How to Prepare a Presentation in Business Studies – Let’s Skyrocket Your Skills

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Students receive many tasks throughout the entire study period. Each task is aimed at developing a student as a person and helping this person achieve heights in life.

One of the prominent representatives of the assignment is the presentation. This category includes a number of useful skills that a person receives. Each student will have the opportunity to really understand the topic being studied, thanks to the collection of necessary components for the project. It is also an opportunity to rehearse and get used to a large audience of listeners because many students have a fear of public speaking. What can overcome fear better than practice? Developing and improving your public speaking skills, fear will recede and, in its place, incredible confidence in yourself with a competent speech and firm voice will come.

Things You Should Know Before Prepare a Presentation in Business Studies

Preparing a presentation is not a matter of five minutes. This is a responsible task that contains something more important than just good academic performance. In this regard, it is very important to observe the following points:

  • Do not delay it. After the topic has been issued, it is advisable for the student to proceed with the next day. Collecting data for a good business presentation will take quite a while. Processing and studying statistical data, as well as finding good examples and supporting documents, is a very troublesome task.
  • Do not ignore teacher advice. Due to the fact that the teacher will access the work directly, it is important to listen to his/her opinion and take into account his/her advice. This is necessary to ensure a good reputation and to guarantee a high rating.
  • Naturally, the main percentage of the probability of getting a good mark for the work done depends on the quality of the presentation. But attentiveness to the wishes of the teacher will give the student extra points.

  • Do not neglect the rest. Full dedication in any business is an incredible plus for success. But it is worth remembering the high risks of such behavior. Prolonged overstrain cannot only harm the student’s physical health but also spoil productivity.
  • To maintain high productivity and overall health, each student must maintain a balance of rest and working hours. Indeed, most often, the presentation is not the only one homework that has to be done, and therefore much more strength is needed.

  • Provide a comfortable place. A presentation on business topics requires attention and focus. Weighed analysis of the collected data and facts is difficult to conduct in an environment of constant noise, outside interference and distractions. Likewise, it is difficult to remember the material when a real circus performance is going on around. That is why you need to pre-allocate time for a presentation when the environment will be conducive to this.
  • If the student lives in a dormitory, then it is needed to agree in advance with your roommates about the hours at which they will not make noise. If this option is not possible, you can take spend time on preparation in classrooms for training.

    Also, as an option, you can consider visiting the library or find a quiet cafe where there is no endless stream of noisy visitors. As a bonus, choosing such a place the student will have the opportunity to take a walk after completing part of the home task. This has a good effect on the assimilation of information and allows the brain and eyes to relax after active work.

Take These Steps – Get Your Well-Deserved ‘A’

Presentation preparation should be phased. Proper organization of work will help to make an excellent presentation and spend the minimum amount of time necessary for this type of work. Also, following a certain schedule, students will be able to avoid nervous experiences and have all the possibilities to finish their work on time. After all, perhaps one of the hugest student fears is not to fit into the deadline.

So, what is needed in order to get not only an excellent mark but also moral pleasure from own work:

1. Definition of the Main Theme

Any work begins with a selection of topics. To make a presentation on the subject, teachers usually provide a list of topics among which students can choose the one according to which they will work. Often a student has is already given a specific topic, and therefore it is not necessary to choose.

If the teacher did not specify a personal topic or give out a list of themes to choose, it is needed to decide for your own what you want to write about. Typically, the topic of the presentation should correspond to the current section that you are studying in class at that moment. This will help narrow down your choices. After all, the subject of business is very multifaceted.

Let’s take a look at a couple of examples of how topics that can be used for business presentation should look:

  • Copyright on the Internet. How to Protect Intellectual Property?
  • Student Internship. Corporate Benefits from Internship Programs.
  • Are Mentors a Relic of the Past or an Urgent Need for a Successful Start?
  • The Relationship between Employee Motivation and Successful Business Growth.
  • Start a Small Business: The Main Risks and Benefits.

When choosing a topic, you should pay attention to your own preferences. Personal interest in the topic will increase involvement in the work and may positively affect productivity. You must admit that it is much more pleasant to do business that brings pleasure.

