Guide to Writing Argumentative Essays in Accounting: From A to Z

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First of all, an argumentative essay is a paper that talks about various aspects of a particular problem. Introduction of the thoughts can be similarly adjusted, or one view might be delineated more persuading in contrast with others. The essayist’s position ought to be explicit and clear. An argumentative paper intends to analyze the issue from different viewpoints to give a reasonable contention. The author needs to do profound research, assess proof, and set up a situation on the subject in a concise way. An argumentative essay in accounting should refer to a set of business practices that focus on maintaining and checking the integrity of financial records, funds, accounts, and internal and external transactions. The paper can be based on any aspect of accounting functions, processes, and its application in the modern world. Accounting is associated with the complex topic of finance, and therefore it is essential that the writer possesses deep knowledge in the subject under discussion in order to make the argumentative essay convincing enough for the concerned part of the audience.

Choosing a Topic for an Argumentative Essay in Accounting

Choosing a topic for an argumentative essay in accounting is certainly not a troublesome assignment because there is a wide assortment of interesting subjects that can be examined. In addition, the essayist should discover a subject that would intrigue the readers and present new data. One should try to pick an issue that is not generally researched to attract the attention of the audience. Besides, the essayist can also present a brand new way to deal with a common issue. These are the topics that might help to come up with the idea for your argumentative essay in accounting:

  • Why Is Auditing Important?
  • The Internet Has a Significant Impact on Accounting Information Systems;
  • The Best Way to Manage Personal Finances;
  • The Most Effective Way to Use Accountancy with Trade;
  • How Will the Future of Accountancy Look Like?
  • Is the Knowledge about Taxes Essential for Modern Citizens?
  • The Most Efficient Accounting System Used in Banking.

Pre-Writing Tips

The choice of an issue for discourse is substantial progress in the pre-writing stage. The writer should remember that the determination of an issue for an argumentative paper in accounting has a few specific features. For example, to keep away from inclinations, the author should not have a passionate attitude towards the subject. Besides, the argumentation ought to be founded on approved facts, precise information, and studies that present useful and applicable data to the readers.

Moreover, in order to support the central ideas of the paper, the author should incorporate references and up-to-date sources. Likewise, the essayist should not include blank sentences in his or her paper, such as general facts or unnecessary and extensive details. In turn, the best method to compose a solid and persuasive argumentative essay in accounting is to focus specifically on the topic under discussion.

Additionally, it is essential to mention that the author of an argumentative essay should not forget that such kind of paper must include thorough and detailed research. In this manner, it is required to examine a variety of published sources. To gather the necessary information, the writer should study and take notes from different surveys, interviews, and experiments. This process is important in order to understand the selected subject and to see different perspectives on the issue around it. What is more important, the essayist should never overestimate his or her insight regarding the chosen topic.

In contrast, the writer should strive to expand his\her understanding by conducting thorough research and gathering new pieces of information. Thus, it would be of great advantage to utilizing articles from peer-reviewed scholarly journals to promote the formation of persuasive argumentation for the essay. The essayist should always remember that the foundation of any successful argumentative paper involves the application of data from authoritative scholarly sources. Therefore, discovering credible and relevant sources has a significant benefit for a pre-writing process.

Besides, when beginning writing an argumentative paper, one should remember that even a short outline is always helpful during the first stages of the writing process. Particularly, one can write down a sentence for each segment of the essay, including an introductory phrase fragment, thesis statement, body sentences, and conclusion. Similarly, such an outline should include relevant quotes from the studied literature in order to support the essay’s claims. The author should concentrate on displaying the most pivotal subtleties that depend on a comprehensive examination.

Structure of an Argumentative Essay

The structure of an argumentative paper in accounting reflects a common structure of an academic essay. In such a manner, the paper begins with an introduction paragraph that examines the significance of the issue. In turn, a thesis statement, which is a crucial part of this section, is the last sentence or sentences (if the paper is extensive and requires more space for thesis) of the passage. Body sections are meant to examine various aspects of the subject. Thus, they ought to incorporate foundation data, pieces of evidence, and counterarguments. Argumentative essays usually consist of two body sections and one refutation paragraph. There are, however, various complex topics that require detailed analysis. In this manner, an argumentative paper that examines a few research sources may incorporate more than three body sections. The final section of an essay is a concluding one, which presents a summary of the paper’s ideas and starts from the restatement of the thesis statement.


An argumentative essay in accounting begins with an introductory paragraph that presents the subject of the paper comprehensively. The very first sentence of a paper ought to exclude a particular detail and, in turn, become a hook of readers’ attention. In other words, the introduction must draw in the audience and express the central claim. Besides, the essayist ought to clarify the significance and topicality of the issue. Introduction of the background information might assist readers in understanding the author’s point. Additionally, it is essential to mention that an argumentative paper in accounting needs to incorporate clarifications of used concepts and key terms. The last sentence of an introductory section is a thesis statement that introduces the fundamental ideas of the essay and the position of the author regarding the issue. The following examples of right and wrong thesis statement might help you understand how to compose a solid thesis.

Incorrect: ‘Accounting ethics plays a significant role in the field of accountancy.’
As you see, this thesis statement is too broad and does not concretize and present the arguments of the paper.
Correct: ‘Accounting ethics plays a significant role in the field of accountancy, since accounting is a means through which public services are delivered to people, and this profession serves public interests on the bases of moral judgments and valuations.’
In turn, this thesis statement presents a narrow topic and clearly states its arguments. Therefore, it introduces the subject matter to the audience and makes people aware of the essay’s purpose.

