How to Write an Expository Essay in Classic English Literature: Use Our Guide and Write Fast

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Classical English literature is a very entertaining subject. However, when it comes to completing an essay, many may have difficulty. Indeed, in such a task it is necessary not only not to read the work, but also to state the main ideas in writing. And if you take into account how many different types of essays exist, then not all students will like classical literature lessons.
Today we will talk about expository essays. Classical English literature and expository essays are interconnected and if you study this subject you will sooner or later come across such a task. What to do if you do not know how to perform it? It’s simple, read our guide!

How to Write an Expository Essay in Classic English Literature? What Do You Need to Know?

Let’s understand what the essence of this task is. Once you realize what the goal is, then you will simply perform an expository essay. You have to follow the main goal of this task, which is to explain and teach.
In order to better disclose the topic and convey all ideas, everything should be supported by facts and statistics. If your future profession is related to journalism, then it is extremely significant for you to learn how to complete this task correctly.

It is worth noting that the presentation should not be in the first person. Do not use “I think” or “I read.” Such phrases will be a signal that you did not catch the essence of the task.
Simply put, an expository essay is an explanation of a specific topic with the aim of teaching using concise exposition. Yes, this type of task requires certain skills not only in the field of writing but also in the field of analysis. But everything is not as difficult as you might think. In this article, you will find a complete guide through which this task will no longer cause you sadness.

Topics Ideas That May Come in Handy

A topic is more than just the title of your essay. The topic you choose will influence how much you have to work. Therefore, when choosing a topic, we recommend using the following approach:

  • Choose the theme that you like.
  • Pick a theme that provides many sources.
  • Check if there are similar works on your topic.

Of course, if you want to write an essay on a rare and complex topic, then that’s good. Just the main thing is to realize how much work awaits you.
If you do not know which direction to choose, then we have prepared several ideas that you can use:

  • History of English Classics;
  • Innovation in the Style of Writing by W. Shakespeare;
  • What Role does the Supernatural Play in Macbeth?
  • Collectivism and Individualism in Oliver Twist;
  • The Influence of the Victorian Period on English Literature;
  • Victorian England in the Works of Charles Dickens.

You can rephrase these topics or simply use them as directions to create your own theme. Such a subject as classical English Literature has no boundaries in topics, so you are sure to find one that suits you.

Tricks That Will Help to Get Started with Your Essay

Before you start writing a draft, we suggest you try a new algorithm of work with which you optimize the whole process. The approaches that we recommend to use will make writing an essay simple and without wasting your time. Ready to try something new?


The more time you devote to your academic assignment, the less time you spend. A paradox, isn’t it? But if you follow our recommendations, then you will see it for yourself. We propose to break the process into the following three stages:

  • Day 1: Selecting a topic, reading a book, creating notes.
  • Day 2: Creating a draft, creating the final version of the text.
  • Day 3: Proofread the finished work.

If you write an essay on a book that you have already read, then three days to complete the essay will be enough. If acquaintance with the book is yet to be considered, think through how much time you need to read. Starting to write after you just read a book is not a good idea. You need a break to process the information.

View Requirements

Each academic assignment has clear requirements that students must follow. Therefore, read again what is required of you so as not to miss anything or not to create yourself an extra job. Also, specify which format you should follow. Try to complete the task immediately as part of the requirements, and not edit your work later.

Learn the Topic

Once you have chosen a topic, you need to briefly describe what issues it addresses for consideration. Read similar works on this topic, and then make a list of leading questions that will help you fully disclose the topic in the framework of the expository essay.

Work with Sources

Regarding your topic, you need to collect relevant sources. This can be either a specific work of classical English literature or a biography of the author or even methodical literature. While working on sources, you should take notes. Check all that may be useful to you. This can be done through notes. For example, you can mark the source and the page where the information is contained. By the way, with the help of such notes, you can easily make a list of references. Or you can leave bookmarks to easily return to the information you need.
Please note that you should not proceed to write a draft immediately after analyzing the sources.

Create a Draft

When you have received the necessary information, it is time to start creating a draft. Now your task is to write down everything you consider important, even if it is just a row flow of your thoughts. Further, you will get acquainted with the structure and recommendations.

