Advanced Guide on How to Write an Aviation Essay

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Humans have been dreaming about wings to fly, notable from legends of the past as well as the stereotypical success career of piloting. Ask any random child today about their ambitions and flying still ranks high amongst their dreams. Nevertheless, the aviation industry is known for its emphasis on procedures, where aviation professionals abide by a host of protocols for maximizing human and machine safety at all times. It is concerned with the proper use and maintenance of aircraft, specifically since most of the planes are worth far more than the average home. The industry holds its place as the latest mode of transport compared to the land and marine channels. With its conception around the 18th century, the aviation industry has grown by leaps and bounds, demonstrating a marked reduction in size from the ubiquitous hot air balloons to the minute drones in the contemporary society today.

The aviation industry is composed of a fixed and rotary-wing aircraft, which maintain their relevance by performing critical tasks. The aviation industry is relied upon during emergencies, where speed combines with agility to improve the welfare of the society. It means that an injured climber stranded on Everest relies on aircraft to ferry them to safety. The history of the aviation industry in the modern era is characterized by human flight occasioned by engineering and scientific feats. Early aviators recognized physical and chemical properties in their quest to fly, giving rise to machines designed to weigh much lighter than air. The developments saw the success of hydrogen or helium filled airships that crisscrossed above the lands with style and grace. For instance, an airship known as Graf Zeppelin committed more than a million miles of flight, not forgetting an around the world trip that drew much fanfare.

The aviation industry soon morphed into a complicated venture with the introduction of heavier than air machines. The new planes competed with their lighter counterparts, extending the flight range in the process. The roaring 20s saw the introduction of the famous Douglas DC-3 airliners, carrying hordes of passengers together with consignments from one corner of the world to another. The development of the aviation industry changed the world and America at large, providing opportunities for investment together with the employment of millions of people to date.

Organization within the aviation sector is important, giving rise to systemic institutions that regulate and enforce aviation rules. All aviation stakeholders are required to offer proficient and certified academic credentials complemented by industry certification and licenses. It is critical also for aircraft to maintain proper records, revolving around their flight time together with service and maintenance logs in the process. The landing and take-off procedures also prove critical to aviation safety, where the air traffic controllers show their mastery. Any slight deviation or miscommunication between handlers and pilots could result in catastrophic accidents or collisions.

It is fitting that aviation has proven critical to America’s defense capabilities, where military aircraft support troops as well as deter enemies from attacking the state. The prompt nature with which military aircraft respond to national security threats is enough to discourage other governments from starting a war with the country. On the other side of the spectrum, civil aviation deals with the transport of people and goods and is dominated by manufacturers such as Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier as well as Embraer. All in all, the aviation industry has attracted waves of condemnation from the public and private institutions, where environmental pollution is concerned. High altitude aircraft are known to spew aerosols and contaminants, which threaten the air quality of the troposphere. If that is not enough, the massive consumption levels of fuel associated with air travel do little to quell the negative sentiments.

3 Ideas to Choose the Most Appropriate Topic

Idea #1: The Pollution

Selecting the most appropriate topic for your aviation essay is not that difficult. It is important to consider the things that first come to mind, especially concerning the adverse environmental impacts of the Aviation industry. Understanding the practical scenario of air pollution makes sense since it will instill a culture of change within the budding aviation professional. For instance, grasping the extent of harm will inculcate new thinking and designs that take a lower toll on the environment. When information about air pollution is made aware to the public and industry insiders, then they will be better placed to contribute towards the creation of a less hazardous environment.

Idea #2: Aviation Safety

Another credible topic revolves around aviation safety, where a comparison is made on a timeline basis. It is important to gauge the trend of air safety, ensuring that the future sector is well suited to maximizing the health and safety of its society. Safety revolves around the aircraft maintenance procedures as well as the code of conduct for aviation professionals. Such conditions would also extend to the governing body’s stand of safety principles. Institutions such as FAA are involved in ensuring the compliance with high-quality aviation materials, where airframes, as well as other fittings, must be tested more than once. Writing about the airworthiness of planes in commercial and private settings will work well in improving the public confidence levels of the regulations and their implementation.

Idea #3: Technology

Technology in aviation is also another credible topic to explore, where the introduction of drone technology could revolutionize air transport and the world. The manufacture or assembly of these aviation products has grown much simpler, where enthusiasts could easily make customized drones. It is such revolutions that change the regulation of the industry, where understanding how the government or the governing bodies handle the day-to-day operations of these drones. For instance, how could the aviation agencies license and register drones intended for commercial or recreational use? These challenges are worth investigating, not forgetting the security issues to do with drones. It is important to consider how to counter terrorists that drop improvised explosive devices using drones or even worse biological agents that may threaten the health of the nation.

Some of the topics covered in the aviation course revolve around air regulations, where an individual gets a good grasp of the law and air traffic services required for maximizing human safety. Additionally, researching the most frequent aviation violations will provide loads of literary content such as navigation routes as well as protocols. Understanding the mistakes and improprieties of aviation experts will work well in raising the awareness of aviation and synoptic meteorology, ensuring that future professionals desist from entering the same hole of turbulent conditions. For instance, many violate the 14 CFR rules, which revolve around certification, flight and ground instructions, rebuilding and alterations as well as Medical standards. If that is not enough, writing about the importance of the ARROW checklist will demystify myths, ensuring that aviation stakeholders are safe at all times. The checklist is responsible for guaranteeing the provision of aviation documentation, which includes:

  • Airworthiness certificate
  • Registration certificates
  • Radio station license
  • Operating limitations
  • Weight and balance documents

Analyzing the aviation industry is not complete without understanding the history of the discipline, particularly before the industrial age. Essays on aviation history have a wide range of topics to explore, particularly with the abundant feats established by early aviators. Such scenes make sense when investigating the exploits of the first female pilot to navigate the world as well as the accomplishments of the Wright brothers. Other renowned names to explore include the first manned and powered flight by Clement Ader as well as the development of the fixed-wing machines during the 1800s.

