Argumentative Essay: “Smoking in Public Places” – Sample Paper with 5 Factors to Consider

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Smoking has become a significant problem, especially in those areas that are densely populated. Some people are addicted to smoking, and they cannot be isolated from non-smokers. The problem is the conflict that arises between smokers enjoying their cigarettes in areas where non-smokers live.

In order to prepare an argumentative essay on smoking in public places, the writer must consider several factors:

  1. One of these factors is related to the laws and regulations that govern any country. The writer needs to read extensively relevant materials that explain what the law of the land says regarding smoking. Some countries allow smokers and nonsmokers to mix without any problem, regardless of whether one is smoking in congested areas or not. In such countries, smokers are expected to make ethical decisions and think about the effect of their smoke on the people who do not smoke.
  2. Another point the argumentative essay should explain is whether there is any law that forbids smokers from using cigarettes in public. In such countries, the law explains where smoking zones are located, if any, and the punishment that smokers should face if they break the law by smoking in non-smoking zones.
  3. In any argumentative essay, the writer should be able to show the contradicting views of people. For instance, in the argumentative essay on smoking in public places, the writer should explain what the consequences are for not setting up smoking zones. The reason is that some people may argue that smoking in public places has no negative effects that warrant its ban, while others may argue out that smoking in public places is so bad and dangerous that governments should ban it completely in towns.
  4. The writer should not present just the legislation or desired future legislation. This does not get to the root of the argument; it rather illustrates that there is an argument. Clear roots of the argument to be exposed and debated should be mentioned in the paper. These roots are primarily based on health concerns. The claims that second-hand smoke leads to serious health problems must be a strong focus. Voices for and against this position must be clearly presented. In addition, you must back up legal arguments using the legal framework in existence in good detail. Generalizations of the laws and their background will not be strong enough. The essay should not consider only one side of the debate, as this is a major clash between millions of people and governments worldwide. It is emotive and controversial.
  5. One can also add the major economic consequences of smoking and not smoking. Governments raise enormous amounts of tax on cigarette sales; hundreds of thousands of people work in the cigarette industry directly and indirectly. This versus the cost to the economy of smoking-related diseases will add an interesting dimension to the argument.

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Argumentative Essay Sample

More and more countries and cities ban smoking here and there, in public places. According to various medical studies, smoking not only causes various health problems for a person, but also for every non-smoker close by. Even though people continue debating the pros and cons of the smoking issue, the reality is that a ban is the most appropriate and logical decision in case of smoking in public areas. Although there are some arguments on both sides, here are the solid reasons why the smoking ban is a must.

First of all, smoking, even outdoors, can cause various health problems, such as bronchial infections and asthmatic attacks even in non-smokers. This point is particularly crucial for nearly one million US people who suffer from chronic sinusitis, asthma, bronchial infections, and other conditions that have something to do with breathing.

Smoking hurts our environment. That’s a fact. In addition to the fact that smoking is harmful to you and your family members, it actually hurts our ecosystem with all of its inhabitants. All the plastic filters, cigarette butts, and other elements of smoked cigarettes tend to pollute waterways, soil, and beaches. The most recent lab studies prove that such toxic compounds of cigarettes as pesticide residues and nicotine are harmful to fish and microorganisms.

In addition to some apparent damage being done by smoking, it is important to mention the cost of this dubious pleasure. The point is that smoking is like a financial trap for every person addicted to nicotine. As reported by the CDC, the financial burden that smoking puts on people keeps on rising, with nearly $193 billion spent yearly in the US.

One of the things that many young women are concerned about is aging. Ladies tend to check their mirrors in order to see if they got new wrinkles and feel terrified when their doubts are confirmed. And this is the case when smoking should be mentioned as well. The reality is that one of the most significant causes of premature aging is nicotine. People who smoke on a regular basis are more likely to face early skin changes. As reported by the scientists of the American Academy of Dermatology, regular smoking causes a range of biochemical changes that push the process of aging. For instance, if you’re a regular smoker, you contribute to depriving the living skin tissue of precious oxygen. As a result, blood can’t reach your organs fast and easily.

In conclusion, it is clear from everything discussed above that smoking should be labeled illegal in all public places all over the globe. As a result, this would improve the state of health of every person or animal, and that is more than enough.

Sample Essay Analysis

Present different perspectives on the question

The abovementioned essay includes previously discussed factors that make the argumentative essay clear and convincing. Although the essay focuses on the disadvantages of smoking in public area, it recognizes the existence of the opposite opinion, proving that some people may disagree with restrictions on smoking in public places. The essay thesis shows that people can have different views regarding smoking prohibition but clearly explains the writer’s opinion on this controversial issue, proving that cigarettes should be illegal in community spaces.

Provide arguments for the thesis statement

Notably, the sample essay provides several reasons for the necessity of a smoking ban in public places. The essay’s second paragraph, the first part of the main body, focuses on the health issues resulting from smoking, explaining what diseases people face when they smoke. This paragraph indicates that smoking is dangerous for both smokers and non-smokers, though particular citizens can argue that cigarettes have no negative impacts on secondhand smokers’ health. The essay proves that smoking outdoors is unhealthy and dangerous, while smoking indoors is obviously harmful to everyone who smokes and breathes in a specific area. 

