Academic Papers Writing: Essay as the Most Frequent Assignment

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Students get homework daily. They deal with projects, presentations, and speeches, but their most common assignment is writing. That is why it is essential to know how to write academic papers on an advanced level. An average learner must be able to perform any task easily. Luckily, one can find many guides on any academic paper. All students start with an essay, so it is important to clear out its goal and types. This article lets beginners get acquainted with essay types and their distinctive features.

What Is an Essay and What Goals Does It Pursue?

Academic papers writing is demanding. Writing successful papers requires not only knowledge but also certain skills:

  1. Students should be able to find a catchy topic and narrow it to highlight the significance of research and its novelty;
  2. A logical flow of the idea presentation is a must not only for essay writing but for any other writing assignment as well;
  3. A thesis statement is a key element of every paper. If a person fails to convey a message with its help, the paper can fail too;
  4. Skillful students face no difficulties in choosing hooks for the introductory and concluding parts;
  5. Except for a thesis statement, each body paragraph must contain a topic sentence that mirrors its contribution to the topic discussion;
  6. A top-rated student must create stunning content that has neither grammar nor formatting mistakes. So, a learner needs to be aware of high-level editing and proofreading.

The paper, particularly the term paper, is very close in meaning to the essay, but still, there are some differences. While an essay can also mean free-writing or personal expression of something, papers are certainly connected to the educational process. Usually, when teachers assign you to write a paper, you will most probably have a list of questions that you will need to answer or have a specific assignment to accomplish. The idea is that you will know what you need to write about and in what form. On the contrary, an essay is a broader term. Essay assignment usually doesn’t necessarily have strict and concrete frames. You can be asked to write an essay on any topic in any form, simply in order to express your thoughts or to learn to perform the first steps in writing.
Nowadays, it is hard to find students who don’t know what custom term papers or midterm papers mean. All students face this task at least once in their college life. In schools, colleges, and universities, most of the assignments are given in the paper form. Students still have quizzes and tests but with an increase in the complexity of subjects and education level more and more term and midterm papers will get through the learning process. While in school teachers want us first to know the theory, in high school and college we are already asked to express our personal opinion or make research. Therefore, it is very important for the student to be a good writer.

Nine Types of Academic Papers and Their Distinctive Features

There are many types of essays, which students have to accomplish during their education. There are nine main types of academic papers.

Descriptive papers are academic tasks whose goal is to create a vivid image of something in one’s head. A student’s task is to manipulate a language, using different stylistic and literary devices such as comparisons, metaphors, epithets, antithesis, chiasmus, hyperbole, allusion, parallelism, simile, personification, etc. In other words, a person should paint a picture, but instead of painting, one uses words.

Expository papers are essential academic assignments because students learn how to paraphrase to avoid plagiarism and define the most essential information to acknowledge a reader about some events, personalities, and notions. Instructions, scientific articles, official news, and instructions belong to this type of writing. Some students use too many words to depict something. Such tasks help them pick the right words and be precise and brief in the idea presentation.

Argumentative papers are academic papers in which the writer plays on both sides of an imaginary debate. At first, the writer presents the idea, then the opposite arguments, and then countering with his/her best ideas and evidence. The author tries to imagine how the opposition will react to his/her position, and then he/she presents his/her arguments to defend the idea.

Cause and Effect papers – academic papers that concentrate on presenting the cause (why it had happened) and the effect (what was the end result) of some process.

Comparison and contrast papers – academic papers that typically involve comparing and contrasting two substantial or related issues. The comparison shows how these two signs are alike, while the contrast shows how they differ.

Definition papers – academic papers that define some idea or word. This type of paper does not simply give a definition from the dictionary, it also includes personal attitude and expression for the topic.

Division and Classification papers – academic papers in which the main idea is divided into small parts and then is classified into categories with the help of specific parameters.

Narrative papers are academic papers that simply tell the story, in other words, narrate. Though many students regard this task as simple, one must be skillful enough to select the right topic, tone, style, and lexis to convey the message.

Problem-Solving papers – academic papers that demonstrate to the reader a problem either from personal experience or from other people’s experience, and then investigate solutions for the problem.

Each requires a special approach and writing skill to compose a successful paper. Expressing thoughts and findings in a paper can become an unpleasant and time-consuming task for someone. For these reasons, services provide students with custom paper writing. They make an academic life much easier and help you to graduate. Custom paper service provides students with superior papers, helps to manage time more wisely, and solves many students’ problems starting from lack of time for writing a paper to receive a good grade and passing the class.


Writing good term papers is a very important aspect for each student. The paper is aimed at evaluating your performance during the class, and it is an important tool for a teacher who decides what grade you will receive for the subject. Using a custom writing service will guarantee you that your term papers will be high-quality papers that will provide you with good grades for your classes and afterward with graduation.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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