Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Powerful Economics Term Paper

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Term papers are usually written at the end of the semester to estimate students’ knowledge of the covered course. It is a type of academic writing where you have to produce a scientific report or disclose a certain topic. As for the term papers in the economics field, in addition to the tasks that are mentioned in the previous sentences, you also must demonstrate that you can:

  • answer a question applying an economic logic;
  • analyze the literature critically;
  • distinguish empirical problems.

You should appear as a student profound in economics who can make a statement, prove it, cite sources, etc. In this step-by-step economics term paper writing guide, we will show you how to hone the ability to complete those tasks and provide an A-grade economics term paper on time.

5 Types of Economics Term Papers You Can Choose from

Before sitting down to actual writing, it is crucial to know that there are 5 different types of economics term papers. They all have their own specific features and forms that you need to take into account before choosing the topic, making an outline and drafting. So, let’s have a look at each type in detail to determine what exactly you have to consider most.

  1. Theoretical term papers. They can be characterized by the use of mathematical models and graphs. Make sure your level allows you to take up the task because this kind of writing requires advanced knowledge in mathematics.
  2. Empirical term papers. Here you make a hypothesis and try to prove or contradict it with the help of available data. For this task, you are required to know some econometrics and statistics.
  3. Literature survey. If you choose this type for your term paper writing, prepare to spend a great deal of time reading. You’ll basically gather a set of books, articles, journals and other works relevant to the selected topic and highlight the main ideas as well as attempt to track the connection between the works.
  4. Case note. A term paper of this kind investigates a legal case using economics to analyze the outcome. In your writing, you first dwell upon the specifics of the case and, then, make use of the economic analysis to assess the decision of the court.
  5. Issue paper. There is usually a policy question that you have to analyze using economic methods of research.

It is essential to find out what kind of economics term paper you need to write or whether you have a chance to choose by yourself. You can resolve this issue only with your professor/academic supervisor, and we don’t recommend you starting any work without consulting them. Both American students and non-native speakers should clarify all details before they write essays, research papers, reports, or any other academic work. A quick write my term paper message sent to professional research paper writers can save you both time and your academic progress.

How to Decide on a Favorable Topic for Your Academic Term Paper: Hot Tips from Our Writers

choose the topic

If you haven’t been assigned with a topic for your economics term paper, it means that you will have to spend a great deal of time additionally to pick something beneficial. Of course, it’s not very good in terms of extra hours necessary to come up with ideas. However, if you look at it from another angle, you’ll understand that it will bring you more advantages in the long run. It will be your own choice, thus you will be more motivated to succeed.

Determine Your Type of Term Paper

As we’ve mentioned before, it’s essential to know what kind of economics term paper you need to write because something like case note will require a legal topic while literature review will require plenty of works to be researched.

Involve Your Curiosity

You should be interested in the issue you’re going to explore so that your long evenings wouldn’t turn into a torture. Be sure you are curious about the topic you present to your professor for approval.

Consult Your Supervisor

You should definitely involve a professor, lecturer or your advisor because they have much more competence in the issue. They will be able to tell whether the topic is outdated or modern, too narrow or too broad, etc. They might also hint you where to look for necessary materials or float several good ideas as well.

Use Your Department Database

Go to the Economics Department in your college and flick through the term papers that have been written before you by other students. Also check out the works created by the faculty members – if you choose something relevant, you will be praised for pursuing the same topic as, say, the professor from your department.

Check the Availability of Information

Before making your topic final, surf through the Internet and estimate how much material is available online or in libraries. If it appears that there is really little information, we wouldn’t advise you to decide on this particular issue because you can’t predict whether you’ll manage to produce enough of your own statements and arguments to fill in the term paper and satisfy the requirements of your supervisor.

Rely on these principles while making your choice. And we, in the meanwhile, will provide you with a list of 10 sample economics topics for a term paper. They may stimulate your idea generation and help to come up with a perfect title.

  • The Effects of Legal Gambling on the Economy of the State
  • Do We Really Need the Wall? The Consequences of Illegal Immigration for the US Economy
  • Death Penalty vs Life Imprisonment in Terms of Cost
  • The Volumes of Outsourcing Work from the USA to India, Pakistan and Philippines in 2015-2016
  • The Impact of Air Berlin Bankruptcy on Other Big Airlines
  • How Obesity Rates Are Connected with the Global Economy
  • How China’s Economic Decisions Influence the World Economy
  • The Economics of Olympic Games: Profit & Expenses
  • The Economic Advantages of the Climate Change
  • The Prospects of Alternative Energy Sources and Their Impact on the Role of the Middle East

Use these samples ideas to get inspired and productive.