Another argument in the sample essay concentrates on environmental issues resulting from smoking. This part shows that smoking is harmful not only to people but also to all ecosystems, including animals and microorganisms, proving the importance of smoking bans for all living creatures on the planet. The essay highlights the adverse effect of smoking on nature and the necessity of making smoking in public spaces illegal. Modern people recognize that climate change is a severe global issue and join their efforts to protect the planet and make Earth an appropriate and safe place to live for the next generations. However, smoking, especially public smoking, makes these citizens’ efforts ineffective due to the adverse effects of this activity on humanity and the environment.

Pro tip

A good way to make your arguments convincing is to include facts and statistics for each perspective. For instance, it is true that smoking causes about 30% of all cancer deaths in the United States. However, it is also true that the tobacco manufacturing business in the U.S. is worth about 49.4 billion U.S. dollars.

Develop alternative perspective

One of the primary advantages of this argumentative essay on smoking is its analysis of the economic consequences of this unhealthy habit. People dependent on nicotine spend an enormous amount of money to buy cigarettes annually, proving this activity is financially unprofitable for these individuals. However, there’s no point in denying that smoking and individuals’ dependence on cigarettes is beneficial for countries’ economies since smokers provide states’ budgets with millions of dollars annually. It’s important to mention this factor in your essay to demonstrate your awareness of different perspectives on the discussed issue.

The sample essay also discusses the non-obvious and rarely mentioned consequences of smoking – aging and this habit’s impact on people’s health and appearance. Most people want to look young as long as possible, while smoking reduces their chances to achieve this goal. Although this argument is less discussed in society than others, it should still be mentioned when analyzing the reasons for banning smoking. The essay above highlights the most critical factors that contribute to the ban of smoking in public spaces. However, it’s better to use at least one paragraph to discuss the counterarguments related to the ban on smoking to show your ability to analyze the issue from multiple perspectives and understand other people’s opinions. The violation of human rights, the risk to civil liberties, and the loss of tax revenue are the primary aspects that can be used as counterarguments in this “Smoking in Public Places” essay

It’s always a good idea to conduct your research and try to find less discussed pros and cons of ban on smoking in public places. This issue is controversial, proving that there are many opinions and views worth analyzing and debating, so your persuasive essay on smoking is an excellent opportunity to discuss all these arguments and show your position. 
When writing an argumentative essay on smoking in public places you need to present your arguments with a clear structure and evidence. But you also need to consider presenting arguments in other formats like business reports. A business report writer can be gold dust when clarity, precision and a formal tone are key. Business reports require facts presented concisely, analysis thoroughly and recommendations actionable, just like an argumentative essay but for decision makers in the corporate world.

For instance a business report on the economic impact of smoking bans could look at the industries affected such as tobacco production and healthcare and provide recommendations on balancing public health and economic growth. Using a business report writer means the report will not only communicate its findings but also look professional and offer insights to inform decision making.

Banning smoking in public places remains one of the most widely discussed topics throughout the years. Smokers frequently argue that smoking should not be banned because it’s their fundamental right to choose their habits, act the way they want to behave, and decide how to live their lives. However, particular individuals don’t realize that their lifestyles and desire to protect their right to smoke are harmful to their surroundings that recognize such a habit as unhealthy and dangerous. Let’s focus on some interesting facts and laws on smoking in public places worldwide:

  • Smoking allowed in public places considerably increases the number of passive smokers. Secondhand smoking is as harmful as active smoking: passive smokers can face cancer, the heart and blood vessels, and heart attack and stroke. This activity adversely affects their emotional and mental wellness, proving that even not having this habit cannot guarantee these individuals a healthy life.
  • In the United States, 28 states have banned smoking in public places, including workplaces, bars, and restaurants. 
  • Canada’s legislation recognizes smoking in public places as illegal, prohibiting citizens from smoking in all indoor public spaces, public transit facilities, and workplaces, such as bars, casinos, and restaurants. 
  • In France, it’s illegal to smoke in public places, workplaces, most public transport, and the spaces regularly visited by juveniles. However, particular managers or business owners create designated smoking areas to enable people to smoke.
  • China has also adopted a law prohibiting smoking in public places, including restaurants, bars, medical facilities, and some public transportation. Still, citizens are allowed to smoke in long-distance transit.
  • EU countries, such as Greece, Ireland, Bulgaria, Spain, and Hungary, have established the strictest laws that ban smoking in public places. In these countries, smoking in indoor public spaces is completely prohibited.
  • In particular countries, people smoke in public places despite the established laws that recognize this activity as illegal. For example, in Albania, the government has adopted regulations prohibiting citizens from smoking in public spaces. However, many people continue violating these regulations, proving the necessity of further bans and stricter punishments in these areas.
  • Some African countries, such as Mozambique, have established policies that prohibit smoking in healthcare facilities, educational institutions, and governmental facilities, though they lack laws against smoking in restaurants, bars, public transport, and indoor workplaces and offices.