It is also important to cross over to the business side of aviation, where information is awash concerning the most profitable airline firms as well as their business strategies. The aviation sector attracts cutthroat competitive levels, where incompetent firms find their way out of the market through poor sales. Gauging the financial performance of established airlines such as British Airways, Emirates Airlines, and local firms will be enough to know the industry performance in the long-run. Such information would also make aviation professionals want to associate with such brands that do well in the challenging aviation sector. It is helpful if the aviation essay also includes the most sought services by consumers, which will ensure industry stakeholders cater to their clients’ needs. Customers that require comfort for long-haul flights are different from their short-routes counterparts, which require minimal services and pleasantries.

Don’t forget to consider the development of new aircraft, where Boeing and Airbus continually show their mettle with the introduction of new and improved models. The introduction of the Boeing Dreamliner together with its A380 counterpart sent shockwaves across the aviation industry concerning economies of scale. The capacity to handle hundreds of passengers at a go is a game-changer, particularly with the increasing demand for travel. The rise of globalization has increased the need for geographical mobility, where business travelers, as well as tourists, explore new markets.

Pre-writing Tips: Aim for the Writing Process

Creating a successful essay begins with prewriting, which is made easier by adopting the appropriate strategies. Writing an aviation essay is impossible without free writing, which ranks as the most popular form of prewriting. It works to help one develop the supporting arguments, where the author nurtures ideas in descending order. It means that one starts with the strongest points, moving on to others according to their significance. Free writing involves jotting down ideas nonstop while staying true to the topic in question. The technique creates momentum for the writing process, where the author does not need to abide by grammar rules in the course of quickly scrawling the arguments. It is wrong to pause at this stage of writing, especially when many writers are tempted to look back on their content. It is even better to write anything that comes to mind rather than pondering and cutting short the stream of thoughts.

Another strategy of prewriting is brainstorming where the author uses some time to come up with literary ideas. Brainstorming takes at most five minutes, where the author lists every word that comes to mind, as long as they resonate with the selected topic. Once complete, it is advisable to pour over the resulting list, crossing out any useless information in the process. Another critical move revolves around the 5Ws, where the author fills out the ‘who, what, where, when and why’ formula. The tactic creates an all-rounded essay, recognizing the elements involved, issues to tackle as well as the setting. It is also useful to highlight the helpfulness of the information, demonstrating how it applies to the real-world context.

Title → Thesis Statement → Body Paragraphs

All authors should strive to maintain clarity in their essays, which begins with taking advantage of clear titles. Ambiguous titles distract the intended audience since they provide multiple points for interpretation. Precision in titling is made possible by adding modifiers, which give a higher level of specificity in the process. For instance, when analyzing the safety records, titles such as ‘America’s Aviation Industry is the Safest’ do not hit the nail on the head. It could be modified to be ‘America’s Aviation industry is a world leader in safety protocols’.
The thesis statement should also incorporate the essay’s strongest points, adding an element of specificity in the process. Appropriate thesis statements should be placed at the tail end of the introductory paragraphs, ensuring that the audience clearly distinguishes it from the rest of the sentences. The best thesis sentences adopt the SMART goals, which is an acronym for specific, measurable, accurate, reliable as well as timely. Specific implies that the thesis should avoid vague statements by mentioning the subject matter in question. Measurability implies the scale or extent of the problem, allowing the audience a hint of what to expect along the essay. Accuracy is maintained by using the most appropriate terminologies for the industry while timeliness provides a periodic perspective. Such statements imply that a thesis explaining the aviation safety record includes the duration of the analysis in the long-run.

For instance, when discussing the aviation protocols, it is important to consider a thesis that resonates with FAA’s regulation and the code of conduct. It means the stamen will reflect the aviation professionals; adherence to FAA and NTSB regulations within America. Such scenes are different when considering aviation experts from other regions that have localized codes of conduct that vary both in language and terminologies. For instance, a Chinese or Russian aviation professional would find it difficult to understand the American concepts due to language barriers.

The body paragraphs should also follow a steady rhythm, where each free-standing paragraph concentrates on a unique issue. Separating each argument with paragraphs will help the reader discern the learning points as well as conclusively follow through the argument. It is important to note that each body paragraph should include a topic sentence, which normally the first sentence is elaborating the points to follow.

Proper organization of an essay is also made easier through outlines, which involve grouping related ideas from the prewriting process. The author should take care to isolate major and minor arguments while defining them in the course of finding a logical progression of points. The outline includes the major headings and subheadings of the document while taking advantage of single word terms or short phrases. Full sentences also work well in the outlining process, helping with the formation of the topical sentences.

The Polishing Stage: Top Tips from Our Writers

The editing process involves gauging the word choice used in the essay. Using the appropriate aviation terminology works well to distinguish the audience from nursing essays. It is also important to delete inappropriate terms that have become obsolete. Words such as ‘anyway’, ‘arguably’, ‘majorly’ as well as ‘hopefully’ should be avoided at all costs. Proofreading is also made easier by taking a long break. It is also important to consider the narrative version, where most essays embrace the third person narrative. Ultimately, authors should look out for active and passive voices, where the active voice works well in maintaining the clarity of the action.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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