20 Exploratory Essay Topics: What Issues Can Be Used to Write about Nacirema Culture

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When you are looking for some top notch topics appropriate for your next exploratory paper, there are many ideas which are viable candidates. But the list is so comprehensive, in fact, that it can seem overwhelming for students trying to narrow down a single topic.
That said, below is a list of 20 great exploratory essay topics which might be of use to you in your paper:

  1. How Ethnographic Studies Have Been a Primary Method For Gathering Research on the Nacirema Culture
  2. How Religious Diversity Varies among the Nacirema Culture
  3. How Gender Differences Compare between the Nacirema Culture and Another Culture of Your Choosing
  4. How Ethnographies Can Be Used to Teach the Nacirema Culture or to Integrate People in Another Community of the Nacirema Culture
  5. Compare Cross Cultural Concepts between the Nacirema Culture and a Culture of Your Choice
  6. Similarities between Nacirema Music and African Music
  7. Immigration Patterns among the Nacirema Culture over a Specific Decade in America or from Europe/Africa to America
  8. What Role Agriculture Has Played on the Nacirema Culture Growth and Global Expansion
  9. What Non-Conformist Sub-Cultures Have Become Popular among the Nacirema Culture like Star Wars Fans or Porn Stars
  10. How Work Completed by Non-Field Workers about the Nacirema Culture Is Valid Scientific Studies
  11. How Women’s Roles and Gender Rights Have Changed among the Nacirema Culture
  12. How Women’s Roles and Gender Rights Compare among the Nacirema Cultural Subgroups
  13. How Human Rights in Nacirema Culture Compare to India
  14. How Nacirema People View Other Cultures through the Lens of Their Own Nacirema Culture
  15. How Nacirema Culture Is Divided into Sub-groups and Why
  16. What Cultural Shifts Have Happened among the Nacirema Culture since the 2008 Election
  17. Trends That Take Place among the Nacirema Culture as Indicated by Popular Television Shows and Books
  18. Cultural Limitations Which Exist between the Nacirema Culture and Russian Culture
  19. Anthropological Issues between Eastern Healers Popular in Immigrant Subgroups of the Nacirema Culture and Western Biomedicine
  20. Ethical Problems Which Arise among Parenting Styles in Different Subgroups of the Nacirema Culture

Aren’t those interesting? The Nacirema Culture has many areas which can be explored and with this list in mind, you can find a topic that you are truly interested in learning more about. Moreover, we provide you with astounding facts on the Nacirema culture that you can use in  your writing. You can also avail of the writing guide on exploratory essays that is designed to help you. That being said, below is an essay sample on one of the topics above to give you a better idea of what is required:

Exploratory Essay Sample: How Ethnographies Can Be Used to Teach the Nacirema Culture or to Integrate People In Another Community of the Nacirema Culture

Today there are many ways that individuals can learn not only about their culture but about other cultures. It remains a topic of debate as to which methods of teaching are best suited for understanding and appreciating different cultures or subgroups within an existing culture. Ethnographies are a critical component in this style of learning, something which can mix more cognitively difficult and confusing scientific discoveries with anecdotes and stories to present the information in a more easily digested fashion. This is in fact the most appropriate source of teaching cultural differences to people within the Nacirema Culture or to teach other communities about the Nacirema Culture because it remains a current facet of the Nacirema culture to want information that is quickly understood, does not require a great deal of reading, and is simplistic in its diction and economy.

Ethnographic studies are unique forms of anthropological studies that remain a viable asset in teaching about the Nacirema culture or teaching to the Nacirema culture. With such studies, researchers can answer questions through observation rather than through quantitative measures. Some cultural questions in fact cannot be answered with quantitative studies and are best addressed through the use of ethnography. Every culture has complicated questions about its existence which cannot be answered by a design method quantitative in nature or by a survey. Some of these more complicated questions have to be answered through collections, analysis, and interpretations of information.

Understanding bullying and the origins of bullying among adolescent boys in the Nacirema culture can be researched through the holistic viewpoint of ethnographies. This type of study would observe the associated group of people in their natural setting and collect said observations as the key source of data. Interviews can also be used as a method of clarifying the observations which were made. The researcher would be able to, in this fashion, pay attention to the environment as well as the context of the subjects as they interact with one another. This study would take place over a long period of time so that the researcher could experience the regular routines or patterns among the group being observed and witness how the group responds to different situations or new situations. The researcher would assume the position of the learner, someone who knows little about the topic but is attempting to learn within the natural setting.

This form of study is best used to understand the origins of bullying among adolescent males in the Nacirema culture because it can be used to find meaning for cultural viewpoints or norms. It can also be used to find reasons behind certain cultural practices or behaviors. It can be used to examine different social trends like that of bullying or to look for different social interactions. It can also be the best way to understand the role of relationships among the bullies. Completing this form of study is better at serving the purpose compared to a quantitative study or qualitative survey because both of these other forms of learning would only uncover statistical information such as how many students among adolescent boys are bullied or bully, or perhaps how prevalent it is among different subgroups of the Nacirema culture. But no survey can collect information on the origins or why it happens, or the relationship among the cultural members. No quantitative study can review the meaning behind the practice or what viewpoints bullies have about it. It is for this reason that the ethnographic study is the best teaching tool for teaching to the Nacirema Culture or for teaching other communities about the Nacirema Culture.

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