Effective Book Review Writing Tips

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There are fundamental differences among the various kinds of scientific books. What should be covered in an effective book review? How to write a book review?

Monographs. We can define a monograph as a specialized book written for a specialized audience. Therefore, the reviewer of a monograph has one paramount obligation: to describe for potential readers exactly what is in the book. What, precisely, is the subject of the book, and what are the outside limits of the material covered? If the monograph has a number of subjects, perhaps each with a different author, each subject should be treated individually. The good book review, of course, will mirror the quality of the book; the pedestrian material will be passed over quickly, and the significant contributions will be given a weightier discussion. The quality of the writing, with rare exceptions, will not need comment. It is the information in the monograph that is important to its audience. Highly technical language and even some jargon are to be expected. The understanding of how to write a good book review comes easier when you know its types. These are:

  • Reference Books. The subject of a reference book is likely to be much broader than that of a monograph. Still, it is important for the reviewer to define in appropriate detail the content of the book. Unlike the monograph, which may contain many opinions and other subjective material, the reference book contains facts. Therefore, the prime responsibility of the book reviewer is to determine, however possible, the accuracy of the material in the reference book. Any professional librarian will tell you that an inaccurate reference book is worse than none at all.
  • Textbooks. In reviewing a textbook, the reviewer has a different set of considerations. Unlike the language in a monograph, that in a textbook must be nontechnical and jargon must be avoided. The reader will be a student, not a peer of the scientist who wrote the book. Technical terms will be used, of course, but each should be carefully defined at first use. Unlike in the reference book, accuracy is not of crucial importance. An inaccurate number or word here and there is not crucial as long as the message gets through. The function of the book reviewer, then, is to determine whether the subject of the text is treated clearly, in a way that is likely to enable students to grasp and to appreciate the knowledge presented. The textbook reviewer has one additional responsibility. If other texts on the same subject exist, which is usually the case, the reviewer should provide appropriate comparisons. A new textbook might be good based on its own evident merits; however, if it is not as good as existing texts, it is useless.
  • Trade Books. Again, the reviewer has different responsibilities. The reader of a trade book may be a general reader, not a scientist or a student of the sciences. Therefore, the language must be nontechnical. Furthermore, unlike any of the other scientific books, a trade book must be interesting. Trade books are bought as much for entertainment as they are for education. Facts may be important, but a boring effusion of facts would be out of place. Scientific precepts are sometimes difficult for the layperson to comprehend. The scientist writing for this market must always keep this point in mind, and the reviewer of a trade book must do so also. If a somewhat imprecise, nontechnical term must replace a precise, technical term, so be it. The reviewer may wince from time to time, but a book that succeeds in fairly presenting scientific concepts to the public should not be faulted because of an occasional imprecision.
    Finally, with trade books (as with other scientific books, for that matter), the reviewer should try to define the audience. Can any literate person read and understand the book, or is some level of scientific competency necessary?
    If a reviewer has done the job well, a potential reader will know whether to read the book under consideration, and why.
  • Imprint Information. At the top of a book review, the reviewer should list complete imprint information. The usual order is as follows: title of the book, edition (if other than the first), name of author(s) or editor(s), publisher, place (a city in which the publisher is located), year of publication, number of pages, and a list price of the book. Conventionally, well-known cities are not followed by state or country names. A publisher located in New York is listed as “New York” not “New York, NY” and London is listed as “London” not “London, U.K.”

A company providing support in all kinds of book review writing can be a good source of help when you need a book review.
Books related to any discipline and of any kind can be reviewed excellently by following the instructions. If you do not know how to do book review writing, do not get upset, as we are here to help you.

So, follow the instructions given below for book review writing:

  • Read the book for which you are going to do book review writing.
  • While reading, summarize all the chapters in your own words.
  • Evaluate the book.
  • Closely look into the writing style of the author, what words he/she uses most, how he/she has managed to deliver his/her views regarding the main topic, and what theme he/she has followed to write the book.
  • Try to find out the center of the book, the main idea around which the whole text is revolving.
  • Find out the strong and weak aspects of the writer that he/she has shown in his/her writing.
  • Highlight the strong and weak points in your review writing.
  • Try to find out how the writer has justified his/her claims that he/she made in his/her written work.
  • Introduce the text.
  • Conclude in the last.
  • Remember, writing book reviews is a small exercise, you should not write a number of pages for it. Try to cut it short. First, do the drafting for book review writing, then check it and write it with amendments. Try to keep the review as simple as you can. Moreover, it should be readily understood.
  • If you are still in need of assistance, contact us, and we will resolve all of your problems related to book review writing.

These universal tips clearly explain how to write a book review essay to enjoy success.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at CustomWritings.com

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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