The Most Essential Parts of the Economics Term Paper Structure

There are 4 main sections that each economics term paper should have. They are introduction, main body, conclusion and the references list. Basically, this is a skeleton of a simple academic essay, but the difference lies in the size and content that you put into each section. Here are the specifics of each part that are peculiar to economics term paper writing.


Unlike the usual essay where you need a hook to engage the reader, here you need to start your introduction with stating your topic and research question. Afterwards, you should explain the rationale behind your topic choice and provide solid reasons that prove its importance. The introduction must also include a brief overview of the paper structure (the line of your research – chapters and what’s in them).

Main Body

The main part of your economics research paper should be organized in the following way and include 3 main sections:

  1. Theoretical base: a brief account of literature, main scientists who explored and continue to research your topic. In this section you should present different approaches and opinions of other scholars, and specify the gaps present in their theories that you wish to study.
  2. Practical section: you apply your economics skills in practice. You must prove your thesis statement using the knowledge and different methods that you have learned during the course.
  3. Findings analysis: this is the part where you interpret the results of your research and consider their value for the field of studies. The findings can be presented as graphs, charts, tables or simple descriptions.


In the conclusion you may want to mention again your research question and aims. Then, you need to contemplate over your findings, and, most importantly, highlight your own contribution so that it wouldn’t be lost among the research results done by other scholars.


This is a crucial part where you prove that you haven’t plagiarized anything, but have given credit for all the statements appropriated into your paper, but originally created by someone else. Format your references list in accordance with the citation style you need to use and double check the punctuation. Students get caught on this one too often, so don’t ignore these small details.

Persuasive Reasons to Create an Outline before the Actual Writing

Planning is your formula for success in academic writing. Why? Because by creating a strategy you take into account all the requirements put by the professor and assignment itself, and, thus, make sure that you will meet them all. If this statement is not convincing enough for you, here are the reasons to outline the paper that will eventually persuade you.

  • No writer’s block lame excuses: you will know what to write at all times, so there won’t be such thing as a blank mind that you refer to when you wish to procrastinate.
  • Clear organization of chaotic ideas: while reading and getting to know more about your topic, you come up with dozens of ideas. And if you don’t organize them into a clear outline, but just spill them out on the paper, the outcome will not be satisfying.
  • Correct sequence of ideas: you won’t jump from one point to another without connecting them together because you will have a clear plan of what comes first and what comes next.
  • Full control of the process: you can see how much you have completed and how many chapters you have left. This way, you’ll be able to evaluate your time and necessary efforts adequately.
  • Anchor that helps to stay on the right track: you won’t go exploring ideas unrelated to your research because your plan doesn’t presuppose that.

Now let’s examine different outlining techniques that might become handy in the process of writing.

Traditional Outline

You follow the structure of an economics term paper by considering how many chapters there will be and drafting the titles for them. Each point should be accompanied with 3-4 short sentences to explain which content exactly must be included into this or that part.

Extended Outline

The first steps of this outlining technique are the same as in the previous type. But when you get to describing the content for every section, you don’t just include several sentences. You spell out each argument, source that must support it and your own thoughts on it.

This method is the most suitable one for long academic pieces like an economics term paper. But that doesn’t mean that you should definitely opt for it. There are other ways as well.

Mind Mapping


Draw a circle in the middle of the sheet and write down your main topic/question. Then sketch other circles around the main one and fill them in with related issues or researches. Now the main thing is that each of those circles will lead you to other relevant ideas that you can use to build up your economics research paper.

There are also online or desktop applications/tools that might make the process more interactive and exciting. Try them out as well.

Notecard Method

Find a suitable wall in your room and buy a pack of sticky notes. Write your chapter names and different points on separate cards and place them on the wall in the necessary order. The most significant benefits of this technique are that you can rearrange the structure of your paper without erasing, deleting and writing new lines. You just change the places of cards. And if you come up with new valuable ideas, you can easily add a new card with notes just where it belongs. See? Easy-peasy.

We hope that this information concerning the types of economics research papers, structure, outlining techniques and tips on how to select the topic will make your writing process easier. In fact, we are 100% sure that it will because you have all the important economics term paper writing tips stuffed in one place, so you don’t need to ramble through books and websites to find the relevant data.

So, get into the proper researching mood and away to the writing adventures!

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

Patric Johnson Head of Writing Center

Patric is a 4th year and Assistant Engineer who can juggle his studies and work. He’s also a dedicated parent and husband. Despite his busy schedule he never misses a Texas Longhorns baseball game.

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