20 Exploratory Essay Topics: Interesting Facts about Personal Names

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Personal names are more than just identifiers; they carry cultural, psychological, and social significance. This article explores 20 intriguing topics related to names, offering valuable insights into their impact on human behavior and perception. Additionally, a sample exploratory essay is included to guide you in crafting a well-structured piece on this thought-provoking subject.

For a deeper understanding, we recommend reading our initial guide on key facts about personal names and our final guide on crafting an exceptional exploratory essay on this topic.

20 Topics for an Exploratory Essay on Personal Names

  1. The Psychological Importance of Personal Names
  2. How Names Shape Human Identity and Behavior
  3. The Influence of Names on Personal and Professional Life
  4. Why Psychology Has Overlooked the Study of Names
  5. How Names Affect Perceptions and First Impressions
  6. The Link Between Name Pronunciation and Trustworthiness
  7. The Social Implications of Boys Having Feminine Names
  8. Why Women with Masculine Names May Have Career Advantages
  9. Cultural, Religious, and Fashion Trends in Naming Practices
  10. The Myth of Truly Unique Names: Why They Don’t Exist
  11. How Names Influence Online Dating Success Rates
  12. Why More Research is Needed on the Impact of Names
  13. Can Facial Features Match a Person’s Name?
  14. The Role of Names in Professional Success and Hiring Bias
  15. How Ethnic Names Affect Social and Career Opportunities
  16. Psychological Factors That Influence Name Preferences
  17. Studies Linking Names to Risky Behaviors Like Smoking
  18. The Relationship Between Names and Self-Esteem
  19. What Makes a Name Attractive or Unattractive?
  20. The Long-Term Effects of Parents’ Name Choices for Their Children
Pro tip
If you’re planning a more in-depth investigation or working on a larger academic project, you can buy dissertation tailored to your specific theme and research direction.

Sample Exploratory Essay: Do Names Significantly Impact Our Lives?

Throughout history, names have been considered labels with little intrinsic meaning, yet modern research suggests otherwise. Studies show that personal names influence various aspects of life, from career choices to personal relationships.

The Influence of Names on Behavior

Research reveals that individuals with traditionally masculine names tend to achieve greater success in male-dominated fields. Conversely, boys with feminine-sounding names are more likely to experience social difficulties and even behavioral issues due to peer perception and societal expectations.

The Role of Name Ethnicity in Social Perception

Names also shape how people are perceived based on their cultural associations. Studies indicate that job applicants with ethnic-sounding names may face biases during recruitment, while those with easily pronounceable names are often deemed more trustworthy and likable.

Name-Based Prejudices in Online and Offline Interactions

An online dating experiment conducted by German researchers found that certain names were deemed more attractive than others, even in the absence of profile pictures. This demonstrates how deeply ingrained name-based biases are in human psychology.


While names may seem arbitrary, they carry significant weight in shaping a person’s identity, opportunities, and social interactions. Further research is necessary to explore the full impact of personal names on human behavior and society at large.

FAQ on Personal Names

How do names influence personality?

Names can affect self-esteem, career choices, and social interactions due to societal perceptions and psychological associations.

Why are certain names perceived as more trustworthy?

Studies show that easily pronounceable names are often associated with reliability and credibility.

Do names impact job opportunities?

Yes, research suggests that ethnic-sounding names may lead to biases in hiring processes.

Can a name influence a person’s attractiveness?

Experiments in online dating platforms indicate that certain names are considered more appealing than others.

Should parents be cautious when naming their children?

Yes, since names can shape identity and future opportunities, parents should consider their long-term impact.


  1. Robin S. S. Kramer, Alex L. Jones, (2015) Do People’s First Names Match Their Faces? Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis Vol. 12, No. 1 http://www.jasnh.com/pdf/Vol12-No1-article1.pdf
  2. Kenneth M. Steele, Laura E. Smithwick, (1989) First Names and First Impressions: A Fragile Relationship, Sex Roles, Vol. 21, Nos. ⅞ , Mars Hill College http://www1.appstate.edu/~kms/documents/SteeleSmithwick1989.pdf
  3. Jochen E. Gebauer, Mark R. Leary, Wiebke Neberich; (2011) Unfortunate First Names Effects of Name-Based Relational Devaluation and Interpersonal Neglect, Sage Journals http://spp.sagepub.com/content/3/5/590.short
  4. Andrew M. Colman, David J. Hargreaves, WladySlaw Sluckin; (1980) Psychological Factors Affecting Preferences for First Names* – ARG, University of Leicester https://www2.le.ac.uk/departments/npb/people/amc/articles-pdfs/psycfact.pdf
  5. Andrew M. Colman, David J. Hargreaves, WladySlaw Sluckin; (1983) The Attractiveness of Names – Human Relations, Volume 36, Number 4, pp. 393-402 https://www2.le.ac.uk/departments/npb/people/amc/articles-pdfs/psycfact.pdf
  6. Hewitt, E.A. (no date) ‘WHAT’S IN A NAME: Gender, power, and Classic Maya women rulers’, Ancient Mesoamerica, 10(2), pp. 251–262.
  7. David N. Figlio, (2005) Boys Named Sue: Disruptive Children and their Peers – NBER Working Paper No. 11277 http://www.nber.org/papers/w11277

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