Application Essay on Leadership

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The main reason why I am interested in your leadership program is that your program seems very exciting and interesting. Your university community also appears to be an interesting place, and I strongly desire to become part of it! However, I am attracted to your university community mainly because, based on its mission statement, your institution stresses the importance of leadership through the involvement of community service. That is definitely something that I am also very passionate about.

I have desired to be in a leadership position since I was a child. I am not just interested in the authority and power that comes with leadership, but I am also very interested in being able to positively lead those under my authority so they can achieve their very best in whatever role is assigned to them. I deeply believe that your leadership training program has all the elements that will enable me to become a good and influential leader in my future endeavors. I also want to join your leadership program because I think that your institution has the right training that will not simply prepare me to be a good leader but also to be a great leader who stands out in many aspects. I want to be able to develop skills that will make me an interactive leader who will not simply issue instructions but listen to each of the followers in order to make the best-informed decisions with regards to leadership.

In this world, there will always be those people who lead and those who follow. I choose to lead. I believe that with education and training that I can acquire from your institution, I will be able to develop my leadership skills and become the best leader that I could ever be. Some of the leadership skills that I have and hope to develop even further with the education that I will acquire from your institution include excellent communication skills, exceptional projection skills, a sense of empathy, and the ability to inspire people. Furthermore, I endeavor to become an individual that many people respect.

With all my heart, I strive to focus on people. Just like the best leaders, I would like to put most of my energy and time into helping other people to become more successful, to build strong connections, as well as into providing them with the resources they may need in every sphere of life.

The other reason why I would like to become part of your academic community is that I love working in a team. As a reliable leader, I am also a team-oriented, self-inspired, inclusive, and collaborative team player. Helping my team work together, solve conflicts, and develop cohesion will not only help me become a better leader but will also boost the ultimate outcome of the teamwork.

Pro tip
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A quick examination of the courses that you offer in your leadership program indicates that your curriculum contains all the right components that will help me sharpen these vital skills and develop some more that will aid me in becoming even a better leader.

One more aspect about your leadership program that attracts me to your institution is your emphasis on how important it is for a leader to be able to think outside the box to find solutions to problems that others are afraid to tackle. I want to be the kind of leader whose leadership skills are helpful on regional, national, and international levels.

Some Application Essay Writing Tips

Since you’re required to provide reasons why an institution should consider admitting you into their program for leadership, you should first know what they expect, and if the institution actually offers the kinds of training and mentorship that you expect to receive from the program. In other words, you have to read the essay requirements carefully. Since starting the paper is the toughest part, ensure that you know what college admission board is looking to see in your work. If you don’t know what the writing guidelines are, the admissions committee may assume that you’ll fail to cope with the college program’s directions as well.

After you’ve checked through the writing requirements a few times and have your notes at hand, it’s time to begin to outline your application essay. At this point, you decide what message you’re going to convey in your project.

Begin with a compelling introductory paragraph. As long as you produce a hooking introduction, you will easily catch your reader’s attention. In this application letter sample, the applicant first explains the kind of leader that he or she wants to become. The applicant should also briefly mention the kind of skills that he or she hopes to develop through participating in the institution’s program. The applicant also confirms that the chosen institution for the leadership program actually offers the relevant courses needed.

Make sure to show your inner self. Colleges and universities are on the lookout for depth and authenticity of thinking. In other words, students shouldn’t try to build their application papers on ideas and quotes that undergrads have used a thousand times before. Instead, try to concentrate on your inner beliefs.

By means of an application essay, you have a chance to impress your college admission officers with your knowledge and commitment to the chosen program. Ensure your writing reflects all of your ambitions and skills, as well as demonstrates how the chosen program will help you reach all of your academic and personal goals.

To support each of your ideas, we recommend providing good examples from real life. Basically, your college application paper helps college admission board take a look at the way you view the world and what is on your mind. To make your application project credible, it is important to ensure that every point that you make is supported by solid evidence. Consider how the application essay question is related to your inner qualities and then choose a certain angle to write from. In other words, every time you’re going to give an idea, don’t simply state it. Instead, make sure to give specific examples and details to demonstrate a causal link between your ideas.

Don’t let your focus switch from personal and narrow to general. Many students try to discuss many topics at once to become more interesting in everyone’s eyes. But the reality is that this will simply turn your paper into a CV that gives no details about what kind of person you actually are. Instead, you have to concentrate on a single aspect of yourself so that the admission board reps will be able to know more about who stands behind the essay. Ensure that the readers will easily identify the main idea of your work and be able to follow it right until the end.

Keep in mind that there are loads of other applicants willing to become part of your chosen academic community, which means your job here is to distinguish yourself. Read your application essay several times (or, if possible, ask someone to check your piece), erase all sentences that make you sound uncertain or cliché, as well as find a more original angle in case you don’t sound credible.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

Patric Johnson Head of Writing Center

Patric is a 4th year and Assistant Engineer who can juggle his studies and work. He’s also a dedicated parent and husband. Despite his busy schedule he never misses a Texas Longhorns baseball game.

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