English 101 for Your Future: Impossible is Nothing When You Ace Writing

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English 101 course is inevitable, and it is better to get the most out of it, then to try ignoring its value and procrastinating with writing tasks. Ability to write concise, interesting and adequate regarding the audience papers is priceless in the modern world, and English 101 is a great place to start.

Course Mission

English 101 aims to make student understand all basics related to writing in English: content, grammar, research, references and even making reviews and adopting texts to the specific audiences.

Curriculum Fundamentals

English 101 syllabus might vary from college to college, but the basics stay the same.

Reading and Researching

  • Books. There will be several literary works during the course, which you will be obligated to read and analyze. The selection of books is mostly based on the combination of classic and literature close to the major field of study. Thus, if your major is history, the book choice for the course will reflect it.
  • Online databases. Though the course covers writing, one of the basic principles of it is to teach students to express their thoughts based on the related materials. To write a strong and interesting paper and to give your story a solid basis, you will have to dig into the various online data storages.
  • Specialized sources. Newspapers, magazines, Facebook pages – anything related to your major field of study will come in handy. Some professors give even give a list of public figures, bloggers, groups and pages you have to subscribe to and follow. It will both give you new, up-to-date information and an insight on how successful people and projects express themselves.


It may be hard to believe, but making an analysis and putting the outcomes into writing is the valuable part of the English 101 curriculum. If you pay attention to the assessment rubric for this course, you will find out that it is almost impossible to score more than C without backing up your essay with an in-depth analysis of some data or your personal experience. English 101 teaches you not just to express thoughts and describe facts or events, but to make the most out of them and dig deep.


The last but not the least on this list is the writing itself. You will have to produce more than 20 pages of material as the result of the semester and it will take the following forms:

  • Reflective essays. The most famous task of the English 101 course. To score in it, don’t just describe your experience but show how it affected you.
  • In-class writing exercises. Pay extra attention to them, as the final test or final writing task is often based on the.
  • Blog entries. Even if you a techie, an ability to write simple, correct and engaging won’t harm your future, so don’t pull a lazy-bone with this task.
  • Peer reviews. You will have to learn how to assess your classmates’ writings. You will make comments on grammar, style, conclusions and outcomes, the strength of topics, etc. Stay positive and polite, be constructive and never forget to mention what you liked about the paper.

5 Rules for Dealing with English 101 Course without a Flinch

Even if you misstep some basic principles when writing one or two papers, it won’t be a big deal. But you should follow these rules to complete your English 101 course without getting into trouble.

1. Practice Makes Perfect

If you were not an avid reader in high school, now it is time to immerse yourself in reading some of the classical literature you have always shunned. Also, create English essay 101 outlines and proceed to draft English 101 sample essays based on your experience that mirror the tone of the books you have read. This practice will serve you well for the tasks ahead.

2. Immerse Yourself into English Culture

Attend college plays and programs developed by the creative art department. It is free and gives you an opportunity to make fun and useful connections, not only ace your perception of English classics.

3. Use Online Resources Intensely

The world is a global village and this means your professor, as well as other reputable educationists, have online materials that extensively cover English 101. Many of these materials include English 101 essay samples and English 101 essay topics which can serve as directions or guidelines for your work.

4. Avoid Plagiarism like the Plague

In literary circles, plagiarism is viewed as intellectual theft and should be avoided at all costs. This does not mean you shouldn’t be inspired by the essays or literary works of others. Therefore if you see a story that you like and would want your English 101 final exam essay to be as good as, note and follow the structure used and don’t forget about such fine touches as idioms, metaphors and robust data background.

5. Always Ask Questions

Generally, educators view students who ask questions as serious individuals who are dedicated to learning more about a subject matter. Well-crafted questions will endear you to your teacher. On the other hand, you can clarify any confusions you may have by simply lifting a finger.

Consider English 101 course as a course for which many people would pay significant sums of money nowadays, but they don’t go to college already or yet. People pay hundreds if not thousands of dollars for writing courses which might help them to develop their blogs, write books or just find a better job. Invest yourself, and spoon off cream onwards. Additionally, you can get professional help with writing an essay from English 101 experts at our website.

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