Coursework Topics and Ideas You Won’t Resist

Topics and ideas
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College and university students are required to write different types of academic papers, and coursework is one of them. In order to write coursework, students usually have to conduct independent research on a particular topic presenting both its theoretical backgrounds and own scientific conclusions. The main difficulty in writing coursework lies in need to present an in-depth analysis of a topic that is relevant and needs investigation. Besides, any coursework should have scientific novelty and be based on credible and reliable data. The nature of coursework can be different depending on a particular scientific field or discipline. For example, coursework in Literature can be based on the literary analysis of a particular work or several works or personal interpretations of a certain literary style or period. In order to write coursework in Biology, one may need to conduct some experiments, run tests, and investigate the nature of certain organisms or other phenomena. For coursework in Mathematics, one can use data retrieved from accurate calculations and investigate different approaches to a particular mathematical problem or puzzle.

To write perfect coursework, a student should first choose an effective topic. This stage is one of the most important in writing coursework. A student should find a captivating topic that needs investigation and can be developed in an interesting and informative independent research. The topic should be relevant and not outdated. Besides, it should be not too general and at the same time not too narrow. Finally, the topic should correspond to one’s interests and background knowledge. While choosing a topic, a student should follow all the professor’s requirements. Also, it is helpful when a professor provides students with a list of suggested topics.

Topics and Ideas for Coursework

In case you have to choose a topic by yourself, here are some examples of the topics you can use for your coursework.

