How to Format an AMA Paper: Full Guide

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If you’re a student in a medical, health or science related field, you need to master the American Medical Association (AMA) style. AMA style ensures consistency, clarity and professionalism in your writing. Whether you’re writing a research paper, article or thesis, following AMA guidelines will ensure your paper meets all the requirements and is easy to follow for your audience.

This guide covers everything you need to know about AMA style, from the title page to the main content and referencing. It also includes tips on proofreading and common mistakes to avoid.

AMA Style Basics

The AMA essay format is simple and is all about being clear and concise. By following the structure and rules you make it easier for the reader to understand the context of your research. Review an AMA style paper example to get clarity and this guide is a practical tool to help you learn the basics.

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AMA Title Page Formatting

The title page is your first impression and must be formatted correctly. It should include:

  • Title: Centered and in title case, clear and concise.
  • Author Information: Below the title, including names and academic credentials.
  • Institutional Affiliation: Institution name, city, state.
  • Running Head and Page Number: In the header with page number.

Margins and Font

Make sure your paper has:

  • 1-inch margins all around
  • 12-point Times New Roman

Headings and Subheadings in AMA Style

Headings and subheadings in AMA papers help the reader to navigate the content. Use the following structure:

  • Level 1: Main sections like Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion. Centered and bolded.
  • Level 2: Subsections under main sections. Left aligned and bolded.
  • Level 3: Further subsections, left aligned and italicized.

Main Content

The main body of your paper is divided into clear sections:


Provide context and state your research question. Keep the background brief and not too detailed.


Describe your research methodology clearly so others can replicate your study if needed.


Present your findings, use tables, graphs or charts where applicable and keep it concise.


Interpret your results, highlight the significance and relate to existing research. Address limitations and suggest future directions.


Summarize the main findings and implications without introducing new information.

Referencing in AMA Style

When referencing:

  • Use numbers in parentheses corresponding to the bibliography.
  • Insert the citation number after the information.
  • For direct quotes include page numbers.
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AMA Style Reference List

References are listed in the order they appear in the paper. Format as follows:

  • Author names: Last name followed by initials, separated by commas.
  • Title: In sentence case, capitalizing only the first word and proper nouns.
  • Journals: Italicize journal names and title case. Volume, issue, pages and publication date.

Common AMA Style Mistakes to Watch Out For

Be accurate by avoiding these common errors:

  • Misplacing citation numbers
  • Referencing alphabetically instead of numerically
  • Inconsistencies in formatting
  • Omitting important details in citations

Proof and Finalize Your Paper

Before submitting, check AMA guidelines using these:

  • Check acknowledgments are correct
  • Keep abstracts to 250 words
  • Number tables and figures continuously
  • Use consistent language
  • Avoid overuse of jargon
  • Proof for typos and grammar errors
  • Include conflict of interest and patient consent statements if required

Read your paper out loud or have someone else review it to catch the mistakes you missed.

Now you’re ready to write in AMA style.



What is AMA format and why is it important?

AMA format is a standard used in medical, health-related and scientific writing to ensure clarity, consistency and professionalism. It helps to present research in a logical way so readers can follow and understand. Properly formatted papers meet academic and publishing requirements and look more credible.

How do I format an AMA title page?

AMA title page has the title of the paper centered in title case, author’s name(s) and academic credentials, institutional affiliation, city and state and running head and page number in the header. Proper formatting looks professional and follows AMA guidelines.

How do I cite sources in-text in AMA style?

In AMA style, sources are cited using numbers in parentheses which correspond to a numbered reference list at the end of the paper. For direct quotes, the citation includes the page number. This way ideas are clearly and concisely attributed throughout the text.

What are the main parts of an AMA paper?

The main parts of an AMA paper are introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusion. These parts provide a structured way to present research so readers can easily understand the background, methodology, findings and implications of the study. Each part follows specific formatting rules.

How do I avoid common AMA formatting errors?

Make sure citation numbers are in the correct place and reference list is in numerical order. Check for consistency in headings and subheadings and include all required information in citations. Review an AMA style template to ensure accuracy and follow guidelines.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

Patric Johnson Head of Writing Center

Patric is a 4th year and Assistant Engineer who can juggle his studies and work. He’s also a dedicated parent and husband. Despite his busy schedule he never misses a Texas Longhorns baseball game.

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