Complete Guide: Biology Research Paper Writing

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Biology research paper is a type of academic writing that provides the readers with a thorough analysis of a particular issue. It usually presents different arguments to support one of the previously introduced claims that are traditionally based on peer-reviewed sources. Besides, this type of academic paper allows you to organize and develop the independent research and discuss your unique findings in the paper. While writing a research paper related to biology, take into account that it is a complicated scientific discipline that studies living organisms in general and examines their numerous functions, unique biological structure, lifetime development, and the process of evolution. It happens that some students find this discipline quite difficult to research as this broad subject demands significant knowledge and sophisticated approaches. Besides, it is possible to examine other life sciences instead as they also provide many interesting topics to be researched. In general, a well-developed Biology research paper should include a vast amount of analytical information on the chosen topic, inspect two or more scientific theories, and evaluate related practices.

Outstanding Biology Research Paper Topic Ideas

Nowadays, the most captivating topic to be examined is human cloning. It is a well-known fact that the scientists managed to clone living organisms successfully. Therefore, the process of copying DNA and creating genetically identical creatures has become a popular subject that raises a great interest of the wide audience. In this way, being developed for many years by significant scientists and researchers, the genetics is considered an exciting topic that grasps the attention of the readers from the first lines and has a straightforward relation to other fields of biology. As a result, you could examine the cloning and its origins, define and evaluate its different types, and research the structure of DNA. In addition, it is an excellent idea to discuss the most controversial issues of cloning and investigate its modern developments and major achievements in the context of historical research.

Another exciting topic to be investigated is related to hormones and how they carry various chemical elements through the living organism. As a result, your paper may analyze multiple types of hormones, explore their functions, and compare them to each other. What is more, the writer can connect it to glands as they also may have a connection with hormones and impact different functions of the body. Finally, because hormones have a relation to mind functions and behavioral patterns, you can do psychobiological research that perfectly fits the demands of the biology research paper.

The immune system of the living organism is another great topic to examine as it studies the functional and structural peculiarities of the immune system that are crucial to every organism on the planet. It is a well-known fact that the immune system creates and maintains a personal defense barrier in order to enable different creatures to withstand different diseases. Taking into account the fact that this barrier is one of the crucial features of the organism, you can develop your research paper on this subject and evaluate different protective elements of the immune system. In addition, you can mention its agents and discuss numerous diseases provoked by the improper work of this particular system that in turn causes a significant threat to essential survival functions.

The next valuable topic that can attract the attention of the audience is plant pathology. It is not a subject of biology but it can be related to other Life Sciences, and it presents the unusual topic of studying a range of plant diseases. Thus, you should pay attention to this topic if you are highly interested in botany and plan to choose it as a major. As a consequence, by approaching this topic, you can examine different types of plant diseases, their unique causes, and mention ways of resistance. Besides, it is a great idea to evaluate ways of disease prevention and approaches to treatment.

While conducting your research, pay attention to the instructions provided by your professor and follow them step by step. If the guidelines provide a number of topics to choose from, pick the most exciting and captivating of them. Sometimes it happens that the professor gives no particular instructions, giving you a chance to choose a topic on your own and develop it correspondingly. In such cases, you should pick the topic with due responsibility as it may become a ground for your thesis paper or even a dissertation work in the nearest future.

Choosing the Most Suitable Biology Research Paper Topic


The first step you should take to start a well-constructed paper is to choose a topic. Because biology provides a great variety of valuable themes to examine, it may be quite challenging to pick the most appropriate for you. For that reason, take your time and think thoroughly about all the related issues you are interested in or topics that attract your attention. It is essential for you to find your topic captivating as it is the feature that will motivate and force you to perform your best researching, analytical, and writing skills. If you happen to choose a boring topic or one that has been already researched by many students, it would be difficult for you to write an outstanding paper as there is nothing worse than a dull topic. Therefore, avoid examining sophisticated issues that are not supported by information published in peer-reviewed sources. Writing a paper, you should prove your claims and convince the audience to admit them. Otherwise, your paper will have low scientific value.

To choose an appropriate topic, it is possible for you to follow useful and easy tips:

  • Read the requirements carefully;
  • Brainstorm the related ideas and keywords. In this way, you will be able to define a subject you are interested in;
  • Do research on the subjects discussed in the lectures. Because you have already obtained background information from the professor, it will be much easier for you to concentrate on one of the topics;
  • Think of a research question and develop it into a robust research topic. In addition, a research question and an answer for it together create a good basis for the research paper and make the writing process much easier;
  • Look through your old notes. It is a great way to refresh memory and think of an excellent topic for your paper;
  • Develop a topic from the thesis statement. Because a thesis statement usually includes the issue that demands a particular solution, it becomes a great tool for creating a valuable topic.