Body Paragraphs

The writer should always remember that the body sections of an argumentative paper ought to be coherently sorted out and have a specific structure. In this manner, each body section should start with a topic sentence that presents its central idea. In addition, each body paragraph must be devoted to the discussion of only one particular thought; it will make the paper look clear and concise. What is more important, the essayist needs to remember that body sections must be directly related and logically connected to the ideas presented in the thesis statement. A solid argumentative paper ought to consider various perspectives concerning the issue. Thus, the most effective approach to compose a successful essay is to talk about the clashing sides of the subject.

Keep in mind that each of the body sections should also introduce supporting materials in order to make the idea expressed in the topic sentences look credible. Particularly, the essay’s arguments must be backed up with outside sources, including relevant books, peer-reviewed scholarly articles, and studies. Thus, it is critical to utilize authoritative sources to make the paper increasingly compelling.

As a rule, the first body section is the foundation part. In other words, it provides the audience with a piece of background information to deepen people’s knowledge connected with the discussed issue. Likewise, it can incorporate the clarification of the accounting theories that are going to be used, ideas, and meanings of particular terms. Besides, the essayist can outline the utilized scholarly literature to give the premise to his or her claims.

The subsequent body passage switches the focus to the argumentation itself, as well as a demonstration of the displayed ideas. As it was mentioned above, the supporting details here might assist the readers with understanding the issue. In this manner, the author should implement in-text citations from authoritative sources and provide the explanation to them, showing how his or her interpretation speaks to the paper’s argumentation. This section ought to be well-organized and present specifics of the point to the audience.
The last passage of the body section includes a counterargument that intends to show the contrary perspective on the issue. As a matter of fact, it will help to make the paper’s argumentation look objective and unbiased. At the same time, however, the writer should explain to the audience why the argument presented in the essay is more credible than the opposing perspective. In any case, the author ought to abstain from considering contradicting views as off-base since an argumentative essay requires that they must be equally considered and rationally disproved.


The concluding paragraph is the last section of an argumentative essay. Here the writer should make a summary of the main theme of the work. The essayist ought to rehash the claim and the supporting pieces of evidence to help the audience to remember the primary arguments. In turn, it is critical to keep in mind that the concluding paragraph should not present any new information or proofs that were not mentioned in the body section. The writer can not only to rehash the thesis statement but also exhibit explicit bits of knowledge into the subject matter. Besides, toward the finish of the passage, there is a closing sentence that clarifies the value of the essay’s argument. Furthermore, the author can specify further research that can be possibly conducted on this particular topic based on the outcomes of his or her work.

Post-Writing Tips

At the point when a draft of an argumentative essay is done, the author should reread it to check sentence structure and vocabulary. Furthermore, it is critical to focus on the lucidness and consistency of the work. The language used in the essay ought to correspond to the writer’s academic level. Additionally, correct spelling and punctuation are fundamental for a solid paper because flawless grammar helps the essayist in convincing the audience in the credibility of his or her claim. Besides, in order to make the paper coherent, it might be effective to utilize transitional words, such as ‘moreover, however, furthermore, besides, on the one\on the other hand, and so on’.

The subsequent stage of the post-writing process can include asking peers for assistance in rereading and analyzing the paper. In such a manner, it might be particularly useful since they will double-check sentence structure, vocabulary, and the text itself. Besides, their bits of knowledge can help with understanding whether the essay is written in a coherent way. The commentators can point out some of the used accounting terms or ideas that are not clarified enough. Moreover, reading the paper to someone is an effective approach to make sure that the essay’s argumentation is logical and comprehensible.

Additionally, while rereading the essay, it is important to pay attention to whether the in-text citation is properly used, as well as to the formatting of the reference page. The author should remember that all quotes ought to be cited, even the paraphrased parts since otherwise, it will be considered as plagiarism and will lead to the failure of the paper. Besides, the appropriate format of citations will allow the readers to discover the information that the author alludes to in the essay. Moreover, it is essential to check whether the formatting style corresponds to the one required by the educator.

Similarly, the writer should check for some general mistakes that are characteristic of argumentative essays. For example, the essayist ought to maintain a particular structure of the sections, and keep in mind that the repetition of similar ideas in the separate body paragraph will inevitably have an adverse impact on the final result. Moreover, it is essential to double-check whether the fundamental claims of the essay and the pieces of evidence are logically connected between each other.

The last critical improvement of the draft is to rewrite all questionable fragments and correct mistakes. At the point when the paper is prepared, the author can glance through the essay and fix minor misstep, such as double space between words or indents between the paragraphs. When all those steps are completed, the article can be submitted, and it is likely that it will succeed and receive a good mark. If you need accounting homework help from experts, don’t hesitate to contact our service.

Argumentative Essays. (n.d.). Owl Purdue. Retrieved from
Writing Guide for Accounting Students. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Wendy, Ikemoto. (2018, March 15). What is an Argumentative Essay?. BibMe. Retrieved from
Kearney, Virginia. (2019, April 10). How to Write an Argumentative Essay Step by Step. Owlcation. Retrieved from
Fleming, Grace. (2019, May 20). Tips on How to Write an Argumentative Essay. ThoughtCo. Retrieved from

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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