Education Essay

Writing guide
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There are many rules that are used for education essay writing which should be followed in order to write a good education essay. The word essay literally means an attempt; and hence essay is the name given to the form of composition which is a short attempt on a given topic. Usually it gives writer’s own opinions on some topic, but also gives details of a narrative, a description of some subject. The Education essay is the most interesting exercise in English composition writing. It is supposed to provide the students the best means of expressing their thoughts on an educational topic and thus of acquiring a command over language.

No one can deny the importance of education essay. A good educational essay must be coherent and unified whole. The ideas in it should be stated briefly and clearly. It should display the charm of style and the language. The personal element should illuminate the whole. Suitable subject, good arrangement and effective language make a good education essay.

Subject matter: The student should have enough knowledge about the subject he/she is writing about. This can be gained by various ways such as by reading books, periodicals and newspapers, by observation of life and by conversing with well-informed friends at different places of meeting. A good writer of education essays should have read a lot of general books on all sorts of subjects related to education and others as well. A good writer of education essays should keep his/her eyes open and if possible, keep a note-book in which he/she note all sorts of things that excite interest in everyday life. A good writer of education essays must be a good talker and a good listener wherever he finds people engaged in conversation on topics of various interests.

After having read all that a student can possibly read about a subject, he/she should take the following steps:

  • Clear his/her ideas about the subject: This means that the student should take a definite point of view and decide which line of thought he has to keep.
  • Collect material: The student should make sure of what his/her point of view should include and then collect all possible material that lies within its context.
  • Select important points: The student should see that all materials collected by him/her, is not to be included. The student should select all that can give his/her point of view without repetition or inclusion of irrelevant details. Divergent selection leading to obscurity must be avoided.
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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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