Here are the examples you can use as topics:

  • General Causes and Symptoms of Allergies and the Most Effective Treatments for Allergies;
  • The Earliest Forms of Allergy Testing and Options of Their Treatment;
  • Chemicals That Trigger Allergies and Methods of Their Prevention;
  • The Latest Developments in the Chemistry of Adhesives;
  • The Cellular Reproduction of DNA;
  • Poikilothermic Body Temperatures versus Homoeothermic in Mammals.

Quick Recommendations for the Pre-Writing Stage from Our Experts

Because the Biology research paper should be grounded on a number of reliable sources, it is essential for you to conduct research and find peer-reviewed sources related to the chosen topic. For that reason, start your research by visiting local libraries and search there for books, specialized magazines and journals, and newspapers. Nowadays, an enormous amount of information may be found on the Internet. That is why it is recommended to search for information to support your claims and arguments in official reports, databases, and peer-reviewed online journals. It is highly advisable not to use data from personal blogs, forums, and social networks as it may be irrelevant. The collected pieces of information should be related to both theoretical and practical parts of the paper and match the final findings. Do not forget to make notes while looking through the sources and put down the authors of the articles and books, their titles, and years of publishing as you will need them to create a reference list and cite the information correctly. While browsing the Internet resources, it is quite challenging to keep track of visited websites. In order to find the source without struggles, you should make bookmarks or create a file with links to the useful resources. The used resources should be published recently as the books and articles released many years ago usually have no valuable scientific information. Finally, pay significant attention to the extensions of the domain names as they can help you to define the relevance of the provided information. Use resources that include .edu, .gov, and .org. in their domain names because it means that provided facts and evidence can be used as sources for your research.

Craft a Killer Thesis Statement


Start writing your paper by creating a thesis statement. It is a large and well-developed sentence (or two) that allows the audience to grasp the primary idea of the literary work, understand its central point, and find out your major claims and arguments. In addition, a thesis statement has to be followed by personal ideas of the writer and mention the methods and results of the research paper.

Title/Thesis Statement/Body Paragraphs

Usually, Biology research paper has the following structure:

  • a title page. Here, it is necessary to type a short and comprehensive title, mention the name of the student, point out educational institution, and the date of submission;
  • an abstract (if required by the professor);
  • introduction part;
  • three or more body paragraphs;
  • methods of the research;
  • results of the research;
  • conclusion;
  • reference page;
  • additional information (pictures, graphs, photos, appendices, and tables).

The introduction is the first part of the paper that includes the thesis statement and introduces the main issues to be discussed to the audience. Next, the writer has to add three or more body paragraphs that present his or her central claims and arguments and support them with facts and evidence. In addition, the body paragraphs are traditionally followed by the methods of the research and its final results. The results should be based on the applied methodologies and be arranged in a logical way or in a timeline. The conclusion is the final part of the Biology research paper that restates the thesis statement, sums up your main claims and arguments, and provides the audience with logical conclusions on the chosen topic.

Tips for the Post-writing Stage

When the research paper is ready, it is necessary to read it aloud and remove irrelevant information that does not fit the general structure. In addition, this approach allows to revise minor grammar mistakes and revise all the facts and evidence presented in the paper. In order to make the revising process faster and easier, you could use one of the free grammar checkers available online. When the grammar errors are fixed, it is necessary to check the format of the paper. Thus, the line spacing, text color, margins, font, and its size should correspond to the instructions provided by the professor.

What is more, you should check the citations format and arrange the reference list in alphabetical order. Finally, it is important to check the paper for plagiarism. You can do it with the help of numerous plagiarism checkers that are available online for free and cite information that is detected.

Following these easy and helpful biology research paper writing tips will allow you to understand what a research paper is and how it should be structured. You will not definitely search any solution for your “do my biology assignment” struggles. Next, these biology research paper writing prompts will help you to choose an excellent topic by applying different methods of thinking, collect a necessary amount of reliable information, and compose a well-developed paper. Besides, you would be able to proofread it and eliminate as many grammar and structural errors as possible. Finally, if all the sources are cited properly, your paper won’t be detected for plagiarism. As a result, your writing is expected to get a high mark and become a sufficient ground for numerous research papers in your future academic activities (pursuits).


  1. Biological Research Paper Topics. (2018). Retrieved from
  2. Biology Research Paper: List Of Interesting Topics. (2018). Retrieved from
  3. How to Select a Research Topic. (2018). Retrieved from
  4. Research Guides: Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper: 1. Choosing a Research
    Problem. (2018). Retrieved from
  5. Selecting a Research Topic: Overview. (2018). Retrieved from
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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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