How to Write a Classification Essay

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By writing a classification essay, you categorize objects, concepts, and ideas in writing. When writing such an essay, you should focus primarily on the scheme, set, and classes. Together with them, the rules for writing academic articles integrate the information you choose and increase your ability to understand the chosen topic.

Your article will be persuasive when you diligently prepare your material by choosing a topic, classifying facts and ideas, and collecting evidence. After that, you are ready to proceed with the steps of writing this type of essay, which includes the steps of writing an introduction, creating a strong thesis and then main paragraphs, and then developing a final paragraph and correcting what has been written.

General Explanations for the Classification Essay

In classification essays, you write about the details of specific objects and ideas. In order to correctly present this information, it is necessary to follow the standards and rules for writing academic texts. This will provide a unique flow of information and help your readers understand your work.

The previous steps in writing a classification essay are the process of collecting information and evidence. The overall result of the work is improved due to the high level of uniqueness and originality. After writing the work according to the standard structure: introduction, main paragraphs, and conclusion, editing is required that improves the quality of the whole work. You can always ask your colleagues or family members for help in identifying common mistakes that reduce the overall quality. Moreover, the authors of the classification essays must present good results in the description of the topic, provide illustrative examples and make the correct sentence structure.

Classification Essay Definition

In the process of writing a classification essay, you distribute objects that have common features among themselves into separate groups. A well-written article will include all possible categories that apply to the selected item. In order to do this competently, the authors of the text refer to the correct academic format. You can also improve the quality of your work with interesting ways to classify your ideas and objects. Experts in their field may include several criteria in their article.


Readers expect a classification essay to provide a detailed description and explanation of the objects of the text or your ideas. Each criteria method must provide representative information about each class. At the same time, several categories will be groups standing one after another, supported by evidence. The correct presentation of the text makes the essay relevant and informative.

Each classification essay must include 3 characteristics: classes, scheme, and setting. Thanks to them the essay gets a good informative one afterward.


The set you apply to the class you describe must have unique characteristics. By knowing how to write a classification essay, you will understand how to distinguish grouping from non-immediate objects. For example, a set of living organisms and their difference from inanimate beings.


On the principle of the scheme, you will select categories, standards, quality, and goals. The systems you choose will be based on how significant the indicators are, how important and applicable in a given case, and how valuable they are for the particular set of objects under consideration.


A class consists of a description, identification of features, and differences between objects. To make your text convincing, you should add representative examples. Include also discussions of categories, and their values, and add comparisons and comparisons. Authors are required to use descriptions, definitions, examples, narratives, and assessment methods.

How to Start a Classification Essay

When you have a general idea of how your essay will be structured, it’s time to start creating an outline of the classified essay text. This particular type of essay requires more effort to draft than others – you need a clear plan of action. There is some basic planning that you need to go through in order for your class essay to be consistent. Check out some important planning steps you should consider if you struggle with your “write an essay for me” request.

In addition to the general guidelines and rules, you can see what experts advise when writing a classification essay:

How to Write a Classification Essay in Public Administration


If you haven’t been given a topic, it’s worth generating a couple of potential ideas first. It is worth choosing such a set of people, objects, or things that can be divided into logical groups. It should be something that belongs to a certain category so that the objects can be compared, but also they should not be too heterogeneous. Ideally, you should have three to five categories, depending on what task you were given. This amount is enough to allow you to delve into the topic of your assignment, and not so much that you do not have the opportunity to compare.


Select Categories

After choosing a topic, the choice of categories which will go to a separate division follows. Some topics can be viewed from several angles, so you should decide from what point of view you will approach the disclosure of the main part. For example, if you are talking about a group of people, then you can classify them by age, job, hobby, eye color, and so on. Each of these categories should have a single classification basis.

Get Things in Order

The categories you are going to discuss should have a specific order. It’s a good idea to leave checkboxes on the discussion points in each category. This will help you highlight the similarities with which you will write connecting sentences and transitions to make your essay flow. Go back from time to time to paragraphs that have already been discussed that you make comparisons. Therefore, the right decision is to build your categories so that it is convenient to use this approach. Typically, authors in their essays move from most important to least important, or vice versa.