  1. The Impact of the Lost Generation on 20th Century Literature
    The Lost Generation was a group of artists who worked after World War II. Their talent was most vividly presented in literature and has significantly impacted the literary process of that time at large. If you choose this topic, you can research the way literary themes and motives prevailing in the works of the Lost Generation have enriched the literary tradition and have reinforced a shift in people’s values and attitudes. In particular, you can discuss literary pieces by Ernest Hemingway, Francis Scott Fitzgerald, Gertrude Stein, Erich Maria Remarque, and others.
  2. Persuasive Techniques in Advertising
    The research on this topic can include the analysis of different methods of persuasion applied in visual, textual, and audio advertisements. You can explore particular advertisements and make conclusions on purpose, for which advertising companies use certain features and methods. Also, you can approach persuasive techniques from the audience’s point of view by investigating how they impact a person’s mind.
  3. The Impact of Religion on Economic Growth
    The role of religion in society is a question that has long been discussed. In today’s globalized world, it is important to discuss the role religious beliefs play in countries’ economic growth and productivity. For this topic, you can use Max Weber’s “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism” and compare his assumptions with the existing situation that can be observed in the modern world. It will also be useful to base your research on statistical data covering the economic state of particular countries and regions about religions that are predominant there.
  4. The Architecture of the Aztec Empire
    The Aztec civilization is known to be highly developed in different spheres beginning from economy and religion and ending with social and political organization. The Aztecs are particularly famous for art and architecture. Because Aztec architecture is mainly presented by the remains that are still standing, it is especially important to investigate their nature and style. If you choose this topic, you can focus on particular aspects, such as architectural styles used by Aztecs, symbolism in Aztec architecture, engineering technologies, or the connection of architecture with the Aztec culture at large.
  5. The Benefits and Risks of Artificial Intelligence
    Artificial intelligence is one of the innovations of modern technologies, which is expected to become mainstream in a few years. Thus, it is important to evaluate its potential impact on different spheres of social life. For this topic, you may need to make an overview of the existing technologies and innovations containing elements of artificial intelligence and identify the main benefits and risks that are already visible from different points of view. Besides, you can evaluate the role of artificial intelligence as it will be based on reliable information about the main tendencies and perspectives of this particular field. For example, you may consider the benefits and risks that artificial intelligence will cause in science, education, economics, politics, and social interactions.
  6. Non-verbal Means of Communication
    The coursework in this topic can discuss different non-verbal means of communication. In particular, you can focus your research on the way how body language enhances expression in particular situations. Besides, you can analyze the way in which certain non-verbal techniques are perceived by other people based on their cultural beliefs and social norms.
  7. The Drawbacks of a Democratic Political System
    While traditionally democracy is viewed as an ideal political system, nowadays, more and more experts are drawing attention to its drawbacks. Reevaluation of democracy regarding the overall changes occurring in social organization, economics, and public opinion is of significant importance today. That is why this topic can be particularly effective and informative as it gives space for independent research and scientific hypotheses. At the same time, while identifying the key disadvantages of modern democracy, you should provide an in-depth analysis of the leading political scientists and other experts’ points of view.
  8. Implications of Alcohol on Violence and Crime
    In this topic, a student can show the interrelation between alcohol consumption and the increased likelihood of committing a crime or acting violently. The issue can be explored from the physiological perspective as well as from the psychological one. In particular, you can explain how alcohol affects a person’s brain and reactions as well as influences psychological stability and even reinforces the distortions of reality.
  9. The Importance of Following Ethics in a Psychological Research
    Psychological research is often based on experiments that involve numerous participants. Apparently, in order to keep the participants safe as well as to ensure the highest objectivity of the gained results, it is important to follow the basic principles of ethics during the research. In this topic, you can review cases, in which psychologists acted unethically, and describe the impact their actions had on both the participants and the study itself. Also, you should describe the most common situations, in which following the Ethics Code is essential, and identify the main obstacles and difficulties of psychological research from the ethical perspective.
  10. Gambling from the Psychological Perspective
    The whole industry of casinos, lotteries, and prediction markets are spreading all over the world, and many people become addicted to gambling. However, the fact is that some people simply enjoy gambling and sometimes take part in occasional events or games that are considered as gambling, while others become dependent on gambling and easily lose control over themselves. In this topic, you can discuss by what psychological mechanisms the gamblers’ behavior is preconditioned and what the typical traits and behavioral characteristics that they have in common are. You should concentrate on analyzing gambling as an addiction that is associated with psychological problems.
  11. The Effects of the World Wide Web and Digital Downloading on the Music Industry
    The use of the Internet and digital downloading has strongly impacted the music industry. In particular, it is mainly affected by the illegal downloading of music. In your coursework, you can explain the negative impacts of illegal downloading and discuss in what ways the music industry suffers from it. Besides, you can offer ways in which producers and musicians can eliminate their losses caused by this illegal practice.
  12. The Impact of Social Media on the Psychological State
    Nowadays, more and more people are being exposed to social media. That is why particular attention has been drawn to the impact of social media on people’s psychological state. If you choose this topic, you can develop a questionnaire and ask people about the effects social media usage has on their lives. Also, you can review the latest psychological studies on this topic and concentrate, for instance, on the way social media is connected to depression and anxiety. Another option is to evaluate both the advantages and disadvantages of social media and propose effective ways to eliminate potential risks.
  13. Effective Methods to Prevent High School Bullying
    High school bullying is an intense issue that has become particularly widespread in the United States; thus, this topic needs an immediate and comprehensive investigation. It is particularly important to understand why it happens and what children are at risk. This coursework can provide an overview of accurate examples of schools and organizations taking measures to stop bullying. On the basis of this overview, a student can propose other effective methods to prevent high school children from bullying.
  14. Cybersecurity and Cyberwar
    In the modern digital era, the notion of cybersecurity has become particularly relevant and significant. Nowadays, as more and more hacking crimes are happening all over the world, the Internet has made people and computers vulnerable to cyber attacks. That is why in this topic, a student should discuss the notions of cybersecurity and cyberwar, explain why hacking crimes happen, and propose ways to secure personal information from cyber attacks based on reliable information.
  15. Linguistic Features of Political Speeches
    Political speeches are usually designed in a way that makes people trust the speaker and follow him or her. The topic may consider the techniques and methods used on lexical and syntactical linguistic levels to create a certain image in people’s consciousness and convey important messages. For example, you can concentrate on how a particular politician uses stylistically marked words to make ordinary people believe that he is one of them or to create an image of himself as a successful and determined leader.
  16. Discrimination in Education
    The topic can cover information about different forms of discrimination and concentrate on how they impact education. Besides, you can conduct a study using a questionnaire and ask students at your college or university about their experiences involving discrimination in education. Also, the topic can be approached from a psychological perspective. In this case, you can focus on the effects discrimination has on a person’s psychological well-being as well as on the process of shaping outlooks, individual values, and attitudes.
  17. Effective Ways of Treating Sleep Disorders
    The topics in Health Care can be particularly difficult to cover as they may need to use experimental data, and this topic is not an exception. For your coursework, you can experiment and learn in practice what ways of treating sleep disorders are particularly effective. Besides, you can explore how the treatment of a sleep disorder depends on age, gender, temperament, and other individual characteristics.
  18. The Human Body Reaction to Prolonged Steroid Use
    The use of steroids is a topic that needs discussion because many people nowadays, especially sportsmen, use them irrationally. This topic implies that you should explore the effects that prolonged steroid use has on the human body. In particular, it is important to investigate what are the particular body reactions to prolonged use of steroids and how these reactions impact the overall physical well-being in the long-term perspective.
  19. The Difference Between Men and Women’s Use of Body Language
    This topic can focus on particular body language techniques that are typical for men and women. Also, you can explore how the use of body language of both men and women may differ depending on a communicative situation. Plus, it is vital to highlight the difference between the typical features of the use of body language of men and women.
  20. Animal Experimentation
    The coursework in this topic should reveal important data on how medicines and cosmetics are tested on animals. A student can briefly discuss the aspects of inhumane and unethical behavior, which lie beyond animal experimentation. Also, you can explore possible ways to decrease or forbid animal testing and change this method into a more humane one.


All things considered, coursework writing is an essential part of the studying process. Students can be required to write coursework in different disciplines. The nature of coursework strongly depends on a particular field of studies. The success in writing coursework lies in choosing a catchy topic that will be captivating and informative. The topic of your research should correspond to your interests and knowledge. This will definitely make coursework writing an easy and exciting process. Besides, while writing coursework, you have to follow the professor’s requirements concerning format, structure, and content of your coursework. You should cite all the used sources properly and avoid plagiarism. Even if some idea is paraphrased and taken from an outside source indirectly, it should be cited. Also, it is essential to follow the topic accurately and develop informative independent research on it. It means that you have to develop a coherent and consistent work that combines your theoretical knowledge and practical skills.


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