20 Proficient Essay Topics: The Best Facts from the History of Internet Development

Topics and ideas
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In our previous guide, 11 facts on Internet history for a proficient essay, you were given some very interesting research material and now you must be aching to go with a particular topic.

You’re in luck because this part of the guide is going to do just that. We have a few highly essay-worthy topics you might find helpful. We assure you after reading these 20 topic suggestions, your mind will be swirling with creative ideas.

Here are 20 topics on Internet history for a proficient essay:

  1. The Inspiration Behind the Internet.
  2. The Global Expansion of the Internet
  3. Moral and Ethical Dilemmas with The Expansion of the Internet technology Globally
  4. Traffic Handling on the Internet.
  5. Spread of the Internet Through Satellites in Outer Space
  6. From Telephone to the Internet – Point to Point Communications to Wide Area Networks
  7. The Modern Historical Uses of the Internet in Cases Of Wars, Turmoil and Natural Disasters.
  8. How File Sharing Conquered a Major Chunk of the Internet
  9. Business Uses of the Internet – from Inception Till to Date.
  10. The Unreliability of the Internet – No Alternative to the Internet
  11. The Evolution of the Internet
  12. Development of WWW at CERN
  13. Birth of TCP – Transmission Control Protocol
  14. Brief History of Internet Browsers
  15. The Distribution of the Internet through ISPs
  16. The Future of the Internet – What to Expect Now
  17. The History of E-marketing
  18. How the Internet Revolutionized the Field of Research
  19. The Science Behind Domain Names
  20. Why Is the Internet Termed as the Most Important Scientific Discovery of the 20th Century?

These topic suggestions are sure to spark your intellectual juices so you can write a compelling essay on the Internet’s history. You have half your work cut out; the next part of this guide is a detailed piece on how to write a history essay on the Internet.

That’s not all; below is a sample essay on one of the topics mentioned above. This is to give you a fair idea on how to go about writing the essay.

Without further ado, here’s the sample essay:

Sample Proficient Essay: Development of WWW at CERN

It was the year 1980 when Tim Berners-Lee built ENQUIRE. At the time, Mr. Lee was an independent contractor who worked at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research). ENQUIRE was originally designed to be a database for people and models of software. Other purposes included displaying hypertext which means that every page of ENQUIRE was connected to another existing page.

Although his contract in the year 1980 was to expire in December, Mr. Lee would return to CERN four years later in 1984 and this time, in a more permanent capacity. He took over the emerging demand and challenges of information management at a time when physicists from all over the globe were desperately looking for better means to share data. It was a dire need at the time to have a common machine which could share data and presentation software.

After the return of Mr. Lee at CERN, TCP/IP protocols were installed on a few specific machines which were running non-Unix platforms. Within a few years the institution became one of the most prominent Internet hubs in Europe. CERN’s infrastructure was then the perfect nest for the Internet’s egg to be laid in and all this was possible due to Berners-Lee. And we saw the creation of The Web.

In March 1989 Berners-Lee, presented a project proposal which would make access to large hypertext databases possible through typed links. This proposal, unfortunately, was far ahead of its time and attracted very little attention, though Berners-Lee’s boss, Mike Sendall, encouraged him to start building the platform. Hence, Berners-Lee began working on the NeXT workstation to make the proposal possible. It came to be known by several names such as The Information Mine, Mine of Information and Information Mesh. Eventually, Mr. Lee settled on the name we know today as the World Wide Web.

It was a lonely road after that, so to speak, and it wasn’t until Christmas of 1990 that Mr. Lee had all the tools necessary to launch a functional Web; the HyperText Markup Language (HTML), HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 0.9, the first Web browser, the first web server, the first HTTP server software and last but not the least, the first ever web page were all made official, which explained the project itself.

The initial browser was able enough to handle FTP files and access Usenet newsgroups. The limitation was that it could only run on NeXT. It was Nicola Pellow who translated the system to a simple text browser known as Line Mode Browser which almost any computer could run. To ensure that CERN would still be used, Bernd Pollermann uploaded CERN’s contact information on the web. This was a good development because earlier web users had to log onto the mainframe if they wanted to get that contact information.

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“Turing’s Legacy: A History of Computing at the National Physical Laboratory 1945–1995”, David M. Yates, National Museum of Science and Industry, 1997
Tanenbaum, Andrew S. (1996). Computer Networks. Prentice Hall.
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