Develop the Thesis

The thesis is the introductory part of your essay and part of the introductory paragraph. The advantage will be the early development of the thesis, which will keep your essay in the right direction. The best place to start is by dividing your chosen classes. You can list the different categories, and you can also explain which properties you use. Your essay can also explain the purpose of the classification you are doing for these items or ideas. Perhaps you are going to compare the groups with each other and show which one is better. You can start with a general statement and as you build your essay, you will add more precision.

To inspire you to write your classification essay and find the most interesting topic, then look at the work of other writers and analyze them:
20 Classification Essay Topics on Globalization
10 Classification Essay Topics on Agricultural Economics
10 Classification Essay Topics on Marketing Communications

After you have gone through the first stages, then you have the base to write a good classification essay. Of course, you should not expect that you will be able to make the perfect text in one go – you will have to write several drafts, because your thoughts may change in the process of writing.

How to Write a Classification Essay

The distinguishing feature of the classification essay is that it contains more research. Before you start writing a text, you need to collect a large amount of information so that you can divide it into categories. Students are often given a task on this topic, but many have these problems. Their source is the fact that teachers do not explain well what’s what, and you will most likely have to do a preliminary mini-research to find out the rules for writing such essays. From the standard stages for writing a classification essay:

1. Forming your idea begins the moment you realize your professor didn’t give you a topic. You are free to choose any topic that seems interesting to you and turn it into a classification essay with your own efforts. The main task will be to study everything about the selected object and examine it from all sides in order to have an idea of which category it belongs to. Ask yourself a few questions: What categories to choose for classification? Did you find enough information to support your arguments? If you have chosen a topic that you like, then you will get inspiration to create really high-quality text.

Note! Make sure that your text contains all the categories that you wanted to describe and their definition. Make a list of these categories and discuss each one.

2. The thesis is the backbone of your essay, which supports it throughout the text. Instead of just textbook categorization, the thesis will make your text-focused. In this type of essay, your thesis should show readers what approach you will use for your research. This sets expectations for the reader that your text must live up to at all times.

Pro tip

You need to allocate a specific time for any text, so it is a good idea to set deadlines initially. Calculate how much time you have to write and edit an essay and how much to collect information. Do this so that you do not have a problem with a burning deadline later. If you start early and break tasks into small steps, then you may well succeed.

3. When you know the deadlines, it will be easier for you to make a plan for yourself. Plus, your research at the beginning of writing the text gave you an idea of what the text will be about. As mentioned earlier, the layout of a classification essay is the same as that of any other work. In all main chapters, add examples and supporting ideas that will serve as an explanation for the classifications. The thesis will be at the end of the introduction before the main part.

4. As you write your essay, you will likely find that in the first study you did not provide all the information you need to fully explain all the categories. If you started writing an essay in advance, then most likely you have enough time to do a couple more studies. This will be a more difficult task since you have already determined what categories you will have and added them to the scheme. For each of the categories, you need to find as much information as possible. Try to include as many citations as possible because they will raise the credibility of your essay. You need to look for those information materials that will be clear and informative at the same time for your readers. Select all the common characteristics of the categories described and think about how you will discuss them. Looking through all the categories together you will find similarities and differences between them. In this type of writing, you can use comparison and contrast methods, so you can safely add them to the text.

Don’t be afraid to add new ideas and fresh information to your text as you discover it in the writing process. Do not forget that you need to be careful about the resources you link to so as not to lose them. You may need to go back and review them.

Once you have a draft full of ideas, sketches, evidence, and a plan in front of you, then writing an essay will be much easier than you think. Everything you need is already in your hands. It remains only to connect everything together logically and understandably for readers.
Katherine Bernard


As with other types of essays, it is often difficult for authors to take the first steps and write an introduction. Your task in the introduction is to identify your topic so that later you can move on to the category. You must show your readers the concept of classification. It is also a space so that you can hook readers by getting them interested in some informative details. In the end, you will add a thesis sentence that will summarize the introduction and make the transition to the main part.

Body Paragraphs

Depending on how many categories you have, so many main paragraphs you will need. The classification essay does not have to be 5 paragraphs long. Your main body will be formatted according to the number of categories you have selected. Be careful with the number of them, because the more there are, the more blurry your text can be. You should be specific and start each paragraph with a topic sentence to delineate each specific category. After that, you will lay out all the basic information on the topic to show readers all the features.

