course, without things such as extradition, or compliance with local governments in foreign countries, no legal action is really being taken against those who engage in such environmentally damaging pursuits. There is also nothing being done by local governments to stop the development and mass production of legal music and electronics which also rely heavily on excavated natural minerals and resources overseas. That said, better laws in place to limit the excavation of natural resources, to reduce illegal piracy and manufacturing, would help to encourage mindful resource consumption.

Overall, the environment has led to technological innovations whose impact has reached well into the economy of nations around the world. Creating new technologies and products like the mass distributed CD’s and electronics have led to the exploitation of natural resources around the world, resources which have been taken from countries in need without a long term plan for the environmental damage that follows such moves. Legislation has been slow in creation, which has allowed a time gap during which companies have been allowed the freedom to explore and excavate all natural resources necessary for their technological development. That being said, the impact this is having on the environment has been influenced heavily by the marketplace and the introduction of piracy for CD’s. With the newest regulations, it seems the environmental economic impact will be slowed at least for the time being but there remains a great deal that the governments of all countries can do.

Berck, Peter, and Gloria E Helfand. The Economics of the Environment. Boston: Pearson Addison-Wesley, 2011. Print.
Field, Barry C. Environmental Economics. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994. Print.
Hackett, Steven C. Environmental and Natural Resources Economics. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 1998. Print.
Kolstad, Charles D. Environmental Economics. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. Print.
Mäler, Karl-Göran, and Jeffrey R Vincent. Environmental Degradation and Institutional Responses. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2003. Print.
Mankiw, N. Gregory. Principles of Microeconomics. Mason, Ohio: Thomson/South-Western, 2004. Print.
Tietenberg, Thomas H. Economics and Environmental Policy. Aldershot Hants [England]: E. Elgar, 1994. Print.

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