Definition Essay Sample on Stress: What Is It?

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Sample essay on Stress:

The word stress has many possible meanings. The meaning of the word depends on whom you’re talking to. The most common definition of stress is best described in the Cambridge Dictionary, which gives several general definitions. The first being, a great worry caused by a difficult situation, an example of this would be choosing between two great jobs. A second definition is worried or anxious such as, waiting to find out if you’re pregnant. Another definition is to give emphasis or special importance to something, such as putting emphasis on a word in a sentence to make it mean something different rather than putting no emphasis on it at all. A final definition is a force that acts in a way which tends to change the shape of an object, an example being a stress fracture where a bone changes its shape by getting a hair line split in it causing pain to an individual.

There are also many other definitions for stress. The word stress is used in a variety of different fields. In the Dorland’s Medical Dictionary, stress is defined as the pressure of the upper teeth against the lower teeth in mastication. In the Dictionary of Computing, stress is an acronym for Structural Engineering System Solver, which is used by computer programmers. Another definition found in Geology dictionary defines stress as being a force applied to a material that tends to change dimensions. Finally stress is also used in the field of art. In a dictionary of Art stress is defined as the important significance or emphasis placed on something. An example of this would be in a drawing of a person the artist might want to give emphasis or stress that person’s eyes.

I would say the Cambridge Dictionary give the best definition of worried or anxious, this would be my favorite definition. I believe that this particular definition is the most common because it is how most people use the word stress.

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