All You Need About the Structure

We want to please you, the structure is quite simple and familiar to you. So if you have already written an essay, and most likely it is, then everything is simple. You should adhere to the following points:

  • Introduction
  • Body 1
  • Body 2
  • Body 3
  • Conclusion

Agree, this is the familiar structure that is visible in all types of essays. Please note that based on the topic, there may be more paragraphs of the body, even more than 5.


Where to begin? Your introduction is the beginning of your essay, in this type of task you need to introduce a reader to the course regarding your topic. In order to attract attention, you can start with a specific fact that emphasizes the significance of your topic. For example, you can start with the fact that the author has been working on his work for so many years and so on.

Thesis Statement

Of course, the thesis should be present in such an essay. Reflect the main focus of your topic and argument through the thesis. For instance, what a literary tool forces readers from generation to generation to read the work of this author.

Main Part

In the main part, you need to continue the presentation. Do not forget about facts or statistics. Also, you must use third-party sources and all information should be objective. No personal relationship and own feelings. You will learn about which model to use in the main part in the next paragraph.


As for the conclusion, then everything is simple. Note why the topic is important, and why people should care.
Now let’s move on to the recommendations that will come in handy when creating a draft of your text.

Recommendations That Will Help to Create a Draft

  • Explain. Many students make a grave mistake in this type of academic assignment, avoiding explanation. Such an approach is not correct since the main goal is to clarify the topic, and not to convince the reader of some point of view.
  • Facts, statistics. In this type of essay, you have to add reliable facts and statistics. If your topic provides, then you can add graphs and tables with which you can better reveal the topic.

Decide on the following type in your essay:

  • Process: This model resembles a problem and a solution. Only here it is necessary to describe the process that leads to a specific result.
  • Description: This model is the most common and requires a definition of characteristics regarding your topic. But note that there are no similarities with the descriptive essay. Clarify the idea, then evaluate the event and offer an argument.
  • Problem and solution: It’s vital to describe the problem and suggest ways to solve it. For example, most articles on the Internet and blogs are written this way. Hence, remember that vocabulary should be more formal.
  • Cause and Effect: This model is suitable for clarification as one thing leads to the next.
  • Comparison and Contrast: This model is suitable in cases where the topic involves the consideration of two or more similar things but different in relation to one.

Tips to Make Text Perfect

When you have made a draft, and after writing the final version of your text, make sure that you have no mistakes. The following recommendations will help you read the text and get rid of both grammatical and stylistic mistakes.

Time to Relax

Before you start checking your text, it’s vital to relax. Engage in other activities that are not related to academic assignments. Take a walk, have coffee and so on. You can even postpone your essay for the next day if the deadline allows you to.
This method is often used by artists. To see the picture through the eyes of the viewer, they are advised to move a long distance from the canvas and look at their picture. Thus, the artist will be able to see what is wrong with his picture.
The same technique is only slightly modified and is suitable for working on academic tasks. Moreover, it is suitable for all types. Be it mathematics or an essay.


When you have completed the previous recommendations, you can start work on checking the text. Just read your text and then you will notice all grammatical and punctuation mistakes. Read the text several times. If you doubt your literacy, ask your friends to check the text or use online tools that will also cope with this task.

Stylistic Mistakes

Once you’ve figured out the grammar, let’s make the text readable. Since such kind of academic assignment is explanatory, you can use poor vocabulary. To avoid this, read the text aloud. If any words are difficult to perceive, then rephrase the sentence. Then read the text aloud again. Do this until you are sure that the text is clear and easy to read.
Such an approach can help to see the text through the eyes of your readers. Use this technique whenever you encounter written assignments. While reading out loud, you may wonder how incomprehensible your text is. But do not worry, this happens with almost everyone. And this technique can fix this problem.

Format and Requirements

Be sure to check whether you have complied with all the requirements. Check the text for formatting requirements. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a bad mark despite the perfection of the expository essay.

Final Check

When you have completed all the recommendations and wrote the final version of the text, pause. Take a break from your text for at least an hour. After that, you can read your essay and check if there are any mistakes left. Only after this check you can pat yourself and congratulate yourself on the completion of work on the expository essay.

Let’s Conclude

If you want to cope with this task easily, then you have to follow our recommendations. if you think that using them you will spend more time, then you are mistaken. as a result, you will spend several hours and get a quality essay.
Surprising your professor and getting a good mark is much easier than you think. Well, as for writing an expository essay, it’s still easy too! Use our approach and forget about essay difficulties forever!

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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