How to Prepare a 3-Paragraph Essay Writing as a Professional

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Senior students got used to 5-paragraph essays. They are long and let students develop ideas and express viewpoints. Sometimes, three paragraphs are enough to provide top-quality writing. It has a traditional structure that contains an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. The biggest benefit of this type of writing is that each structural part has only one paragraph. Students like this essay type because there is no need to think of extra ideas to present in other paragraphs.

How to write a three-paragraph essay and what to do to make it supreme? This article is a perfect guide that will help students create their essays and get the highest degree.

Pro tip
If you’re pressed for time or need assistance, you can always order an essay tailored to your requirements.

How to Start a 3-Paragraph Essay to Win the Reader’s Attention

The introduction is an essential part of an essay. Its job is to inform people about the message of the paper. The author’s job is to pick up words that will convince the target audience to read it. Consequently, it must have a hook and a thesis statement. A hook contains something useful and significant for the target reader. A thesis statement conveys the main idea. It must be strong and convincing.

Professionals recommend a student to start with one of the following hooks:

  • a catchy and provocative question;
  • a rhetorical question;
  • a joke;
  • a quote;
  • an argument;
  • a fact;
  • personal experience or life sample.

For example, How many times have you said I love you? or Don’t trust people who say that love exists only for three years. These hooks involve a reader and make him or her subconsciously answer a question.

What concerns a thesis statement, it must be laconic and informative. It highlights the main idea and provides at least two supporting thoughts. One can also add an opposing viewpoint to make it strong. There can be two sentences but not more than 40 words.

For example, Love consists of three components – two people and a soul. It can survive even when one person stops existing or leaves the company of three but it will not survive without a soul.
Experts use the following structure to write an introductory part.

  1. Hook
  2. Explanation of the topic choice
  3. Thesis statement

Some colleges regard such a structure of an introduction as a necessity. So, if a student is a beginner, it will be better not to experiment and follow it.

How to Create a Stunning Body of a 3-Paragraph Essay

The problem here is the limitation. It is easier to discuss a topic within three paragraphs, like in a 5-paragraph essay. Three paragraphs allow backgrounding the thesis statement and providing enough facts and evidence for that reason. One paragraph does not provide such an opportunity. That is why a thesis statement must not cover too many issues.

If a person wants to cover many issues, it will be necessary to be very attentive to the word selection. Each sentence must be to the point and add value to the thesis background. Moreover, the choice of lexical units depends on the essay type and academic year. School children use simpler words and sentences than university students. Speaking about essay types, one should regard specific requirements of each one. Below one can find requirements for the 4 main types.

Descriptive vocabulary conveys feelings and emotions; various stylistic devices prevail
Narrative sounds like a story, lexis varies and the length of sentences as well
Expository defines some notions or informs about events; lexical units are formal without comparisons, metaphors, etc.
Argumentative two argumentative opinions need impressive facts, so words must be exact and focused

What Is Special about the Conclusion of a 3-Paragraph Essay

The final part of a book or any other writing is always a conclusion. Its task is not only to restate the thesis statement but to prove that the essay was worthy to write. Besides, a student should end with a thought that stimulates discussions or at least leave ideas to ponder on. Many people judge an essay by its introduction or conclusion. The first part tells what a person is going to talk about, while the last one stresses the value. Consequently, a conclusion must be catchy as well.

How to make a 3-paragraph essay conclusion strong? Professional writers use one of the five methods.

Question Many movies end up with questions like ‘and you?’ Such a trick creates an invisible dialogue with the viewer, who is trying to answer it and spends some time after watching to ponder on the question. An alternative to them is a rhetorical question. It often shows that not all situations can be easily solved or have solutions.
Citation People around the world use quotes when writing social media stories and blogs. Clever expressions help to highlight the main idea. When students manage to select a striking quote for the ending, that will be great.
True based story Nothing is more effective than a real story that happened to someone. Such stories become more influential when they concern someone familiar, such as neighbors or outstanding personalities. For example, if an essay is about disabled people, Stephen Hawking and Olga Skorokhodova’s life stories are more than inspiring.
Jokes Funny stories make us smile. What can be better than a gentle laugh of the reader after he or she finishes reading?
Strong statements How does a quote appear? Someone says something clever. Others like it and start using this statement in their speeches. Students can also give birth to strong statements that others will cite in their papers and presentations.

What Things Might Help a Student Improve a 3-Paragraph Essay?

Students adore tricks that help them write faster and more efficiently. Experts share their secrets with others in this article.

Where to search for catchy facts?

One should take facts from reputable sources. The yellow press has nothing to do with reliability, just like blogs. One should concentrate on websites that boast a good reputation such as Jstor, Google Scholar, WebMD, educational websites of universities, BBC, etc.

How to Improve the Quality of the Paper

Several writing tools help to make the text more readable, correct, and formatted. Students use free and paid tools such as:

They help to spot mistakes and correct them. Thus, one should not depend on these tools only. Programs recognize typical mistakes but neglect some logical corrections and alterations.

How to Proofread an Essay Before Handing It in

One should never proofread and edit papers when being tired. Exhausted eyes and brains do not notice mistakes. A person is not attentive and is not able to improve the quality. Sometimes corrections make the writing worse in such conditions. Besides, a person should switch off devices to remain focused on the task and not be distracted by other things.

To conclude, 3-paragraph essays are not difficult. A person requires little practice and knowledge to write them well. If you need professional help from experts, our custom essay writing service will not let you down online.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

Patric Johnson Head of Writing Center

Patric is a 4th year and Assistant Engineer who can juggle his studies and work. He’s also a dedicated parent and husband. Despite his busy schedule he never misses a Texas Longhorns baseball game.

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