20 Evaluation Essay Topics: Hot Issues Related to the Spatial Order in Human Visual Perception

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Welcome to our second guide where we reveal 20 topics on the spatial order in human visual perception.
These topics give you a head-start to aid in writing your essay quickly. We have also included a sample essay on the spatial order in human visual perception which will assist you in writing a better article.

After reading this guide, we highly recommend that you follow up with our third piece, academic guide for evaluation essay on the spatial order in human visual perception, which states how to outline and write an evaluation essay properly. You can also revisit our first guide, 10 facts on the spatial order in human visual perception, to understand the concept better.

Without further ado, here are 20 topics on the spatial order in human visual perception:

  1. How Visual Perception Works
  2. Effect of Drinking Water on the Human Eye
  3. The Ability and Significance of Perceived Depth of a Scene
  4. Why Doesn’t Our Retina Detect the Color Red
  5. Why Human Eyes Perceive an Upside Down Image
  6. Why the Retina is Front-Back Inverted
  7. How Photoreceptors Are Really Activated
  8. Why Is Peripheral Vision of the Human Eye Extremely Low Resolution
  9. What Makes a Human See So Little in Darkness
  10. Why Do Humans See Everything in “Blue” When it Is Dark
  11. Reasons Why the Brain Splits and Distorts a Visual Image in Half
  12. Is Everyone’s Visual Perception the Same or Is it Different?
  13. Why Each of Our Eyes Can’t See Different Things Simultaneously
  14. Real Benefits of Having a Pair of Eyes
  15. The Functional Architecture of Human Visual Perception
  16. The Perception of Human Spatial Order
  17. Correlation of Human Visual Perception with The Principles of Gestalt
  18. The Geometry of Human Visual Perception
  19. Order-Disorder Transition of Human Visual Perception
  20. Sensitivity of the Human Visual System to Natural Image’s Local Statistics

We’ve written a sample evaluation essay on one of the above topics so you can borrow a few ideas to better carve out your essay.

Spatial Order Essay Example: The Ability and Significance to Perceive Depth of a Scene

Human eyes have developed the ability to see and become aware of the distance of an object – this phenomenon is known as depth perception. It starts to develop in a child who’s not more than two months old. However, it takes two eyes to develop this phenomenon. When both of these eyes look at an object, they create two images simultaneously, which are a little different from one another.

Depth perception is also responsible to form an idea of length, width and height of an object. This premise functions on a subconscious level and so quickly that we are not aware of the fact that it is actually happening. However, people with one eye might find depth perception very problematic – the phenomenon works ideally in binocular disparity (two-eyed normal vision). Neurological studies, however, suggest that the human brain has the capacity to manipulate depth of a scene with monocular vision (one eyed vision) too.

Depth perception is created by a process known as stereopsis. This process enables the brain to overlap two images created by our eyes that are processed with information given by parallax – an effect that creates a distinction between close and background objects by slowing down background objects rather than the objects closer to our eyes. Having monocular vision still let us experience parallax, but it’s not as good as binocular vision.

Depth perception is very important to keep us safe. It is the only reason that lets us know the distance of an object or how far an object is from us. Without this phenomenon taking place in our lives, it becomes very hard to differentiate between far and close objects. For example, if a person doesn’t have proper depth perception and a car is coming in his/her direction at a velocity of 200 km/h, he/she wouldn’t know how to judge the speed of the oncoming car and how far or close it is from him/her.

Poor depth perception can lead to confusion during such dire situations which leads to high fatality risks. However, since our brain can manipulate depth perception, we can train ourselves to create depth of a scene through specific exercises.

Scientists actually believe that depth perception is nothing more than a pseudo-3D effect that enables us to determine length, width and height of an object; and let us know how far or close an object is to us. However, our eyes are not capable of perceiving actual three dimensions when viewing objects. If we had real 3D perception, we would have been able to see an entire 3D object at once. But having a depth perception, even if it’s a pseudo effect, is very important to performing day to day tasks without any hindrances or running into accidents.

This is the end of our second guide. Next up, we have a third guide which explains how to write an evaluation essay properly – it assists you in writing the perfect evaluation essay which will no doubt be the subject of admiration by your professors.


  1. Paul King, 2016 “Visual Perception: What are some mind blowing facts about the human eye?” – Quora https://www.quora.com/Visual-Perception-What-are-some-mind-blowing-facts-about-the-human-eye
  2. Paul King, 2012 “Why can’t we each of our eyes to see different things simultaneously?” – Quora https://www.quora.com/Why-cant-we-control-each-of-our-eyes-to-see-different-things-simultaneously
  3. Paul King, 2016 “Why do we have two eyes?” – Quora https://www.quora.com/Why-do-we-have-two-eyes
  4. Steven Bradley, 2004 “Design Principles: Visual Perception and The Principles of Gestalt” – Smashing Magazine https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2014/03/design-principles-visual-perception-and-the-principles-of-gestalt/
  5. Öğmen, H., & Herzog, M. H. (2010). The Geometry of Visual Perception: Retinotopic and Non-retinotopic Representations in the Human Visual System. Proceedings of the IEEE. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 98(3), 479–492. http://doi.org/10.1109/JPROC.2009.2039028
  6. Katkov, M., Harris, H., & Sagi, D. (2015). Visual perception of order-disorder transition. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 734. http://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00734
  7. Paul King, 2015 “How can we see images in our minds?” – Quora https://www.quora.com/How-can-we-see-images-in-our-minds
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