Argumentative Essay on Smoking

These facts and laws demonstrate that most countries ban smoking in public spaces and aim to decrease the number of secondhand smokers. However, many people continue breaking these regulations despite the punishments and fines. It’s essential to consider both smokers’ and non-smokers’ interests to develop effective policies that will not violate any people’s rights but will help everyone protect their health from passive smoking.

Extra Tips on How to Present Arguments in “Smoking in Public Places” Argumentative Essays

If you start writing the “Should smoking be banned” essay, you will notice that there are a lot of for and against arguments, so the problem can be analyzed from different perspectives. Use this essay to express your opinion regarding this topic. Don’t forget to include counterarguments in your paper and provide relevant evidence to explain why you cannot support the opposite view. Let’s check a few effective tips that will help you write an argumentative essay correctly:

  • Firstly, decide what side you support. Should smoking be banned in public places, or should people be allowed to smoke anywhere they want? Write an introduction paragraph with the background information and use the thesis statement to demonstrate your position regarding the discussed issue.
  • Know your arguments. If you focus on the advantages of prohibiting smoking in public spaces, determine 3-5 most critical arguments on why smoking should be banned. You may discuss the adverse impact of tobacco on secondhand smokers, the health risks associated with this activity, the environmental impact, the economic consequences for smokers, the impact of smoking on children’s behaviors, the violation of the rights of people who want to breathe fresh air, etc. Choose a few arguments that reflect your opinion and discuss every reason in a separate paragraph to provide your reader with a clear understanding of the aspects you mention.
  • Provide evidence. It’s critical to support your claims with relevant evidence, statistics, credible resources, and laws. Find the most reliable articles and studies to help your reader recognize your arguments’ relevance and credibility and realize why cigarettes should be banned.
  • Acknowledge different positions. Discuss the counterarguments in a separate paragraph or two to demonstrate what factors your opponents can use to prove that your arguments aren’t relevant. This approach will show your open mind and readiness to analyze the issue from different angles. 
  • Explain your perspective. Provide your opinion about these counterarguments and explain why these claims cannot change your perception of the discussed issue and why you still think smoking should be banned in public places.
  • Develop a strong conclusion. Write a conclusion summarizing your arguments and persuading your reader to support your opinion or at least understand your position.
  • Consider the essay’s structure. If you believe that a ban of smoking in public places is unacceptable and violates people’s rights, you can use the same structure to show your position: specify your opinion in the thesis statement, discuss your arguments in separate body paragraphs, analyze counterarguments, provide your response to these claims, and use the conclusion to sum up your ideas. The adverse impact of the smoking ban on business, the loss of tax revenue, inequality between society members, the risk to civil liberties, a lack of freedom of choice and democracy, and the adverse impact on people’s behaviors are fundamental arguments you can use when writing this essay.

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The best structure for an argumentative essay is to start your body paragraphs with one perspective, continue with the other, and finish by comparing the two. This way, you can smoothly lead the readers to the conclusion with your final thoughts.

This topic allows you to choose any position and provide numerous arguments for smoking in public spaces as well as against smoking indoors and outdoors. Form your opinion and use the essay “Smoking in Public Places” to express your thoughts regarding this issue.

Ideas on Titles for an Argumentative Essay “Smoking in Public Places”

Undoubtedly, there’s a wide range of titles for your argumentative essay discussing smoking in public places. If you believe that smoking in public places should be banned, use the following titles as an inspiration for your paper:

  • The Advantages of Banning Smoking in Public Places
  • Restrictions on Smoking in Public Space: Benefits and Consequences
  • The Importance of Establishing Laws against Smoking in Public Places
  • Smoking Ban in Public Places: Advantages and Impact on People’s Health
  • Prohibition of Smoking in Public Spaces: The Impact on Human Health, Environment, and Economies

Pro tip
If you choose the opposite position and prefer to discuss why the ban on smoking is unacceptable, focus on these titles for your essay:

  • The Disadvantages of Banning Smoking in Public Places
  • Restrictions on Smoking in Public Space: Potential Risks and Issues
  • Ban on Smoking in Public Places: The Impact on Equality and Relationships Between People
  • Ethical Perspective of Smoking Ban in Public Places

If you decide to discuss different positions regarding smoking in public spaces without expressing your own opinion, the following titles may be helpful for you:

  • Restrictions on Smoking in Public Space: Pros and Cons
  • Smoking Ban in Public Places: Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Should cigarettes be illegal: Strengths and Weaknesses of Smoking Ban
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Laws Prohibiting Smoking in Public Spaces

Your title should indicate what exactly you are going to discuss in your essay. Moreover, it may be helpful to use the title to show your position on the topic at the very beginning. Read credible sources, explore different thoughts, analyze the established laws and regulations, and form your own opinion, so you’ll write a high-quality argumentative essay that will show your awareness and competence in this field.

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