Essay Sample on Corporate Culture in Companies

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Recently the new term “Corporate Culture” has evolved and come to the forefront of the minds of many management teams. The latter tend to use the term to discuss marketing, research, organizing, and progress for their respective companies. According to the dictionary, culture is “the act of developing intellectual and moral faculties, especially through education.”

When it comes to the field of business, companies further define culture as “the moral, social, and behavioral norms of an organization based on the beliefs, attitudes, and priorities of its members.” All companies are different in their beliefs, attitudes, and priorities. Besides, most organizations do not consciously plan to develop a certain culture. It develops unconsciously and is usually based upon the thoughts and ideas of the upper brass or founders of the company. Successful companies adopt strategies to strengthen their corporate culture in order to run effectively and efficiently. Hewlett Packard developed and implemented “the HP Way” program to inform employees and customers of their culture.

Does corporate culture matter? Definitely. Corporate culture plays a grand role in both niches. The first includes attracting skilled and competent candidates to your business team. The second niche focuses on convincing new qualified employees to stay in your company as long as possible. Without a doubt, we can’t find a person who hasn’t had that experience with the job that they hated. The main point is that when you’re put into a toxic corporate environment, every other day at work turns into a struggle. Once you find yourself in that kind of business ecosystem, it can be tough to deal with your workload as well. On the other hand, when the corporate culture is strong, people are engaged at their jobs, which means they are looking forward to seeing their colleagues, handling their tasks, and simply going to work. Their corporate responsibilities do not depress them. Instead, they are willing to do more for the success of the company they’re part of.

To add more, corporate culture also has an impact on productivity. Moreover, culture has not just a slight impact, but a huge influence on the overall happiness of the company personnel. In other words, the happier you are, the more productive you are going to be. That is something that business owners have to keep in mind. When corporate culture is solid and inspiring, employees will also be more likely to assist their colleagues whenever they need it.

How to start developing a strong corporate culture? Developing a stable and motivating corporate culture starts with the hiring of employees. Companies seek strong, hard-working, enthusiastic employees that believe in the company’s mission and will help the company succeed. Positive, intelligent, and dedicated employees can make the company progress as quickly as negative, unqualified, and lazy employees can falter an organization. With the proper work environment and some guidance from team-oriented management staff, the employees can start to form the company’s culture.

The staff’s demeanor and attitude are vital attributes to look at and monitor. They are essential attributes, which can tell customers volumes about this or that company. From the way an employee is dressed and how they act to the tidiness of the workplace – as a rule, any company is judged based on these facts. The visual aspect is a large part of the company’s culture, as well as its structure.

Behavior rules and boundaries have to be clearly communicated and understood by all in order to solidify a work-inspiring and positive culture. With most companies adopting a wide variety of staff from various cultures, backgrounds, and experiences, employees tend to misinterpret corporate rules or even forget them completely. Management experts have to communicate often with their staff to clear up any confusion. A well-informed and knowledgeable staff leads to a concrete corporate culture, remember that.

Having regular checks of your corporate culture is a must for the reason that they allow you to analyze how the customer can be served better. This gap can be filled possibly by remolding the attitudes of the staff or reshaping the selection criteria of new hires or management. Thinking about possible ways to boost your corporate culture and honest examination of the current company culture may help fill the gap or tear down the roadblock, which impedes progress. All of these ideas relate to how companies approach and deal with customers and the community.

Another factor also needs to be stressed, it is that corporate culture should be managed and enhanced from the top down. A lot of companies all over the globe believe that it is the task of management to build a solid culture. These are the experts, who are experienced and have a clear vision of how to build the company. That is why they know what is best for every employee at this or that organization.

Customers and the community make up the backbone of any company. Without customers or community support, any company would lose money and would have to shut down eventually. Only by making customers happy and developing a positive community image, a company can grow and prosper. The corporate culture of any business community projects its image every time a transaction is made, whether monetary, charitable or otherwise. As stated previously, image is everything, and everybody is looking at it when getting to know your business. A shiny image with an impeccable record with the community will sell products and keep customers and clients coming. Moral business practices, selective hiring, detailed training, and a clean appearance are the most important steps leading to success.

The recognition and importance of corporate culture are growing every day as the effect of several points. The more hands-on management style that many companies are adopting allows employees to make more decisions and act like owners. Many companies allow flexible work schedules and business-casual environments. In addition, the development of work teams and group activities with a wide cultural base highlights the significance of corporate culture. Organizations may need to change their corporate culture very quickly due to an ever-changing industry. It can be done with some careful planning, but some values and beliefs should be non-negotiable. These should be reflected in the company’s mission statement and must stand tall without any bending. Corporate culture is an idea that cannot be easily ignored or dismissed. The truth is that if the company is striving for financial success, a positive reputation, and good standing in the community, it needs to shift its focus to building a solid corporate culture.

One important note here is that it takes years to build a solid corporate culture in your company. The process is a serious undertaking that requires your efforts, time, professionalism, and commitment. After all, culture serves as a guide for your organization, having an impact on everything from the way you interact with your clients to the way you work and deal with your personnel. If you are just starting your business journey, you can lay a solid platform for the development of your company, so to say, from the down up. If you’re not new to the business world, it can be a hard task to change the way things go – but impossible is nothing.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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