English Essay Sample on America: What America Means to Me

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When asked what America means to me, I think about the positive aspects of this great nation. The thing that makes America distinct from all other countries is the rights that an American citizen has in America. American citizens probably have more rights than the citizens from any other country in the world . The most important right an American citizen has is freedom, a freedom that a citizen from no other country on the globe has. The second and probably the most important thought that comes to my head when I think about America is how America is definitely the greatest country of our time. Another positive aspect of this great country is how beautiful it is, and how well preserved it is. Although these three things are wonderful things for a nation to be proud of, the people of America have to keep these things up or our great nation will disintegrate.

Keeping America’s values and ideals requires effort and intention from every single one of us. It’s not enough to just enjoy the rights and freedoms; we have to work to preserve them. Same with the natural beauty of the country. From national parks to urban green spaces, we have to keep protecting these treasures so they remain a source of pride and inspiration for the next generation. When we try to uphold these principles, we sometimes need help or guidance to articulate our thoughts. Whether for academic or personal use, a professional research paper writing service can provide the expertise to express our ideas clearly and concisely.

These services are a big help in writing well-organized and well-researched essays that require the level of thoughtfulness to talk about complex topics like America’s influence and identity. By working with professionals, we can focus on honing our ideas while making sure our work is top-notch. This benefits not only academic use but also helps us appreciate more the themes that make America unique.

What I mean when I say that the people of America are free I mean that there is a very detailed bill of rights in our constitution listing all of our rights and it is by far the largest list of rights any country has. Americans have freedom of speech, which lets anyone say anything as long as long as it does not offend anyone. Americans also have freedom of the press, which allows journalists to write whatever they want in newspapers. One of the most important rights that American citizens have, and has been the factor that has attracted most of America’s immigrants over the ages, is separation between church and state. This means that people in America can chose which religion to believe in, or to just not believe in any religion. Additionally Americans can choose what level of affiliation they want to observe of any particular religion. This point in the constitution is especially important to me because I am Jewish and many of the countries in the world would not let me follow in the path of my religion. Overall, I think the rights that we have in America is the best thing about this fabulous country.

The second thing that I think about when I am asked what America means to me is how America is the almost like the supreme ruler of the world. Among other things, America is the leader in economy, technology, and defense in the world. As well, America’s people have the best status of living in the entire world and should be an example to all growing countries. America also has one of the most advanced cultures in the world and it is being developed. An example of how America is the supreme ruler is when in the peace talks in Israel, both sides are asking America to be the peacemaker. Why ask America and not any country? Because America is the only country that really has the power to make peace there. I think the only reason why they asked Arab states to be allied with us is because of diplomatic reasons, but not any military reasons, because we probably have the best army in the world. However, we must work hard to stay at the top of all these things mentioned above.

The third and sort of afterthought that I think about when I am asked what America means to me is “America the beautiful”. The reason why they made up this song is that it is true; America is beautiful and very beautiful at that. You probably only have to drive less than an hour from most major cities in order to arrive at a very well preserved, beautiful national park. Of course, these national parks are the only way to remember how America was before colonists settled here; it was calm and peaceful. Although we Americans have made man-made parks inside our cities for our own pleasure, we must face the facts. It is not the real thing. We have the real thing though and the only thing we must do is protect and preserve it.

So, is that really what America means to me? Yes, I think so, yes very much so. All these things are true and I would really like to keep these things true by maintaining all of them. We must especially keep on working at being the best, because I am sure most Americans like being the best, and would hate to not be. In addition, although we might not think the other two things mentioned above are important, they are, and they are probably a key part of most of our lives today. The main point I am trying to make is that all these things are excellent, but they must still be preserved and improved. Whenever you’re assigned to write an essay about America, ensure to look for expert help from a trustworthy essay writing service to meet the toughest deadline.

To keep what makes America America we need to keep investing in education and responsibility among its citizens. Preserving freedoms, leading globally and protecting natural beauty requires everyone’s effort. Whether through advocacy, innovation or just being an active and informed citizen, every bit counts. For students, doing academic work that explores these themes can also deepen their understanding and appreciation of the country’s values.

When writing essays or assignments on these topics can feel overwhelming. In those moments seeking help is smart. Students turn to professional services to manage their workload. If you want to get to the heart of America in your coursework or explore related themes you can buy a custom term paper and get a well researched and well written piece that meets all academic requirements. This not only saves time but is also a learning tool for students to hone their own writing and critical thinking skills.

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