Note! It is very important for readers that you provide illustrative examples. You should look for those that offer a standard representation of the class. Give each category an equal number of examples.

The paragraphs should be logically related to each other. Arrange them so that one of them leads to the other. You can start with more general information materials, and then move on to more specific facts. You can do it in reverse order, but the main thing is that a logical sequence is preserved between them.

Proofreading and Writing a Draft

After you’ve written your first draft, review it for potential flaws. Often, skipping this stage, the authors of the texts receive unsatisfactory grades, because there are many spelling and grammatical errors. You can take several approaches to take a closer look at your work:

  • View your work with a broad eye – read the entire work to determine if all the parts are connected logically. Complete any missing information;
  • Elimination of long paragraphs – after their editing, the text becomes more readable;
  • Separation of long sentences – without them, the text becomes clearer and more logical;
  • Vocabulary Filtering – Eliminate difficult and abstruse words, because this will increase the overall quality of your essay;
  • Proofreading – check the entire text several times for any errors;

In the first draft of the essay, it is necessary to eliminate the main number of errors. In this way, the finishing work will meet the standards, and it will be easier for you to achieve this.


In the end, you combine all the points into one clear conclusion. All the materials that you used in your article, methods, categories, and so on, will mention in the conclusion of your essay. If you can make it short, then add a comment to each of the points.

And of course, in the end, you need to do a final check. Despite the fact that this is the easiest stage of all the previous ones, you will be surprised how many people skip it. Everything, of course, begins with a draft. Revision in the initial stages will make it easier in the end, but will not replace it. You can give your text to your friends or relatives so that they evaluate your logical flow and give you hints on what could be added.

Evaluate the size of the paragraphs and the number of difficult words and phrases – it is better to get rid of them or reduce the amount of information in the paragraphs if the text seems long and too diluted. Subtract each sentence for grammatical errors, so as not to end up with raw work.


In order to make your classification essay easy to read, you should include phrases and transitions in the text that are usually used for the smooth flow of information. Among them you can use:

  • Several types…;
  • These concepts can be divided into…;
  • Classified by…;
  • In this category…;

Thanks to these phrases, your readers can follow your intentions to separate and sort things. This is the same way you bring things together in your essay. The principles of creating a classification essay require you to learn abstract concepts, put concrete meaning to them, and get something new at the end. This is a difficult task, but it is quite possible if you do not skip the brainstorming step. The main point of view of the classification essay is to identify and communicate something significant to readers.

An Effective Way to Write a Classification Essay

Be careful in defining categories, do not miss the most important critical. For example, if you give the example that people in California are scuba diving and sailing, but don’t mention surfing, then your essay will seem incomplete to your readers because everyone knows that surfing is one of the most popular sports in California. But as you remember, your essay should not be over-saturated with categories, because your readers will simply get lost in what exactly you want to tell them about.

Classify according to the same principle when you have chosen what will be in your text. The principle of distribution is that you sort groups of categories. In doing so, it is important for you to make sure that one principle does not appear unexpectedly.

Attach a sufficient number of examples to all categories and do it evenly. This means that you need to write the same number of examples for each category. But note that the critical category may require more work and more detail.

Bottom Line

This type of essay is not really popular because most authors prefer to use the type of writing they are already used to. Usually, you will come across tasks about reflective, narrative, argumentative, and creative topics. Based on this, it may seem to you that this type of letter is very confusing, but it is not.

The main line in a classification essay is to organize your thoughts or other objects into categories, where all events or sentences related to the same direction will be assigned to one category. This type of writing is worth using when you are providing educational and informative samples of relevant topics that can be used for one type of essay.

What is the importance of writing a really good classification essay? It’s that you have to convey a really good message to the readers who will be analyzing your paper. Another reason is that you will benefit yourself – if this is the main factor that will determine your final grade, then you should make every possible effort.


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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

Patric Johnson Head of Writing Center

Patric is a 4th year and Assistant Engineer who can juggle his studies and work. He’s also a dedicated parent and husband. Despite his busy schedule he never misses a Texas Longhorns baseball game.

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