2. The Formation of the Collected Material

After completing the work on choosing a theme, you should begin to select the necessary material. However, there can be so much data on the subject that it will be easier to get confused about it. In order to avoid this, it is recommended to organize your work in accordance with the following points:

  • Preliminary familiarization with the topic. At this stage, you need to determine the main points that you want to talk about in the presentation. Select a couple of global questions about the topic and enter it as reference points.
  • Definition of subcategories. At this stage, it is advisable to division material according to the next outline:
    • Statement of a problem or question;
    • Risks and benefits with different options for solving the problem;
    • Arguments;
    • Conclusion.
  • In-depth study. At this stage, the student can already proceed more carefully to all the identified issues and positions of the project.

Gradual filling and filtering of the main and secondary tasks simplify the student’s concentration. Because at each stage the main question is highlighted. Only by deciding the first one, you can move on to the next. This is a good option for performing bulk work.

What you need to remember when choosing and sorting material.

  • Each fact must have confirmation. Work on a business presentation is not an essay on a free topic. Therefore, for each statement in your work, there must be a justification and support by the facts. Each fact and confirmation does not have to be inserted directly on the slide page. It will be enough to outline the main idea and thought that you want to talk about. The rest of the data can be entered in the notes for the presentation or in the document with which you will speak. A screen presentation is just a wrapper for your thoughts. The main part you will need to tell the audience verbally.
  • Use authoritative statements. Such a technique will give you a chance to express your own point of view, as well as confirm it with a quote. A good option would be to place a similar slide at the very beginning of the presentation and at the end, before the conclusion. Place a chosen quote close-up on the slide with which you would like to start your presentation.

Let it be a reflection of your position in relation to the chosen topic. This will be a good start for your story. The audience is listening for more to authoritative statements, and a quote will help them to perceive your work more seriously and listen more carefully.

3. Presentation Design

To make your work not only informative but also beautifully designed is a very necessary skill. The presentation design is great in order to develop this kind of ability. Here are some of the tips of it:

  • Follow the rules of minimalism. A business is not a place for thousands of colors on one page. Conciseness and brevity are important in business. Therefore, if you want to achieve attention, use the design only as an assistant for the perception of information, and not as the main means to attract attention.
  • Do not fill the slide completely. It is better to make the font larger and add line spacing. This way the text will be easier to read and the audience will not have to strain their eyes.
  • Use tables, lists, and graphs. This option helps streamline data and visualize comparative characteristics.

How to Prepare for a Speech with the Presentation in Business Studies

When the main technical part is ready, it’s time to move on to the next stage. Preparing for the speech is no less important than the project itself. Indeed, your presentation and preparation will determine how the listener perceives your work, and, accordingly, what grade you will receive for your efforts. That is why, it will be necessary to devote a lot of time to preparation, but much less than to create the presentation itself.

Key points to consider when preparing:

  • Your knowledge should cover the entire presentation. The student must know every sentence, every number, and statement that is included in the project. Knowledge of the material directly shows the competence of the student. When giving a presentation to the listener, reading what is written on your slides is unacceptable. The student will have at his/her disposal only a computer through which he will be able to manage the presentation, as well as supporting notes. These notes will become your cheat sheet if any of the information is forgotten. However, each note must be read and studied to such an extent that only one glance at the beginning of the sentence is enough to recall what is being discussed in the current slide.
  • Use only up-to-date statements and understandable words. All expressions and terms that are present in the work should be related to the chosen topic. Also, the student must understand and be able to tell about each term used in the presentation. The speech on which the report will be conducted should be accessible to the audience. Of course, the terms can complicate the perception of the material. But for this, it is also necessary for the student to explain the new meaning in time and tell the audience about the complex term using simple words.
  • Prepare for possible questions during and after the presentation. Familiarization with new material always raises questions. And what is clear to you will not always be as clear to the listener. Therefore, so that you are not taken by surprise, think over the possible options for questions and find the answer to them.
  • Your speech should be confident and clear. In order to ensure a high-quality presentation, the student needs to conduct several rehearsals. It is advisable to do this in front of a few listeners. Invite your friends and family to come together and listen to your speech. This is a great practice to help relieve stress and test your knowledge. You can also ask friends to note your weaknesses. After the speech is completed, you will have data on which you will still need to work out so that the presentation before the audience goes flawlessly. You can also ask your friends and family members to ask you some questions in order to additionally make sure that you can answer them.

Summing Up

Preparing such homework as a business presentation is a very exciting experience. The student has the opportunity to try oneself as a speaker. For any person who plans to develop in the business sphere, it is important to be able to present their ideas and own point of view to other people. And work on the presentation is a good practice in attracting the attention of strangers to yourself and your business.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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